The Hampshire Chess Championship was held at Eastleigh College between 4th and 6th November 2016. It was split into 3 sections with in total 44 players participating. The minor had by far the largest participation with 29 players.
The picture above shows joint first place winner Shreyas Royal who was 7 at the time of writing (2023) already has one GM norm and is looking to be the top British player of the future.
If you played in the Congress and wish to add anything or supply an annotated game please do contact me through the comments or at
For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.
Round 1
Eight players took a first round bye, but this still left 20 players matched with Richard Slade being given a 1 point bye due to the odd number of players. Minor tournaments are normally won by players who are improving quickly, be they new players to the game or juniors who when you check their grades in a couple of years you see huge improvement. In the summary I have completed an exercise on this comparing the grades from 2016 to 2023 to see what improvements (if any) have been seen by the winners of the minor.
Thomas Evans, Tim Cutter, Tim Allen, Alan Fraser and David Cole were the winners in the first round.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Paul Eyles | 99 | 0 | Thomas Evans | 121 | 1 |
Kevin Sawers | 121 | ½ | Keven A Lamb | 92 | ½ |
Brian V Cochran | 90 | ½ | Jerry Ingamells | 120 | ½ |
Tim G Cutter | 119 | 1 | Don Creasey | 90 | 0 |
David T Murchie | 89 | 0 | Timothy S Allen | 118 | 1 |
Peter J Hughes | 108 | ½ | Rob Davies | 89 | ½ |
Kenneth Wertheim | 77 | 0 | Alan R Fraser | 107 | 1 |
David M Cole | 106 | 1 | David Jerome | 71 | 0 |
Lucas Summers | 58 | 0 | Stephen P Kitley | 105 | 1 |
Shreyas Royal | 104 | ½ | Ryan Cheung | 34 | ½ |
Richard Slade | 101 | 1 | Controller Bye | ||
Michael R Pope | 111 | ½ | Bye | ||
David J Archer | 110 | ½ | Bye | ||
Dave Williams | 108 | ½ | Bye | ||
Martyn J Maber | 104 | ½ | Bye | ||
Maha Chandar | 91 | ½ | Bye | ||
Charles Charalambous | 101 | ½ | Bye | ||
Manoj Chandar | 94 | ½ | Bye | ||
Mansa Chandar | 68 | ½ | Bye |
Round 2
The players from Friday night were joined by the players who took a bye, although a couple of players were not as keen as playing in the morning and took a bye. Due to the odd numbers David Jerome was the unlucky player who had the controller bye this time.
The first surprise was top seed Thomas Evans who lost to David Cole. Thomas Evans rating has almost touched 1800 and going into this tournament he would have been one of the favourites and for this reason this was a bit of an upset. Shreyas Royal was held to a draw by Rob Davies and although this was Rob’s second draw he was well on the way for a great tournament.
Kevin Sawers, Dave Williams, Peter Hughes, Martyn Maber, David Archer and David Murchie joined David Cole in winning their games in the second round although moving into round three only David Cole was on maximum points.
This round saw the Chandler Ford’s Chander family (Mother, Son and Daughter) joining the fray, although it was not the best start as all three lost. Maha has done a tremendous amount of work for Chandler’s Ford main club, captaining the A team and running the finances. In addition, she runs the junior club, which both her Son and Daughter have been key members of.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Thomas Evans | 121 | 0 | David M Cole | 106 | 1 |
Alan R Fraser | 107 | ½ | Tim G Cutter | 119 | ½ |
Timothy S Allen | 118 | ½ | Richard Slade | 101 | ½ |
Kevin Sawers | 121 | 1 | Stephen P Kitley | 105 | 0 |
Rob Davies | 89 | ½ | Shreyas Royal | 104 | ½ |
Keven A Lamb | 92 | ½ | Michael R Pope | 111 | ½ |
Dave Williams | 108 | 1 | Brian V Cochran | 90 | 0 |
Mansa Chandar | 68 | 0 | Peter J Hughes | 108 | 1 |
Ryan Cheung | 34 | 0 | Martyn J Maber | 104 | 1 |
David J Archer | 110 | 1 | Maha Chandar | 91 | 0 |
Manoj Chandar | 94 | 0 | David T Murchie | 89 | 1 |
Jerry Ingamells | 120 | ½ | Charles Charalambous | 101 | ½ |
Don Creasey | 90 | ½ | Kenneth Wertheim | 77 | ½ |
David Jerome | 71 | 1 | Controller Bye | ||
Lucas Summers | 58 | ½ | Bye | ||
Paul Eyles | 99 | ½ | Bye |
Round 3
Round three saw the only player on full points (David Cole) drop his first half point, as Tim Allen held him to a draw. This allowed four players to catch him as Tim Cutter, David Archer, Richard Slade and Kevin Sawers all won their games.
