Hampshire Chess Championship 2019 Major & Minor

The Hampshire Congress had three sections, the Open including the Hampshire Individual Championship was covered in the previous post. The other two sections were the Major (under 160 ECF) and the Minor (under 125)

Details on the round by round and final scores for both tournaments are detailed below.

The tournament was played at the Lysses House Hotel in Fareham over six rounds, one on Friday, three on Saturday and two on Sunday. Half point byes were allowed for players in the first five rounds.

Keven Lamb took a number of photographs of the event, and these are included in the Gallery section. The photo at the top of the article is of Chandler’s Ford Chess Club player Dave Holmes winning 2nd place prize in the Major.

Unlike the Open I do not have any games from the Major or Minor tournaments. If you played in either of these and have any games or comments you would like me to add please contact me.

For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.

Hampshire Chess Congress – Major

Twenty-three players entered the Major section. As the results from the ECF grading site do not include byes their table will not be 100% accurate and the nature of these tournaments is that players will withdraw determining 100% accuracy is difficult. However, I have tried to piece together each round using John Wheeler’s report on the tournaments as well.

Major – Round 1

Matthew R Wilson1591John Belinger1340
Nicholas B Stout1360Brendan O'Gorman1541
David J Holmes1541Peter C Wood1320
John R Sellen1270Ryan Cheung1471
Gillian A Moore1440Melissa Hamilton1241
Daniel Shek1221Lukasz Marek Piecha1410
Peter L Dallas1400John Torrance1151
Matthew Deacon111½David W Smith138½
David R Agostinelli1370John R Webb1111
Martin Baxteru0Thomas Evans1371
Phil B Pinto1371Neil Crosswellu0
Christopher Smith126½Bye

A couple of upsets with juniors Melissa Hamilton beating experienced Hampshire player Gillian Moore and Daniel Shek coming out on top against Winchester’s Lukasz Piecha. Another junior Fareham’s Matthew Deacon drew with David Smith.

Cosham’s Peter Dallas and Southampton’s David Agostinelli also lost to the lower graded John Torrence and John Webb respectively.

Major – Round 2

Melissa Hamilton1240Matthew R Wilson1591
Brendan O'Gorman1541Christopher Smithu0
John Torrance115½David J Holmes154½
Ryan Cheung1471Daniel Shek1220
Thomas Evans1371John R Webb1110
David W Smith1380Gillian A Moore1441
Lukasz Marek Piecha1411Matthew Deacon1110
John Belinger134½John R Sellen127½
Peter C Wood1320David R Agostinelli1371
Neil Crosswellu0Nicholas B Stout1361
Phil B Pinto137½Bye
Peter L Dallas140½Bye
Martin Baxteru½Bye

Matthew Wilson, Thomas Evans, Ryan Cheung and Brendan O’Gorman all won to keep their 100% score. Meanwhile three players either drew or had a bye and remained just half a point behind. These were David Holmes, John Torrance and Phil Pinto.

Major – Round 3

Matthew R Wilson1591Ryan Cheung1470
Thomas Evans137½Brendan O'Gorman154½
David J Holmes1541Phil B Pinto1370
John R Webb1110Lukasz Marek Piecha1411
Nicholas B Stout1360Melissa Hamilton1241
Gillian A Moore1441Daniel Shek1220
David R Agostinelli1370John Torrance1151
David W Smith138½John R Sellen127½
Peter L Dallas140½John Belinger134½
Christopher Smithu0Martin Baxteru1
Matthew Deacon1110Peter C Wood1321
Neil Crosswellu½Bye

Matthew Wilson beat Ryan Cheung and with Thomas Evans drawing against Brendan O’Gorman he moved into the sole lead with three points from three games. But four players were just half a point behind. These were:

  • Thomas Evans
  • John Torrence
  • David Holmes
  • Brendan O’Gorman

Major – Round 4

Ryan Cheung1470Thomas Evans1371
Lukasz Marek Piecha1411Martin Baxteru0
Melissa Hamilton1241Phil B Pinto1370
David W Smith1381Nicholas B Stout1360
Daniel Shek1220Peter L Dallas1401
Neil Crosswellu½Christopher Smith126½
Matthew R Wilson159½Bye
John Torrance115½Bye
David J Holmes154½Bye
Brendan O'Gorman154½Bye
Gillian A Moore144½Bye
David R Agostinelli137½Bye
John Belinger134½Bye
John R Sellen127½Bye
John R Webb111½Bye
Matthew Deacon111½Bye
Peter C Wood1320withdrew

Eleven players took a half point bye including the sole leader, Matthew Wilson. This allowed Thomas Evans to catch him on three and a half points by beating Ryan Cheung. These two players were half a point ahead of Lukasz Piecha who beat Martin Baxter and Melissa Hamilton who did the same against Phil Pinto.

