Hampshire 1969/70 SCCU County Champions

The main Trophy in the SCCU County Competitions is the Shannon Trophy, otherwise known as the Championship. According to the SCCU Team Champions list on the SCCU Website Hampshire won the Shannon Trophy just once in 1947/48, but Anthony Fulton in his excellent book “The Southern Counties Chess Union – a retrospective” disputes this as in 1969/70 they beat Cambridgeshire in the Final. Cambridgeshire beat Lancashire in the Inter County Championship Final (National Finals) where Hampshire lost to an extremely strong Lancashire team in the quarter Final, which may have caused the confusion?

Hampshire’s win was also confirmed in the Hampshire Chess Bulletin, so it does look like Cambridgeshire will have to take this off their list of championships. The final was played in early September 1970 rather than the normal April to allow Cambridgeshire, whose team rely heavily on students to field a team representative of their regular season one.

1969 1970 Southern Counties Chess Champions

This post is to detail the matches played in the first half of the season (1969), to understand how Hampshire managed to finish ahead of the normal powerhouses Kent, Middlesex and Essex. I wanted to get an indication of strength of both Hampshire and their opponents and have managed to obtain grades from various sources, but Hampshire’s will be fuller and more accurate than their opponents, as I had more sources and am aware of more the the names. Post two will detail the remaining matches and post Three will cover player performance and additional details on the match captain and reasons why this was the beginning of the end for Hampshire in the SCCU.

For the record of Hampshire County matches and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire County Chess Matches page will detail these. The Hampshire County Chess History page summaries the leagues Hampshire have played in and the successes Hampshire have achieved. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.

Shannon Championship

At this time there was a North and South Championship with seven counties in each, who all played each other over 20 boards. The winner of each division met in the final. In 1969/70 the divisions were as below.


  • Berkshire
  • Buckinghamshire
  • Hampshire
  • Kent
  • Oxfordshire
  • Surrey
  • Sussex


  • Bedfordshire
  • Cambridgeshire
  • Essex
  • Hertfordshire
  • Middlesex
  • Norfolk
  • Suffolk

Amboyna Shield

As well as the Shannon, teams could also enter the Amboyna Shield which was played over 50 boards. Ten teams entered this in the 1969/70 season and Hampshire played against all the teams from the South division with the exception of Kent and in addition Hertfordshire and Essex from the North. This meant some matches were just for the Amboyna Shield and others were for both tournaments. As well as winning the Shannon Championship, Hampshire also won the Amboyna Shield this season as well.

In addition, Essex, Middlesex, Kent and Surrey played in the Ebony tournament, which had 75 player teams – This would have been an extra 25 boards added to their Amboyna matches.

Hampshire v Hertfordshire – Amboyna Shield 27th September 1969

The first match of the season was against Hertfordshire in the Amboyna Shield (as Hertfordshire played in the Northern League). As mentioned the Amboyna Shield was played over 50 boards, although following 1972 this turned into the third team competition (U150). Hampshire’s team for the Amboyna shield in this season averaged BCF 157, which if pretty impressive for a 50 player team.

A very close match against Hertfordshire, who are not a team Hampshire play that often and this was the only time they played them over 50 boards. Hampshire had lost the previous four matches, although that went back to the early 1950’s, but managed to stop the rot with this 26-24 win. In fact, apart from an U125 match in 1990 this was the last time Hampshire played Hertfordshire.

You may think that you require a large building for a 100 person match, but this was played at the same time as the Kent vs Bucks match, which meant there were 200 chess players at the same venue. The venue was the John Lewis building in London, where numerous SCCU County matches and the Jamborees were held.

Amboyna Shield

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultHertsHerts GradeHerts Result
1John H Jones2031TB Bennett1840
2S Saverymuttu1981TK Hemingwayu0
3Michael Ventham1941J Mitchellu0
4Marshall WJ Thompson1841T Wickensu0
5PH Collins180½WEB Pryer188½
6AC Barton1770PAJ Brown1851
7DW Lewis1741AG Burrows1840
8AR Cullinane1730B McCague1781
9RM Ellison1711DG MacDonald1940
10Len C Walters1731Default0
11J Manderson1730A Philip Primett1831
12BF O’Sullivan1780Miss D Dobson1771
13TI Cowling1690J Cooku1
14Peter L Marshall1670H Rubinu1
15JA Sanz1660PA May1681
16Cdr AJ Peters165½A Gratrexu½
17JF Watson1651JAC Borlandu0
18Martin L Newbury1641CH Watson1660
19Sq-Ldr L Vine1641C Leanu0
20MW Stone1651Default0
21Capt GP Brittonu0W Houpt1581
22Adam J Sobey1621N Lampinu0
23Maj HT Walkeru1A Collmanu0
24David E Bower158½S Capsey156½
25JN Harvey1520C Cale1551
26SL Russell151½A Haberberg158½
27MW Johnson1511J Maynard1500
28DA Bloxom1480D Pictonu1
29RC Hayman1470A Cooper1721
30JRA Smith1450HL Palmeru1
31PJ Hulbert1371A Simmu0
32AM Ingram1311H Campbell1430
33A Lenton1421J Smailes1420
34AJ Miller1410J Mooru1
35DV Pedder1400RJ Robinsonu1
36JA Bassett1391R Hubbardu0
37Brian E Galeu1W Battellu0
38AF Garneru0S Gaughtu1
39H Dochertyu0R Oxboroughu1
40SP Herman1381H Hurd1340
41WJ Eaton138½EJ Leyns128½
42RC Clark159½G Danielu½
43JFT Charvill1360S Cooleyu1
44Mrs S Roperu0R Talbot1281
45JEC Grant1331BC Hodsonu0
46EW Engert1321P Boardu0
47WL Bigwoodu0R Forsteru1
48RW Atkinsonu½D Barasiu½
49JA Hunt121½S Percivalu½
50GW Kilmister1370H Brownu1