In addition, Shreyas Royal, Rob Davies, Jerry Ingamells, Ken Wertheim, Don Creasy, Maha Chander, David Jermone and Paul Eyles all won, in a particularly bloodthirsty round, which saw only two draws from the fourteen games. Ryan Cheung had the controller bye in this round.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
David M Cole | 106 | ½ | Timothy S Allen | 118 | ½ |
Martyn J Maber | 104 | 0 | Tim G Cutter | 119 | 1 |
Kevin Sawers | 121 | 1 | Dave Williams | 108 | 0 |
David J Archer | 110 | 1 | Alan R Fraser | 107 | 0 |
Richard Slade | 101 | 1 | Peter J Hughes | 108 | 0 |
Shreyas Royal | 104 | 1 | Keven A Lamb | 92 | 0 |
Michael R Pope | 111 | 0 | Rob Davies | 89 | 1 |
Charles Charalambous | 101 | ½ | Thomas Evans | 121 | ½ |
David T Murchie | 89 | 0 | Jerry Ingamells | 120 | 1 |
Kenneth Wertheim | 77 | 1 | Manoj Chandar | 94 | 0 |
Don Creasey | 90 | 1 | Mansa Chandar | 68 | 0 |
Lucas Summers | 58 | 0 | Maha Chandar | 91 | 1 |
David Jerome | 71 | 1 | Stephen P Kitley | 105 | 0 |
Brian V Cochran | 90 | 1 | Paul Eyles | 99 | 0 |
Ryan Cheung | 34 | 1 | Controller Bye |
Round 4
Five players entered the round in joint first place with two and a half points from the three rounds. Three of these players had a bye in the Saturday evening, which meant Richard Slade and David Archer were paired against each other. Richard Slade came out on top and moved into the sole lead.
Shreyas Royal, Rob Davies, Martyn Maber, Dave Williams, Tom Evans, Brian Cochran, Michael Pope, Paul Eyles and Ryan Cheung all won their games as well. There was no Controller bye this round as all players were paired.
As can be seen, the Minor tournament had a larger percentage of wins compared to the Open and Major. As per round three only two games were drawn.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Richard Slade | 101 | 1 | David J Archer | 110 | 0 |
Jerry Ingamells | 120 | 0 | Shreyas Royal | 104 | 1 |
Rob Davies | 89 | 1 | David Jerome | 71 | 0 |
Maha Chandar | 91 | 0 | Martyn J Maber | 104 | 1 |
Peter J Hughes | 108 | ½ | Charles Charalambous | 101 | ½ |
Dave Williams | 108 | 1 | Kenneth Wertheim | 77 | 0 |
Thomas Evans | 121 | 1 | Don Creasey | 90 | 0 |
Keven A Lamb | 92 | 0 | Brian V Cochran | 90 | 1 |
Michael R Pope | 111 | 1 | David T Murchie | 89 | 0 |
Paul Eyles | 99 | 1 | Mansa Chandar | 68 | 0 |
Manoj Chandar | 94 | ½ | Lucas Summers | 58 | ½ |
Ryan Cheung | 34 | 1 | Alan R Fraser | 107 | 0 |
Timothy S Allen | 118 | ½ | Bye | ||
Kevin Sawers | 121 | ½ | Bye | ||
Tim G Cutter | 119 | ½ | Bye | ||
David M Cole | 106 | ½ | Bye | ||
Stephen P Kitley | 105 | ½ | Bye |
Round 5
Richard Slade was half a point ahead, but Tim Cutter came out on top in their game and leapfrogged him. Rob Davies beat David Cole and Shreyas Royal did the same against Southampton’s Kevin Sawers. The players went into round six in the lead with four points from their five games.
