Southampton vs Bournemouth League Matches

Southampton and Bournemouth have always had a close relationship in chess, and for a long time there was an annual chess match. This continued into at least the 1980’s but has more recently been replaced with a Bournemouth v Poole match.

Photo above of the late Les Allen who played for Southampton in some of these matches.

A post about the 1966/67 match has also been added to the Dorset Chess website.

Update: Aug 2024. The 1959/60 match has been added.

Southampton vs Bournemouth Chess Matches

These matches are detailed in the Hampshire Bulletins. For some of the matches I only have the date the match was played, or the result. If I can find any of the other matches played, or anyone supplies additional information I will update the post accordingly.

At this time Bournemouth was part of Hampshire and therefore a number of the players from both teams would have played for the Hampshire County team, or in the Hampshire Chess League.

YearDateLocationTeamSCL ScoreBCL ScoreOpponent
1951/52Southampton Lg1416Bournemouth Lg
1952/53Southampton Lg13.512.5Bournemouth Lg
1953/54Southampton Lg1821Bournemouth Lg
1954/55Southampton Lg23.518.5Bournemouth Lg
1955/56Southampton LgWLBournemouth Lg
1956/5706/04/1957SouthamptonSouthampton Lg219Bournemouth Lg
1959/60May 1960Southampton Lg2723Bournemouth Lg
1960/61May 1961Southampton Lg3020Bournemouth Lg
1962/6311/05/1963SouthamptonSouthampton LgBournemouth Lg
1964/6508/05/1965SouthamptonSouthampton Lg21.527.5Bournemouth Lg
1965/6607/05/1966SouthamptonSouthampton Lg2030Bournemouth Lg
1966/671967Southampton Lg2327Bournemouth Lg
1967/6804/07/1968Southampton Lg2228Bournemouth Lg
1968/691969SouthamptonSouthampton Lg2624Bournemouth Lg

There were a few typos in the Bulletin, some of the Southampton ones I noticed and Martin Simons advised on the Bournemouth errors. There will likely be others and if you spot any please do let me know.

These matches, like the Hampshire vs Dorset friendly county matches at this time were there to give all players an opportunity to play, rather than bringing your strongest teams. That said, I am sure they were competitive and even persuading 50 players from each area to play was an achievement in itself.

How many players do you recognise from the teams? Two that stood out for me were Chris MCSheehy and Gillian Moore who both played for Hampshire in the Chiltern League and WECU Online Matches in the 2022/2023 season.

Southampton vs Bournemouth 1960

Located in the Portsmouth News Southampton came out on top in this fixture. Only the first 10 results were detailed in this 50 board match.

1959 1960 Source - Portsmouth Evening News 20 May 1960
1959 1960 Source – Portsmouth Evening News 20 May 1960

1Marshall Thompson1EW Chandler0
2Michael Ventham1Dr P Merrett0
3RC Mitchell½RT Kimber½
4HL Parsons½MK Roth½
5AC Barton½A White½
6Peter L Marshall1SJ Leigh0
7DA Rawden½DD Marples½
8GL Pritchard1LJ Mills0
9T Guipek1JE Crewe0
10MW Stone0DE Papworth1

Southampton vs Bournemouth 1965

A comfortable win for Bournemouth, but I noticed a trend from these mid to late 1960’s matches that Southampton normally scored heavily on the top boards, but Bournemouth had more strength is depth. I certainly don’t recognise a lot of the lower board Southampton players.

It was also great to see a number of female players included in both teams, four for Southampton and two for Bournemouth. Not record breaking numbers, but better than is often seen.

SCL vs BCL 1964 - 65 Hampshire Chess Bulletin
SCL vs BCL 1964 – 65

1Mike V Lambshire1EW Chandler0
2PM Collins1Dr P Merrett0
3Len C Walters1RT Kimber0
4AC Barton1MK Roth0
5P John Patience0A White1
6Peter L Marshall½SJ Leigh½
7RJM Compton1DD Marples0
8GL Pritchard0LJ Mills1
9JG Shepherd0JE Crewe1
10Sq-Ldr L Vine1DE Papworth0
11K RobinsonaMER Minvallaa
12JEC Hobbs½GH Bennett½
13CJ McSheehy0MA Cartwright1
14BS Reed0JEA Butchart1
15HL Parsons1A Cornwell0
16Leslie C Allen0HHW Pitcher1
17KJ Evans1FS Elsey0
18D Blunden½EA Taylor½
19JM Popiel½J Graham½
20Gillian A Moore0HN Dulson1
21R Derricott½BE Davis½
22HA Carre0S Errington1
23EW Engert1EW Seagrostt0
24M Stuchbury½SHC Lucas½
25FO Dyer½HEJ Stay½
26AC Stow1WG Poulton0
27CJG Payne0PT Errington1
28DRH Jones0RAG Marples1
29TH Mumford0CB Orton1
30MF Dyer½CL Dande½
31JRA Smith1DJ Gooch0
32WJ Webb½A Hope½
33FD Balchin0AA Harding1
34M Ebert0CJ Ridyard1
35A Cooke1R Errington0
36G Baverstock0M Pryce1
37N Purkis1GW Atkins0
38C Taylor½PJ Cherrett½
39F Pragnell½PA Bytheway½
40GF Jeffcott0ATM Carter1
41J Warner½H Nelson½
42MG Askell0JF Aylen1
43Miss C Bauchop1RA Sheppard0
44I Leegorbura½LG Machon½
45B Josephy0Miss N Tozer1
46Miss T Sinclair0JE Harris1
47D Kwan0Mrs CI Guppy1
48Miss L Crook0GP Hemming1
49MH Wilson0AM Pitcher1
50A Wallis1HC Real0

