Hampshire Individual Championship

The Hampshire Congress has run most years and this incorporates a number of trophies, with the main one being the Silver Rook for the Hampshire Individual Champion. The winner of the Congress may not always be the Hampshire Individual Champion, as only players from Hampshire are eligible for the title.​

A table detailing all the winners is detailed at the bottom of the page, but there are a few omissions and items to be clarified. I will amend these when I confirm the winners from the tournament trophies, but please do update me if you have additional details?​

I have started to detail the known tournaments, starting with the first one in 1930. This will be built up over time, although for a number all that is known is the winners as per the table included on this page, The ones from the 1930’s are from the oldest archive information I have, information by a FH Taylor who compiled a history in 1943 / 1944. FH Taylor played in a number of the championships, including the first one in 1930.​​

Articles to the relevant tournament will be provided from the links in the table, but the origin of the tournament is detailed in the following article.

Britbase has kindly added tournament crosstables and the games from the Open and Major sections of the Congress from 2007.

In the meantime additional details on the more recent Hampshire Congresses can be found on the excellent Hampshire Chess Website. ​

The Hampshire Chess Website also has a number of games from the congress which can be downloaded, a service which Arthur Brameld has supplied for a number of years. Hampshire Chess Games

​Worth noting that currently Anthony Corkett has won the Silver Rook a record ten times which is one more than Marshall Thompson.

Update July 2023 – Under 1963 it was stated that there was no tournament. This was not the case as it was played and Marshall Thompson and WJE (Jim) Yeeles finished tied on 6 points. The rules stated that a 2 game play-off should be completed for the title, but when this was not played after four months the top 2 places were null and voided, and no trophy was awarded. A harsh decision, but at least we know the tournament took place.

The Silver Rook TrophyThis is awarded to the highest placed Hampshire player in the Hampshire Individual Tournament (Open) which was first held in 1930.
The Len Walters TrophyThis has been awarded for the best score by a Hampshire player graded under a specified limit (previously 160, then 175) in the Hampshire Individual Tournament. This is now under 2015 rating prize. This was introduced in 1999 and is named after the prominent Southampton Chess Club player and Hampshire officer Len Walters,
The Peter Marshall CupThis has been awarded for the best score by a Hampshire player graded under 140. This is now awarded to the highest Hampshire played in the Major tournament which is currently an under 1900 tournament. This trophy was introduced in 1999 and named after the prominent Southampton Chess Club player and Hampshire officer Peter Marshall.
The Parsons CupThis is named after HL Parsons a prominent officer and player in Hampshire Chess. This was first held in 1985 according to the cup engraving, and was named the HL Parsons Memorial Trophy. This has been used for the under 175 grading prize, although this is now awarded to the winner of the Minor championship.
Gillian Moore CupThe highest scoring Hampshire lady in the Congress receives the Gillian Moore Cup. This is named after the prominent Southampton Chess Club player, Hampshire officer and ex joint British Ladies Chess Champion (1966) Gillian Moore.
John Dunleavy Memorial Best Game PrizeAn award of £100 is awarded for the best game prize, as judged by the Hampshire Chess Association committee. The games of the winners will be added to the reports as these are added, click on the links in the table to see the report and game.

Table of Hampshire Chess Championship Winners

If I have completed an article on the tournament these will be included in the first column (Article). For the later ones with no article completed I have linked to the ECF Rating site which will have the crosstable (byes not detailed). There is no engraving on the 1953 and 1954 trophies, but according to the Roger Paige Hampshire Chess Games 1950 to 1970 these were won by Lesley Vine and Russel Pezet respectively.

As later tournaments may have had side events, these are covered in a separate article, there will be a link under the Major or Minor. For example, the ones in 2022 have one article which covers the Hampshire Individual Chess Championship and one which includes the Major and Minor – the links to this are under the winner’s name in the relevant column.