Half a point behind were five players, leaving much to be contested in round six.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Tim G Cutter | 119 | 1 | Richard Slade | 101 | 0 |
Rob Davies | 89 | 1 | David M Cole | 106 | 0 |
Shreyas Royal | 104 | 1 | Kevin Sawers | 121 | 0 |
David Jerome | 71 | 0 | Peter J Hughes | 108 | 1 |
Martyn J Maber | 104 | 1 | Michael R Pope | 111 | 0 |
David J Archer | 110 | 1 | Brian V Cochran | 90 | 0 |
Timothy S Allen | 118 | 1 | Dave Williams | 108 | 0 |
Ryan Cheung | 34 | 1 | Thomas Evans | 121 | 0 |
Stephen P Kitley | 105 | 1 | Maha Chandar | 91 | 0 |
David T Murchie | 89 | 1 | Don Creasey | 90 | 0 |
Kenneth Wertheim | 77 | ½ | Paul Eyles | 99 | ½ |
Keven A Lamb | 92 | 0 | Manoj Chandar | 94 | 1 |
Charles Charalambous | 101 | ½ | Alan R Fraser | 107 | ½ |
Mansa Chandar | 68 | 1 | Lucas Summers | 58 | 0 |
Jerry Ingamells | 120 | ½ | Bye |
Round 6
Board one between Tim Cutter and Shreyas Royal was a draw, but the other player on four points Rob Davies lost to Richard Slade who joined Tim and Shreyas on four and a half points. Martyn Maber was the other player half a point behind the leaders who also won which meant there was a four way tie for first.
Tim Cutter won the Parsons Trophy as the highest Hampshire player.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result | |
Tim G Cutter | 119 | ½ | Shreyas Royal | 104 | ½ | |
Richard Slade | 101 | 1 | Rob Davies | 89 | 0 | |
Peter J Hughes | 108 | 1 | Thomas Evans | 121 | 0 | |
Martyn J Maber | 104 | 1 | Timothy S Allen | 118 | 0 | |
Ryan Cheung | 34 | ½ | David J Archer | 110 | ½ | |
Kevin Sawers | 121 | 1 | David M Cole | 106 | 0 | |
Dave Williams | 108 | 1 | Jerry Ingamells | 120 | 0 | |
Brian V Cochran | 90 | 0 | Stephen P Kitley | 105 | 1 | |
Lucas Summers | 58 | ½ | David T Murchie | 89 | ½ | |
Michael R Pope | 111 | 1 | Kenneth Wertheim | 77 | 0 | |
Paul Eyles | 99 | 1 | Charles Charalambous | 101 | 0 | |
Alan R Fraser | 107 | 0 | David Jerome | 71 | 1 | |
Don Creasey | 90 | 0 | Maha Chandar | 91 | 1 | |
Manoj Chandar | 94 | 1 | Mansa Chandar | 68 | 0 | |
Keven A Lamb | 92 | 1 | Controller Bye |
Minor Final Position Summary
The Minor was a successful tournament, with the highest number of entries, no withdrawals and high percentage of won games. With one of the shared winners being 7 years old this would have given great publicity to Hampshire Chess and although he was known as a real talent this would have done no harm to proving this point.
But there were also two Hampshire players who also shared first place, as well as the under 100 grading prize showing that Hampshire players were not overshadowed by the visitors.
The prize winners were:
- 1st equal (4½ pts) Tim Cutter (Hampshire) (winning the Parsons trophy), Martyn Maber (Taunton), Richard Slade (Chandlers Ford) and Shreyas Royal (Hampstead).
- Under-100 Grading Prize (4 pts) Rob Davies (Fareham) and Ryan Cheung (Southampton University)
As mentioned at the start of the article, I have compared the grades of the prize winners from 2016 to 2023 to see what improvements (if any) have been seen. I have converted the grades to ratings for ease of comparison.
Player | 2016 Rating | 2023 Rating | Change |
Tim Cutter | 1593 | 1535 | -58 |
Shreyas Royal | 1480 | 2530 | +1050 |
Martyn Maber | 1480 | 1542 | +62 |
Richard Slade | 1458 | 1758 | +300 |
Rob Davies | 1368 | 1363 | -5 |
Ryan Cheung | 955 | 1786 | +831 |
Apart from the standout improvement from Shreyas Royal, two other players have seen a large growth in their rating, with 831 and 300 points improvements. They would certainly not be playing in a Minor tournament now. But as can be seen from the other players with a much smaller increase, and in two cases a decrease, it proves that players that continue to play in minors can (and do) have success.