The unbeaten John Torrance, David Holmes and Brendan O’Gorman were the same half a point behind the two leaders, leaving a lot to be played for in the two games on Sunday.

Major – Round 5

Thomas Evans137½Matthew R Wilson159½
Lukasz Marek Piecha1411Gillian A Moore1440
John Torrance1151Melissa Hamilton1240
Brendan O'Gorman154½David J Holmes154½
Peter L Dallas140½David W Smith138½
Martin Baxteru½Ryan Cheung147½
David R Agostinelli1371John R Sellen1270
Phil B Pinto1371Christopher Smithu0
John R Webb111½Neil Crosswellu½
John Belinger1341Matthew Deacon1110
Nicholas B Stout136½Bye
Daniel Shek122½Bye

The two leaders drew their game, and they were joined on four points from five games by Lukasz Piecha who beat Gillian Moore. Lukasz had now won four games in a row after losing his first-round game.

John Torrence also won his game against Melissa Hamilton, and he joined these three players at the top. Half a point behind were Dave Holmes and Brendan O’Gorman who drew their game.

Major – Round 6

Matthew R Wilson1591Lukasz Marek Piecha1410
John Torrance115½Thomas Evans137½
David J Holmes1541Peter L Dallas1400
Melissa Hamilton124½Brendan O'Gorman154½
Ryan Cheung1471David R Agostinelli1371
Gillian A Moore144½Phil B Pinto137½
David W Smith138½John Belinger134½
Christopher Smithu0Nicholas B Stout1361
Neil Crosswellu1Matthew Deacon1110
Daniel Shek122½John R Sellen127½
John R Webb0withdrew0
Martin Baxter½withdrew

In the final round Matthew Wilson defeated Lukasz Piecha which with Thomas Evans drawing against John Torrence meant he won the Hampshire Major Tournament with five points from his six games. In second place half a point behind were Evans and Torrence who were joined by Dave Holmes who beat Peter Dallas. The Peter Marshall Cup was won by Thomas Evans on tie-break from Dave Holmes as Matthew Wilson was not eligible for this being a non-Hampshire chess player.

John Torrence won the under 140 grading prize with his excellent four and half points score. A fantastic result was achieved by Melissa Hamilton who won the Gillian Moore Cup with her three and a half points, but she also beat Gillian in their individual game, won against another two higher graded opponents and drew in the last round against a player graded 30 points higher than her.

Hampshire Congress 2019 Major Final Table

The 2019 Hampshire Chess Congress Major final positions.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Total
1Matthew R Wilson159A 12+ 6+ 7+bye = 1= 3+5
2Thomas Evans137C 19+ 17+ 8= 7+ 2= 4=
3John Torrance115C 13+ 5= 14+bye = 6+ 1=
4David J Holmes153B 21+ 4= 11+bye = 8= 13+
5Lukasz Marek Piecha141A 18– 22+ 17+ 19+ 10+ 2–4
6Brendan O'Gorman154A 15+ 23+ 1=bye = 5= 6=4
8Melissa Hamilton124A 10+ 2– 15+ 11+ 4– 8=
9Ryan Cheung147A 20+ 18+ 2– 1– 19= 14+
7Gillian A Moore144A 6– 9+ 18+bye = 3– 11=3
10David W Smith138A 22= 10– 20= 15+ 13= 12=3
11Phil B Pinto137A 16+bye = 5– 6– 23+ 10=3
12John Belinger134A 2– 20= 13=bye = 22+ 9=3
13Peter L Dallas140A 4–bye = 12= 18+ 9= 5–
14David R Agostinelli137A 17– 21+ 4–bye = 20+ 7–
15Nicholas B Stout136B 8– 16+ 6– 9–bye = 23+
16Neil Crosswell 11– 15–bye = 23= 17= 22+
17John R Webb111A 14+ 1– 3–bye = 16=2
18Daniel Shek122A 3+ 7– 10– 13–bye = 20=2
19Martin Baxter 1–bye = 23+ 3– 7=2
20John R Sellen127C 7– 12= 9=bye = 14– 18=2
21Peter C Wood132A 5– 14– 22+bye =
22Matthew Deacon111A 9= 3– 21–bye = 12– 16–1
23Christopher Smith126Cbye = 8– 19– 16= 11– 15–1