Southampton vs Bournemouth 1966

Bournemouth won the match by a clear 10 points. Only the top 20 boards were detailed in the Hampshire Bulletin and Southampton came out of top 10½ – 9½, but obviously were hammered on the other 30 boards!

SCL vs BCL 1965 - 66 Hampshire Chess Bulletin
SCL vs BCL 1965 – 66
1Mike V Lambshire2041Dr P Merrett1740
2P John Patience1771A Pike0
3R Collins1761R Mann0
4Len C Walters1761E Chandler1840
5SL Russell151½J Crewe164½
6Sq-Ldr L Vine159½D Bevis198½
7AC Barton1691TF Johns0
8Peter L Marshall1690RT Kimber1
9CJ McSheehy1651D Marples1560
10Geoffrey Daw1620M Roth1541
11D Smith½SJ Leigh½
12Leslie C Allen1410D Batworth1
13J Shephard1JEA Butchart0
14L Pretty1D Block0
15H Derricott½JF O’Connor½
16HL Parsons½A Cornwall½
17DR Parsons0G Bennett1501
18RJ Evans0J Graham1
19D Blake0H Pitcher1
20J Fielder0DJ Gough1
21 – 5020

Southampton vs Bournemouth 1967

Bournemouth continued their winning streak, although the match was much closer than the previous year. This was covered in another article on the website.

SCL vs BCL 1966 - 67 Hampshire Chess Bulletin
SCL vs BCL 1966 – 67
1Len C Walters½RHK Mann½
2John R Wilkinson½EW Chandler½
3Peter L Marshall0Dr P Merrett1
4RJM Compton1DK Bevis0
5DH Smith1MJ Roth0
6JG Shepherd0MER Minvalla1
7AC Barton0R Altyzerr1
8Sq-Ldr L Vine1TF Johns0
9GL Pritchard0Gerald H Bennett1
10RW Hedge½MA Cartwright½
11SL Russell½J Graham½
12RL Parsons½A Cornwall½
13RJ Smith½HN Dulson½
14RE Randall½DP Lock½
15LA Pretty0D Papworth1
16HG Dell1D Marples0
17J De Garis0PD Hibbs1
18JA Felder½SJ Leith½
19EW Engert0WG Poulton1
20JM Popiel0MJ Pryce1
21AW Cooke0A Bernegger1
22B Robinson0B Stuart1
23N Collins0NA Symes1
24D Paradine1JE Butchart0
25JL Welch½S Errington½
26D Blake1PT Errington0
27D Gooch1H Stay0
28CJ Bratcher0G Fordham1
29D Friend½EW Seagroat½
30M Johnson1RAG Marples0
31W Tanser0W Bigwood1
32J Bennett0DV Kinsey1
33JF Warner½B Davis½
34D Love0A Taylor1
35D Doidge1P Bytheway0
36FW Pragnell1CJ Ridyard0
37HG Burkett½Mrs C Guppy½
38JD Carroll1AE MvGowan0
39F Grumby1G Knott0
40K Day0CB Orton1
41Bob A Cleave½GW Kilmister½
42J Ozanne0D Deller1
43R Evans1Miss S Grims0
44I Carnaby½P Maddocks½
45G Earwood1A Carter0
46C O’Toole0R Valentine1
47RG Taylor1P Colmer0
48MJ Fithvan0D Cannings1
49M Myers0R Lee1
50C Cahill1A Hope0

Southampton vs Bournemouth 1968

Bournemouth had a very strong team as reported by George Kilminster and were comfortable 28 – 22 winners.