For this reason, if you are eligible to play in a minor, but think it will always be an improving junior or a new player who will win, this is not the case. If you are on form and get the breaks you can easily get into the prizes. This is just the same for the Major and the Open, as we have seen long standing lower rated players win these tournaments in the past!
You also have the chance that if you draw or beat a player who turns into an IM or GM you have this on your record. This is certainly the case for Ryan Chung, Rob Davies and Tim Cutter who all drew with the now rated 2530 IM Shreyas Royal.
As the basis of the ECF rating site crosstable, which does not take into account byes the rankings on the crosstable do not match the final real positions. But to amend this I would have to recreate the numbers for each player, which I have not done. But the table can be sorted to allow you to do this.
Rank | Name | Grade | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Score |
1 | Shreyas Royal | 104 | 11= | 2= | 27+ | 21+ | 8+ | 3= | 4½ |
2 | Rob Davies | 89 | 4= | 1= | 17+ | 24+ | 14+ | 7– | 4 |
3 | Tim G Cutter | 119 | 26+ | 20= | 5+ | bye = | 7+ | 1= | 4½ |
4 | Peter J Hughes | 108 | 2= | 28+ | 7– | 23= | 24+ | 13+ | 4 |
5 | Martyn J Maber | 104 | bye = | 11+ | 3– | 25+ | 17+ | 9+ | 4½ |
6 | David J Archer | 110 | bye = | 25+ | 20+ | 7– | 15+ | 11= | 4 |
7 | Richard Slade | 101 | bye + | 9= | 4+ | 6+ | 3– | 2+ | 4½ |
8 | Kevin Sawers | 121 | 27= | 12+ | 10+ | bye = | 1– | 14+ | 4 |
9 | Timothy S Allen | 118 | 16+ | 7= | 14= | bye = | 10+ | 5– | 3½ |
10 | Dave Williams | 108 | bye = | 15+ | 8– | 22+ | 9– | 21+ | 3½ |
11 | Ryan Cheung | 34 | 1= | 5– | bye + | 20+ | 13+ | 6= | 4 |
12 | Stephen P Kitley | 105 | 29+ | 8– | 24– | bye = | 25+ | 15+ | 3½ |
13 | Thomas Evans | 121 | 18+ | 14– | 23= | 26+ | 11– | 4– | 2½ |
14 | David M Cole | 106 | 24+ | 13+ | 9= | bye = | 2– | 8– | 3 |
15 | Brian V Cochran | 90 | 21= | 10– | 18+ | 27+ | 6– | 12– | 2½ |
16 | David T Murchie | 89 | 9– | 19+ | 21– | 17– | 26+ | 29= | 2½ |
17 | Michael R Pope | 111 | bye = | 27= | 2– | 16+ | 5– | 22+ | 3 |
18 | Paul Eyles | 99 | 13– | bye = | 15– | 28+ | 22= | 23+ | 3 |
19 | Manoj Chandar | 94 | bye = | 16– | 22– | 29= | 27+ | 28+ | 3 |
20 | Alan R Fraser | 107 | 22+ | 3= | 6– | 11– | 23= | 24– | 2 |
21 | Jerry Ingamells | 120 | 15= | 23= | 16+ | 1– | bye = | 10– | 2½ |
22 | Kenneth Wertheim | 77 | 20– | 26= | 19+ | 10– | 18= | 17– | 2 |
23 | Charles Andreas Charalambous | 101 | bye = | 21= | 13= | 4= | 20= | 18– | 2.5 |
24 | David Jerome | 71 | 14– | bye + | 12+ | 2– | 4– | 20+ | 3 |
25 | Maha Chandar | 91 | bye = | 6– | 29+ | 5– | 12– | 26+ | 2½ |
26 | Don Creasey | 90 | 3– | 22= | 28+ | 13– | 16– | 25– | 1½ |
27 | Keven A Lamb | 92 | 8= | 17= | 1– | 15– | 19– | bye + | 2 |
28 | Mansa Chandar | 68 | bye = | 4– | 26– | 18– | 29+ | 19– | 1½ |
29 | Lucas Summers | 58 | 12– | bye = | 25– | 19= | 28– | 16= | 1½ |
I do not have any games from the minor, but am happy to add the the article if supplied.
All photographs are in the Hampshire Gallery, but I have included a couple from the Minor.

HCA Secretary Report
The Hampshire Chess Secretary produced a report on the congress, which is below.
Acknowledgements and sources:
- John Wheeler for HCA Secretary Report
- Keven Lamb for photographs
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