Hampshire Chess Championship 2015 – Minor

The 2015 Hampshire Chess Championship was held at Eastleigh College between 6th and 8th November 2015. It was split into 3 sections with in total 58 players participating. The Minor tournament saw Southampton University’s Stephen Gow win the Congress and the Parsons Cup.

Picture above of Stephen Gow being presented with the Parsons Cup for best performance by a Hampshire player in the Minor section.


For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written, the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.


The Hampshire Minor was for players graded under 125 with several regular entrants in the tournament. The current champion James Barnett was defending his title. Unlike the Open and the Major the games are not recorded on duplicate scoresheets, and therefore I do not have any games to include in the article. If you played in the tournament and wish to supply any games or memories of the tournament please do contact me.

Round 1

Several players took a bye in the first round, I have taken the assumption that these were all requested, although it may be that one of these were a controller bye.

Don Creasey had a great start beating one of the top seeds, but apart from that all the higher graded players won their games. Martin Baxter was un-graded, returning to chess after a long break, but probably came into the tournament as one of the favourites, based on his performances since this time. At the time he was certainly eligible for the Minor section as his grading had been around 100 to 110 in the early 2000’s.

Don Creasey1031Timothy S Allen1210
James A Barnett1201Rob Davies990
John Kooner1030Tim G Cutter1171
Jerry Ingamells1141Brian V Cochran950
David Jerome720Graeme Ford1131
Steve R Dunleavy630James Wallman1081
Martin BaxterUG1Maha Chandar630
Ivor H Kelly124½Bye
Stephen Gow113½Bye
Keven A Lamb85½Bye
Stephen P Kitley100½Bye
Manoj Chandar82½Bye
Mike M HenburyUG½Bye

Round 2

Four players remained on maximum points. James Wallman, Martin Baxter, Jerry Ingamells and Tim Cutter. James Wallman beat the higher rated James Barnett which was probably the most surprising of these wins. James passed away in 2024 at the age of 96, therefore he would have been 87 at the congress and he had an excellent result in the tournament. The Camberley Chess Website had more details on his life and the English Chess Forum had a post under the Deaths and Obituaries.

James Wallman1081James A Barnett1200
Graeme Ford1130Martin BaxterUG1
Tim G Cutter1171Don Creasey1030
Jerry Ingamells1141Stephen P Kitley1000
Mike M HenburyUG0Ivor H Kelly1241
Timothy S Allen1211Keven A Lamb850
Rob Davies991Steve R Dunleavy630
Maha Chandar630John Kooner1031
Stephen Gow1131Manoj Chandar820
Brian V Cochran95½Bye
David Jerome72½Bye

Round 3

The four players on maximum points were paired and James Wallman continued his winning ways, beating Jerry Ingamells. Martin Baxter also won his game against Tim Cutter. The chasing pack included two players half a point behind, both who had taken a half point bye in the first round, and who therefore had won both the games they actually played.

These were Stephen Gow, who beat James Barnett and Ivor Kelly who did the same against Graeme Ford.

Martin BaxterUG1Tim G Cutter1170
Jerry Ingamells1140James Wallman1081
James A Barnett1200Stephen Gow1131
Ivor H Kelly1241Graeme Ford1130
John Kooner103½Timothy S Allen121½
Stephen P Kitley100½Brian V Cochran95½
Manoj Chandar821Mike M HenburyUG0
Keven A Lamb851David Jerome720
Steve R Dunleavy630Maha Chandar631
Don Creasey103½Bye
Rob Davies99½Bye

Round 4

Six players took a bye on the Saturday night, but this did not include 87 year old James Wallman. But his winning ways came to an end, as Martin Baxter took the sole lead by beating him. Stephen Gow beat Ivor Kelly to remain just half a point behind, which gave a natural pairing of these two players in round 5. James remained in sole third place on three points.

Worth noting that there were no draws in this round.

James Wallman1080Martin BaxterUG1
Stephen Gow1131Ivor H Kelly1240
Timothy S Allen1211Manoj Chandar820
Brian V Cochran951Mike M HenburyUG0
Keven A Lamb851Rob Davies990
Don Creasey1031John Kooner1030
Jerry Ingamells114½Bye
James A Barnett120½Bye
Graeme Ford113½Bye
Timothy S Allen121½Bye
Maha Chandar63½Bye
Stephen P Kitley100½Bye

Round 5

The key game for the tournament was played, and it was Stephen Gow who came out on top, beating Martin Baxter to go from half a point behind, to half a point ahead.