SCL vs BCL 1967 - 68 Hampshire Chess Bulletin
SCL vs BCL 1967 – 68
1PF Habershon1800RHK Mann1
2Marshall Thompson197½Dr P Merrett½
3AC Barton169½DK Bevis175½
4Len C Walters1771EW Chandler1730
5Sq-Ldr L Vine163½A Pike½
6DW Lewis159½DP Lock½
7M Bramer1600JE Crewe1631
8JG Shepherd1571PJ Fowler0
9RJM Compton½MA Cartwright½
10Peter L Marshall1540DE Papworth1
11MW Stone1480GH Bennett1601
12SL Russell140½MJ Pryce½
13J Popiel½A Cornwell½
14R Patel½JE O’Connor½
15MW Johnson1130MER Minvalla1
16JD Carroll137½MJ Roth½
17GL Pritchard1501DD Marples0
18R Hayman½D Cannings½
19NR Collins0JP Knee1
20HL Parsons1471S Errington0
21D Gooch1WG Poulton0
22G Burgess0JR Bassett1
23DN Harris0JC Fish1
24Mrs Roper1311SJ Leigh0
25JL Welsh0HN Dulson1
26WA Cooke1350N Line1
27C Denton½DF Burt½
28GS Mead1PD Hibbs0
29K Bateman0G Knott1
30PJ Phillips0P Normington1
31RJ Evans0P Colmer1
32C O’Toole1B Davis0
33D Vinell0DB Hibbert1
34P Broughton0PV Tongeran1
35RA Roe0LR Cox1
36Cdr P Willcock0D Watson1
37P Belchin0CB Orton1
38T Pickford½D Deller½
39K Robinson1B Randell0
40G Baverstock1SW Seyer0
41PDF Jones1R Haydon0
42D Friend1PR Maddocks0
43D Walters0AE McGowan1
44D Burbage1RAG Marples0
45T Coombe0JM Davies1
46K Mosley1A Hope0
47A Peckham0R Valentine1
48JA Hunt1J Aylen0
49N Fithyan1C Anderson0
50BW Josephy0AR Mills1

Southampton vs Bournemouth 1969

Finally a Southampton win, although only just (26 – 24). The Southampton team had a number of strong players and scoring 9½ points on the top 13 boards was key to winning the match, as Bournemouth were dominant on the lower boards.

SCL vs BCL 1968 - 69 Hampshire Chess Bulletin
SCL vs BCL 1968 – 69
1AM Edmonds0GH Bennett1841
2Marshall Thompson188½DK Bevis½
3PF Habershon1851Dr P Merrett0
4AC Barton181½N Line½
5Len C Walters191½MJ Pryce½
6DA Rawden½A Pike½
7P Broughton1EW Chandler1690
8HD Varsdersjan1SJ Leigh0
9RJM Compton1D Papworth0
10ML Newbury169½DP Lock½
11Peter L Marshall1561MER Minvalla0
12Sq-Ldr L Vine1651WG Poulton0
13JR Vickery1DD Marples0
14MW Johnson1500RM Ellison1
15M Fountain1MJ Roth0
16BFO Sullivan½CR Richards½
17DE Bowyer½PA Ursell½
18GL Pritchard1501A Cornwell0
19JP Ozanne½PT Errington½
20RC Hayman146½S Sayer½
21D Pedder0HN Dulson1
22DA MacKenzie1R Valentine0
23JRA Smith1EA McGowan0
24NRA Collins0MA Cartwright1
25CDN Denton½JF O’Connor½
26HA Carre0J Bassett1
27JL Welsh½D Watson½
28B Robinson0DB Hibbert1
29A Burkmann0N Barnett1
30PDF Jones1JM Davies0
32G Burgess1P O’Rielly0
33AJ Dean1D Cannings0
34N Fithyan1BE Davis0
35PJ Scott½J Harvey½
36AD Harris½C Dando½
37LA Pretty½GW Kilmister½
38EW Engert0R Cox1
39H Sriharren½P Colmer½
40H Atkinson1B Olding0
41JA Hunt0CB Orton1
42AW Cooke1EA Taylor0
43PA Roe0D Prior1
44K Robinson0M Shoesmith1
45WA Wheeler0R Doorey1
46C Collinge½D Hewson½
47AF Pepper½P White½
48MJ Pesgram0Mrs C Guppy1
49SF Thatcher0AR Mills1
50R Gentileo0S Ferris1

Player Performance

If I obtain further results this will change, but for now based on the results I have the Southampton Players performance is below. Sq-Ldr L Vine and Len Walters stand out with their four points from five games. But do use the search function, or the sort to find players e.g. Parsons will bring the three members of what I presume is the same family, although probably only the Hampshire Match Captain HL Parsons was a strong players?