Hampshire Chess Congress – Minor

The Hampshire Minor section had the most of the three sections with twenty-seven players entering. A good mix of Hampshire players and players from outside the County was seen in the tournament. The ECF Grading Crosstable does not include the byes but has additional information on the players and the tournament.

Minor – Round 1

Nicholas Deacon800Christopher G Webb1241
Ken RD Alexander1241Keven A Lamb820
Richard Dulley1171Andy Colthup720
David Jerome691Keith C Spooner1140
William Taplin1131Sophia Blin610
Paul Eyles1120Charles Birdu1
David Nelson1111Brian V Cochran910
Timothy S Allen1070Edward Blandenu1
Nick R EgletonU1Amelie Rees1000
Henri Blinu0Paul S Collis991
Colin J Gardiner991John E Davisu0
Alan R Fraser940George Holdenu1
Alan Matthews881Quang Truong200
Graeme Ford98½Bye

The first thing that struck me was there were no draws in any of the first-round games (Graeme Ford took a first-round bye), showing the fighting spirit of this section. Most games went with grade, but David Jerome beat the 35-point higher graded Keith C Spooner.

Minor – Round 2

Christopher G Webb1241Alan Matthews880
Edward Blandenu½Richard Dulley117½
William Taplin1131George Holdenu0
Paul S Collis990Charles Birdu1
Nick R Egletonu1Colin J Gardiner990
Graeme Ford981David Jerome690
Keith C Spooner1140Keven A Lamb821
Paul Eyles1121Nicholas Deacon800
Andy Colthup72½Timothy S Allen107½
Amelie Rees1001Henri Blinu0
Quang Truong200Alan R Fraser941
Brian V Cochran91½John E Davisu½
Sophia Blin61½Bye
David Nelson111½Bye
Ken RD Alexander124½Bye

Four players remained at 100% by winning their second game, these were Christopher Webb, Charles Bird, William Taplin and Nick Egleton. Snapping at their heels half a point behind were Graeme Ford, Edward Blanden, Ken Alexander and Richard Dulley.

Minor – Round 3

Charles Birdu½Christopher G Webb124½
William Taplin1131Nick R Egletonu0
Edward Blandenu½Ken RD Alexander124½
Richard Dulley1171David Nelson1110
Colin J Gardiner990Graeme Ford981
David Jerome690George Holdenu1
Alan R Fraser94½Paul Eyles112½
Alan Matthews880Paul S Collis991
Keven A Lamb821Amelie Rees1000
John E Davisu0Andy Colthup721
Sophia Blin610Keith C Spooner1141
Timothy S Allen1071Brian V Cochran910
Nicholas Deacon801Quang Truong200
Henri Blinu½Bye

William Taplin beat Nick Egleton, whilst Charles Bird and Christopher Webb drew which meant William went into round four half a point ahead of these two. In addition, Richard Dulley and Graeme Ford won and also joined the group on two and half points.

Minor – Round 4

Christopher G Webb1241Richard Dulley1170
Graeme Ford980Charles Birdu1
Paul Eyles1120Edward Blandenu1
George Holdenu0Ken RD Alexander1241
Alan R Fraser941Timothy S Allen1070
Quang Truong200Sophia Blin611
Henri Blinu0Alan Matthews881
Brian V Cochran910Nicholas Deacon801
David Jerome691Colin J Gardiner990
William Taplin113½Bye
John E Davisu½Bye
Nick R Egletonu½Bye
Paul S Collis99½Bye
Keven A Lamb82½Bye
Amelie Rees100½Bye
Andy Colthup72½Bye
Keith C Spooner114½Bye
David Nelson111½Bye

Nine players including the current leader William Taplin took a Saturday evening bye. This allowed Charles Bird and Christopher Webb to catch him on three and a half points as they beat Graeme Ford and Richard Dulley respectively.