James Wallman bounced back from his loss in round 4 by beating fellow veteran Chandler’s Ford Don Creasey. The leaders going into the final round were:

  • Stephen Gow 4½
  • Martin Baxter 4
  • James Wallman 4
  • Kevin Lamb 3½
Martin BaxterUG0Stephen Gow1131
James Wallman1081Don Creasey1030
Brian V Cochran95½Timothy S Allen121½
Ivor H Kelly124½Jerry Ingamells114½
Manoj Chandar820James A Barnett1201
John Kooner1030Keven A Lamb851
Graeme Ford113½Stephen P Kitley100½
Rob Davies99½Maha Chandar63½
Mike M HenburyUG1Controller Bye

Round 6

Stephen Gow had to avoid losing to James Wallman, and he went one better in winning the game. Stephen finished with five and a half points, taking a bye in the first round and winning all the games he played. A well deserved tournament win.

Martin Baxter beat Keven Lamb and finished in second place. Apart from the loss to Stephen, Martin won all his games for a fine tournament. James Wallman finished in a deserved shared third place only losing to the two players players who finished ahead of him. He was joined in third place by Ivor Kelly who beat Don Creasey.

Stephen Gow1131James Wallman1080
Martin BaxterUG1Keven A Lamb850
Timothy S Allen121½Jerry Ingamells114½
Don Creasey1030Ivor H Kelly1241
Stephen P Kitley1000James A Barnett1201
Graeme Ford1131Brian V Cochran950
Maha Chandar631Mike M HenburyUG0
Manoj Chandar82½Rob Davies99½
John Kooner1031Controller Bye

Minor Final Position Summary

Minor tournaments are normally won by improving juniors (remember at this time gradings were only updated twice a year), or new players who were also in the improving stage. This second category probably fits Southampton University’s Stephen Gow as his first grade was only in 2013. But Martin Baxter was a returning player, but had obviously been working on his game as his rating has improved since this time.

Behind these James Wallman’s rating had not changed that much year on year and it was great to see him have an excellent tournament, finishing in joint third place. I am sure he took great joy in his tournament, as it is not easy to place in a Minor, as there are always under graded players. Ivor Kelly had only lost to the tournament winner and had taking a first round bye along with drawing with Jerry Ingamells in the fifth round. Tournament regular (who has supplied the photos) Keven Lamb won the under 100 grading prize.

Also of note was Maha Chander’s winning of the Gillian Moore trophy for the highest scoring female in the Congress.

The information has been obtained from the ECF rating site crosstable, which does not take into account byes therefore the rankings do not match the final real positions. But to amend this I would have to recreate the numbers for each player, which I have not done. But the table can be sorted to allow you to do this.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Martin BaxterUG10+9+11+3+2–7+5
2Stephen Gow113bye =16+8+5+1+3+5.5
3James Wallman10819+8+6+1–12+2–4
4Timothy S Allen12112–7+15=16+13=6=3.5
5Ivor H Kelly124bye =18+9+2–6=12+4
6Jerry Ingamells11413+17+3–bye =5=4=3.5
7Keven A Lamb85bye =4–20+14+15+1–3.5
8James A Barnett12014+3–2–bye =16+17+3.5
9Graeme Ford11320+1–5–bye =17=13+3
10Maha Chandar631–15–19+bye =14=18+3
11Tim G Cutter11715+12+1–bye =002.5
12Don Creasey1034+11–bye =15+3–5–2.5
13Brian V Cochran956–bye =17=18+4=9–2.5
14Rob Davies998–19+bye =7–10=16=2.5
15John Kooner10311–10+4=12–7–bye +2.5
16Manoj Chandar82bye =2–18+4–8–14=2
17Stephen P Kitley100bye =6–13=bye =9=8–2
18Mike M HenburyUGbye =5–16–13–bye +10–1.5
19Steve R Dunleavy633–14–10–0000
20David Jerome729–bye =7–0000.5

HCA Summary

Hampshire’s Chess Association Secretary’s John Wheeler’s report on the 2015 Congress is below. Many thanks to John for sending all his reports for the HCA Archives, as although I had some of these, not being active in the HCA (or any Chess at this time I did not have this one).

Acknowledgements and Sources

  • Hampshire Chess Archives
  • British Chess Rating System
  • John Wheeler
  • Kev Lamb for photos

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