Hants PlayerWin PercentageSCL Player PointsSCL Games Played
Sq-Ldr L Vine80.0%45
Len C Walters80.0%45
AC Barton60.0%35
Peter L Marshall30.0%1.55
RJM Compton87.5%3.54
JG Shepherd50.0%24
GL Pritchard50.0%24
AW Cooke50.0%24
HL Parsons83.3%2.53
N Fithyan66.7%23
LA Pretty50.0%1.53
SL Russell50.0%1.53
EW Engert33.3%13
RJ Evans33.3%13
JM Popiel33.3%13
JL Welsh33.3%13
K Robinson50.0%13
MW Johnson33.3%13
PDF Jones100.0%22
Mike V Lambshire100.0%22
D Gooch100.0%22
JRA Smith100.0%22
JD Carroll75.0%1.52
FW Pragnell75.0%1.52
D Friend75.0%1.52
Chris J McSheehy50.0%12
C O’Toole50.0%12
Marshall WJ Thompson50.0%12
G Burgess50.0%12
P John Patience50.0%12
D Blake50.0%12
RC Hayman50.0%12
PF Habershon50.0%12
JF Warner50.0%12
P Broughton50.0%12
JA Hunt50.0%12
G Baverstock50.0%12
CDN Denton50.0%12
JP Ozanne25.0%0.52
PA Roe0.0%02
Leslie C Allen0.0%02
B Robinson0.0%02
HA Carre0.0%02
NRA Collins0.0%02
GS Mead100.0%11
HG Dell100.0%11
PM Collins100.0%11
F Grumby100.0%11
K Mosley100.0%11
D Doidge100.0%11
DH Smith100.0%11
D Burbage100.0%11
JR Vickery100.0%11
Mrs S Roper100.0%11
AC Stow100.0%11
N Purkis100.0%11
G Earwood100.0%11
RG Taylor100.0%11
C Cahill100.0%11
R Collins100.0%11
HD Varsdersjan100.0%11
M Fountain100.0%11
DA MacKenzie100.0%11
D Paradine100.0%11
KJ Evans100.0%11
Miss C Bauchop100.0%11
AJ Dean100.0%11
H Atkinson100.0%11
A Wallis100.0%11
D Smith50.0%0.51
R Derricott50.0%0.51
Martin L Newbury50.0%0.51
RE Randall50.0%0.51
BFO Sullivan50.0%0.51
DA Rawden50.0%0.51
I Carnaby50.0%0.51
JEC Hobbs50.0%0.51
D Blunden50.0%0.51
M Stuchbury50.0%0.51
FO Dyer50.0%0.51
MF Dyer50.0%0.51
WJ Webb50.0%0.51
C Taylor50.0%0.51
DW Lewis50.0%0.51
HG Burkett50.0%0.51
PJ Scott50.0%0.51
H Sriharren50.0%0.51
John R Wilkinson50.0%0.51
C Collinge50.0%0.51
R Patel50.0%0.51
Bob A Cleave50.0%0.51
H Derricott50.0%0.51
T Pickford50.0%0.51
RW Hedge50.0%0.51
RL Parsons50.0%0.51
RJ Smith50.0%0.51
JA Felder50.0%0.51
DE Bowyer50.0%0.51
I Leegorbura50.0%0.51
AD Harris50.0%0.51
AF Pepper50.0%0.51
W Tanser0.0%01
AM Edmonds0.0%01
MW Stone0.0%01
M Ebert0.0%01
MG Askell0.0%01
D Pedder0.0%01
MA Bramer0.0%01
J Bennett0.0%01
J Fielder0.0%01
CJ Bratcher0.0%01
TH Mumford0.0%01
M Myers0.0%01
Geoffrey Daw0.0%01
PJ Phillips0.0%01
P Belchin0.0%01
CJG Payne0.0%01
Gillian A Moore0.0%01
DRH Jones0.0%01
GF Jeffcott0.0%01
D Love0.0%01
A Burkmann0.0%01
K Day0.0%01
MJ Pesgram0.0%01
DN Harris0.0%01
K Bateman0.0%01
D Vinell0.0%01
Cdr P Willcock0.0%01
DR Parsons0.0%01
BS Reed0.0%01
D Walters0.0%01
T Coombe0.0%01
A Peckham0.0%01
BW Josephy0.0%01
FD Balchin0.0%01
J De Garis0.0%01
N Collins0.0%01
B Josephy0.0%01
Miss T Sinclair0.0%01
WA Wheeler0.0%01
D Kwan0.0%01
R Gentileo0.0%01
SF Thatcher0.0%01
MH Wilson0.0%01
Miss L Crook0.0%01


The data was added to a spreadsheet which can be downloaded below.

Photographs of players who played in some of the annual matches. Many thanks to Martin Simons for the Paul Errington and Mike Minvalla ones.

Acknowledgements and Sources

  • Hampshire Chess Archives
  • Martin Simons for current Bournemouth photos and additional information
  • Britbase for 1974 Gerald Bennett photo

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