Two players Edward Blanden and Ken Alexander also won their evening games and were half a point behind on three points, leaving it all to be played for on the Sunday.

Minor – Round 5

Charles Birdu½William Taplin113½
Ken RD Alexander1240Christopher G Webb1241
Edward Blandenu1Graeme Ford980
Richard Dulley1170Alan R Fraser941
Paul S Collis991Keven A Lamb820
Nick R Egletonu1David Jerome690
Nicholas Deacon801George Holdenu0
John E Davisu1Timothy S Allen1070
Amelie Rees1000Paul Eyles1121
Colin J Gardiner99½Henri Blinu½
Andy Colthup721Quang Truong200
Alan Matthews88½Bye
Sophia Blin61½Bye
David Nelson1110Withdrawn
Keith C Spooner1140Withdrawn
Brian V Cochran910Withdrawn

On top board William Taplin drew with Charles Bird. Christopher Webb had the downfloat but was playing the other player who along with him who had the highest grade in the Minor of 124, namely Ken Alexander. But Christopher came out on top and went into the last round with a half point lead on four and a half points from Taplin and Bird on four points. These were joined by Edward Blanden who beat Graeme Ford.

Alan Fraser, Nick Egleton and Paul Collis all won and were a further half point behind on three and a half points.

Minor – Round 6

Christopher G Webb124½William Taplin113½
Charles Birdu1Edward Blandenu0
Paul S Collis990Alan R Fraser941
Ken RD Alexander1241Nick R Egletonu0
Nicholas Deacon800John E Davisu1
Paul Eyles1121Graeme Ford980
Keven A Lamb820Alan Matthews881
Richard Dulley1171Andy Colthup720
Sophia Blin610Colin J Gardiner991
Timothy S Allen107½Amelie Rees100½
Henri Blinu½Quang Truong20½
Richard Dulley1170Withdrawn
David Jerome690Withdrawn

Christopher Webb drew with William Taplin to finish on five points. Charles Bird beat Edward Blanden to join him in a share of first place. Alan Fraser beat Paul Collis to join William Taplin on four and a half points to share third place.

The Parsons Cup which has to be won by a Hampshire Chess player was won on tie-break by Edward Blanden with four points.

Hampshire Congress 2019 Minor Final Table

The 2019 Hampshire Chess Congress Minor final positions.

NumberNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Christopher G Webb124B12+13+2=14+6+5=5
2Charles Birdu7+11+1=16+5=4+5
3Alan R Fraser94A9–27+7=18+14+11+4.5
4Edward Blandenu18+14=6=7+16+2–4
5William Taplin113A24+9+10+bye =2=1=4.5
6Ken RD Alexander124A19+bye =4=9+1–10+4
7Paul Eyles112A2–12+3=4–20+16+3.5
8John E Davisu15–26=21+bye =18+12+4
9George Holdenu3+5–17+6–12–21+3
10Nick R Egletonu20+15+5–bye =17+6–3.5
11Paul S Collis99A25+2–13+bye =19+3–3.5
12Nicholas Deacon80A1–7–27+26+9+8–3
13Alan Matthews88D27+1–11–25+bye =19+3.5
14Richard Dulley117C21+4=22+1–3–2.5
15Colin J Gardiner99A8+10–16–17–25=24+2.5
16Graeme Ford98Abye =17+15+2–4–7–2.5
17David Jerome69A23+16–9–15+10–2
18Timothy S Allen107A4–21=26+3–8–20=2
19Keven A Lamb82A6–23+20+bye =11–13–2.5
20Amelie Rees100B10–25+19–bye =7–18=2
21Andy Colthup72D14–18=8–bye =27+9–2
22David Nelson111B26+bye =14–1.5
23Keith C Spooner114D17–19–24+1
24Sophia Blin61D5–bye =23–27+15–1.5
25Henri Blinu11–20–13–15=27=1
26Brian V Cochran91A22–8=18–12–0.5
27Quang Truong20F13–3–12–24–21–25=0.5

HCA 2019 Congress Report

John Wheeler produced the Hampshire Congress Report (which also included the Major and Minor). This is reproduced below:

Acknowledgements and sources:
  • John Wheeler for HCA Congress Report
  • Keven Lamb for photographs

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