Hampshire County Matches 1887 – 1900 Summary

Team Performance

Hampshire played 33 matches from their first friendly match against Sussex in 1887 to the end of the 1899 – 1900 chess season. These have all been documented in the articles on each season. This post is a summary of Hampshire’s performance in this period, looking at the team and players. For the record of … Read more

Southampton vs Bournemouth League Match 1966 / 1967

B&DCL AGM 2022 - Paul Errington - Bournemouth C B&DCL Division 4 Champions

Southampton and Bournemouth have always had a close relationship in chess, and for a long time there was an annual chess match. This continued into at least the 1980’s but has more recently been replaced with a Bournemouth v Poole match. I hope to compile a list of as many of these as I can … Read more

Hampshire Individual Chess Championship 1964

2003 HCA Wilkinson vs Allen

The 1964 Hampshire Individual Chess Championship was held from November 1963 to April 1964. 11 players entered with 7 rounds to be played to determine the champion. Picture above of John Wilkinson playing with the White pieces against Les Allen from the 2003 Hampshire Championship, 39 years after his title win. For a list of … Read more

Southampton vs Portsmouth Chess Match 1966 / 1967

Portsmouth v Southampton 1965 1966

In the past there used to be an annual Southampton vs Portsmouth Chess League match. This was one of the many regular matches which have been held at various times in Hampshire. Southampton vs Bournemouth, Hampshire vs Wiltshire are a couple of other examples. I have located a number of the HCA Bulletins from the … Read more