ArticleYearChampionSilver RookLen Walters TrophyPeter Marshall CupParsons CupGillian Moore CupMajorMinorJ.Dunleavy Best Game Prize
Details2024Petr MarusenkoJack WickenDavid CollyerThomas PhilidorMegan BirchMegan BirchTomasz WilamowskiMegan BirchDavid Collyer
Article2023Iwan CaveIwan CaveTom BirdEdward BlandenFrederick Christou-MooreHelen Archer-Lock, Rosamund HaleBrendan O’Gorman, Edward BlandenFrederick Christou-MoorePaul Northcott
Article2022Oiliver GillIwan CavePaul NorthcottPatrik BaronTom PhilidorSofia SyedPatrik BaronTom PhilidorNigel Saunders
2021Not HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot Held
2020Not HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot Held
Article2019Cliff ChandlerR.LukosiusBen AuburyThomas EvansE.BlandenMelissa HamiltonMatthew WilsonC.Bird, C.WebbJaime Wilson
Article2018Matt ChapmanMatt ChapmanPaul NorthcottDavid AgostinelliRyan CheungAmanda Jones, Melissa Hamilton Brendan O’Gorman, Bob PageRyan CheungMatthew Deacon
Article2017Mike Waddington and Peter AndersonMichael FernandezPhil StimpsonLukasz PiechaChris PriestAmanda Jones, Maha Chandar, Mansa Chandar and Gillian MooreGeoffrey BrownChris Priest, John Belinger, Ivor Kelly and Steven KitleyGraham Stuart
Article2016Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettMatt ChapmanJoe CoburnTim CutterGillian MooreJoe CoburnTim Cutter, Martyn Maber, Richard Slade and Shreyas RoyalPhil Foley
Article2015Rowan BrownAnthony CorkettHoria BogdanRaja PentakotaStephen GowMaha ChandarMatthew WilsonStephen Gow
Article2014Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettHarry GrieveGareth JonesJames BarnettGillian MooreMatthew WilsonJames Barnett
Details2013Alex Ruiz & Dominic TunksAlex RuizDavid FowlerAlex ConwayRobert HewittAlex Conway, Alex Dore & Hubert PawlikowskiRobert Hewitt
Details2012Dominic TunksDominic TunksDavid FowlerQin Ke WangC SmithQin Ke Wang, Steve SmithWilliam Egan, Jack Armorgie, Chris Smith and Patrick Reid
Details2011Craig HanleyPeter WilliamsJ.TambiniDr G MallonIan MatthewGunnar Mallon
Details2010Michael YeoMichael YeoDavid FowlerTom Slater?K SullivanTom Slater and Richard DesmedtKen Sullivan
Details2009Michael Yeo, Dominic Tunks, Steven KawumaMichael YeoRichard McMasterA BeaneyK. AwangkuAlex Beaney, Ken Sullivan
Details2008Moses Kawuma & Gavin LockMoses KawumaRichard McMasterPaul HurnPeter DallasPeter Dallas
Article2007Steven KawumaSteven KawumaPeter WilliamsD DeaconSimon RobertsSimon Roberts
Article2006Tom AndersonTom AndersonLes AllenNick BurtonBob CleaveBob Cleave
Article2005Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettKhaled EsmatPeter WilliamsKen RetallackKen Retallack
Article2004Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettGraham StuartPeter WilliamsRichard EdneyRichard Edney
Article2003Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettRichard PerrinIan MatthewKen RetallackKen Retallack
Article2002Michael YeoMichael YeoIan CareyRichard PerrinG MooreG Moore
Article2001Thomas RendleDominic TunksSherif GonemSherif Gonem?M Garrod
Article2000James SherwinJames SherwinI.StenhouseMartin Buckley?Jamie Stables
Article1999Dominic TunksDominic TunksD.AsiimweSherif Gonem
Article1998Dominic TunksDominic TunksTom AndersonPJ Patience
1997Not HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot Held
1996Jeremy Fraser-MitchellJeremy Fraser-MitchellAK Alexandor
1995Anthony CorkettAnthony Corkett
1994Charles MorrisCharles Morris
1993Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettPJ Patience
1992Stephen BellStephen BellDave Cordner
1991Robert NoyceRobert NoyceRH Storr-Best
1990Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettJoe Coburn
1989Anthony CorkettAnthony CorkettJoe Coburn
1988Keith GregoryKeith GregoryAM Edmonds
1987Keith GregoryKeith GregoryD Neil
1986P.JohnstoneP.JohnstoneJoe Coburn
1985J.GoddardJ.GoddardRichard Perrin
Article1984Keith GregoryKeith GregoryNew for 1985
1983Gerald BennettGerald Bennett
Article1982Keith GregoryKeith Gregory
1980Keith GregoryKeith Gregory
1977Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
1975Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
1974Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
Article1973Gerald BennettGerald Bennett
1972M.Johnson/Marshall ThompsonM.Johnson/Marshall Thompson
Article1971Clive CubittClive Cubitt
Article1970Seth SaverymuttuSeth Saverymuttu
Article1969Seth SaverymuttuSeth Saverymuttu
Article1968AC BartonAC Barton
Article1967Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
Article1966Mike DymondMike Dymond
Article1965Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
Article1964John WilkinsonJohn Wilkinson
Article1963Not AwardedNot Awarded
Article1961Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
Article1960Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
Article1958Marshall ThompsonMarshall Thompson
Article1957Wilf PrattenWilf Pratten
1954RF Pezet (not confirmed)RF Pezet (not confirmed)
1953LE Vine (not confirmed)LE Vine (not confirmed)
1952L.E. VineL.E. Vine
Article1950Wilf PrattenWilf Pratten
Article1948Wilf PrattenWilf Pratten
1947Wilf PrattenWilf Pratten
1946Not HeldNot Held
1945Not HeldNot Held
1944Not HeldNot Held
1943Not HeldNot Held
1942Not HeldNot Held
1941Not HeldNot Held
1940Not HeldNot Held
Article1937Frank ElwellFrank Elwell
Article1936Frank ElwellFrank Elwell
Article1934Frank ElwellFrank Elwell
Article1932Frank ElwellFrank Elwell
Article1930Frank ElwellFrank Elwell

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