Hampshire v Surrey – Shannon & Amboyna Shield 18th October 1969

The second match of the season was against Surrey in the Shannon and Amboyna Shield, again played in London. This format was a 50 board match, with the first 20 counting towards the Shannon (Championship) and the full 50 counting towards the Amboyna Shield. Surrey were a regular opponent for Hampshire and they had played every year since 1958 as well as many times before, back to their first friendly in 1891.

As recorded in the “The Southern Counties Chess Union – a retrospective” Surrey normally came out on top of these matches with Hampshire only winning six times and drawing twice in their 51 matches (including friendlies and the National Minor in 2005 they have played 56 times). But this was one of the occasions when Hampshire did win both the Shannon (11 to 9) and Amboyna Shield (27 to 23).


BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultSurreySurrey GradeSurrey Result
1S Saverymuttu198½RC Lynn187½
2John H Jones2031EL Stuart2040
3ME Ventham194½RK Stockwell186½
4PM Collins196½J Hobbs160½
5Marshall WJ Thompson1840DJ Masters1891
6DK Browning1851TC Noyce1790
7PH Collins180½JHE Drake189½
8DH Smith1800WEC Richards1911
9P John Patience1901AC Ashby1830
10HD Varadarajan1721HJ Lester1750
11AC Barton1770KG Felce1871
12A Samuels1700R Williams1611
13PJ Dodwell180½M Colquhounu½
14AR Cullinane1731H Keuneke1440
15EW Chandler1681RE James1580
16Martin L Newbury1641HN Cath1690
17TI Cowling169½D Luckin154½
18Cdr AJ Peters1650DP Willnets1801
19BAM Piggott171½HC Page170½
20Peter L Marshall167½R Hulme155½

Amboyna Shield

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultSurreySurrey GradeSurrey Result
21Sq-Ldr L Vine1640N High1711
22AJ Sobey162½N Puvamu½
23Maj HT Walkeru0N Woodu1
24Dr V Tulavski1640JJ Lauder1551
25MW Stone165½FC Manning151½
26JA Sanz1661J Bennett1830
27JG Shepherd1621LAL Montaut1380
28JR Creweu½JP Raison143½
29Capt GP Brittonu0TO Brugger1521
30N Graham150½DW Cay158½
31J Morris1591JD Williams1340
32DE Bower1580RD Barnett1811
33AM Ingram1311WT Springnall1560
34P Johnson1571WR Rayner1590
35MW Johnson1510TB West1601
36SL Russell1510RJ Uphill1431
37DA Bloxom1481TW White1630
38JRA Smith145½RA Black137½
39JA Bassett1391A Lyndon1440
40Brian E Galeu½N Morrant117½
41AJ Evans1421D Hassleu0
42WJ Eaton138½BC Gould144½
43RC Clark1591A Balantony1460
44DV Pedder140½JF Lane133½
45JEC Grant1330JW Fisher1441
46AF Garneru1KA Povah1750
47E Poloszczuk1360MR Harman1301
48EW Engert1320S Clarke1571
49Mrs S Roperu1WH Matthewsu0
50JRT Charvill1361R Tinckletu0

Hampshire v Buckinghamshire – Shannon & Amboyna Shield 15th November 1969

The third match of the season was against Surrey in the Shannon and Amboyna Shield, again played in London. This format was a 50-board match, with the first 20 counting towards the Shannon (Championship) and the full 50 counting towards the Amboyna Shield. Hampshire proved too strong for Bucks winning the Championship match 13½ – 6½ and the Amboyna 30½ – 19½ (17-13)


BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultBucksBucks GradeBucks Result
1John H Jones2030B Atkinson1831
2DE Lloyd1981KG Hydeu0
3Gerald H Bennett194½P Acton184½
4ME Ventham1941Default0
5HM Ewans1931Dr EN Bramley1780
6Marshall WJ Thompson1841A Niedzwiedski1690
7DH Smith180½EB Sandercock168½
8DJ McCue1771K Keen1620
9RM Ellison1710G Moore1731
10AR Cullinane1731N Thackery1730
11Len C Walters1730IC Parkinsonu1
12J Manderson1731JD Cheetham1650
13HCR Burdock1851W Evans1680
14AC Barton1771UO Aavelaid1600
15EW Chandler1680JK Jacksonu1
16BF O’Sullivan178½DE Stevenson155½
17A Samuels170½A Ballard144½
18Martin L Newbury164½G Cabaj155½
19Peter L Marshall1671G Edmonds1520
20BAM Piggott1711A Wodzianeku0

Amboyna Shield

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultBucksBucks GradeBucks Result
21Cdr AJ Peters1650CNE Harris1541
22MW Stone165½D Luch145½
23JG Shepherd162½M Purser159½
24Sq-Ldr L Vine1640H Cookson1471
25TH Campbell1661N Clark1280
26J Morris1591M Scott1510
27N Graham150½R Marsh146½
28JE Creweu0Dr AW Hillu1
29Capt GP Brittonu½CJ Stapley138½
30MW Johnson1510D Webbu1
31AM Ingram1311L Norris1330
32DE Bower1581J Bryant1330
33LF Cotteru1W Whiteu0
34SL Russell1510JC Saundersu1
35JA Bassett139½C Hichsonu½
36A Lenton142½R Cattleu½
37RA Pidgeon140½CS Randall0½
38RC Hayman1471R Robinsonu0
39JRA Smith1450DJ Turneru1
40RC Clark159½C Floydu½
41AF Garneru½T Dyer115½
42CDN Denton1380B Selden1251
43WJ Eaton138½P Boughtonu½
44JM Guilfoyleu0PA Dunningu1
45S Sriharanu1F Brown1170
46DV Pedder1401R Nealeu0
47H Dochertyu1D King1220
48EW Engert1321G Griffiths1170
49GH Jonesu1G Trent1160
50JA Hunt1211RD Stokeru0

Hampshire v Sussex – Shannon & Amboyna Shield 6th December 1969

Next up were Sussex, whose Hampshire final SCCU match record was 30%, so certainly another tough opponent. In the Shannon team Sussex had a number of 200+ graded players, compared to Hampshire where John Jones was the sole plus 200 strength player.

The impact in this was seen with Sussex outscoring Hampshire 5 – 2 on the top 7 boards, but on the remaining 13 boards Sussex managed only 3½ points and Hampshire had a fantastic 11½ – 8½ win in the Shannon. In regards to the Amboyna Shield the 30 board match ended 15 points apiece, meaning Hampshire won this 26½ – 23½.


BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultSussexSussex GradeSussex Result
1S Saverymuttu198½GJ Nicholas174½
2John H Jones2030JIP Simpole2131
3DE Lloyd1980GH James2021
4Gerald H Bennett194½RJ Barker202½
5ME Ventham194½KL Gardneru½
6HM Ewans1930JD Thortonu1
7DK Browning185½B Thomas193½
8Marshall WJ Thompson1841AG Stubbs1870
9HD Varadarajan1721ARP Lewis1830
10HCR Burdock185½CAS Damant182½
11AC Burton177½KF Homeyard181½
12DW Lewis1741DGA Shallcross1790
13AR Cullinane1730E Keyu1
14RH Ellison1711WE Devittu0
15J Manderson1731CJ McArthur1780
16BF O’Sullivan178½KP Allen0½
17Len C Walters1731M Rubin1530
18TI Cowling169½RJ Ilersicu½
19A Samuels170½RH Williamsu½
20Peter L Marshall1671E Donovanu0

Amboyna Shield

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultSussexSussex GradeSussex Result
21JE Creweu1PR Selby1770
22Martin L Newbury164½Dr AJ Leggettu½
23BAM Piggott1710B Beavis1701
24MW Stone1651AJ Dommett1700
25AJ Sobey162½SD East170½
26J Morris159½PE Monkhouse170½
27AM Ingram1310PI Wyndham1691
28N Graham1500CE Cropp1661
29Cdr AJ Peters165½PN Kington173½
30JA Hunt1210C Searleu1
31Iain A Stenhouse1591LF Grasty1650
32Sq-Ldr L Vine1640P Watson1651
33DE Bower1581FC Cullingtonu0
34HW Johnson1511A Philpott1650
35DA Bloxom1480EJ Bowley1601
36TJ deBuriatte147½GM Brace131½
37F Johnson157½CE SouthcoteWant158½
38SL Russell1511FG Hill1570
39JA Bassett1391GH Green1560
40RC Hayman1470GA Rain1551
41AJ Evans142½BJ Sherrell154½
42S Sriharanu1CM Damzer1480
43Brian E Galeu0LT Smale1561
44RC Clark159½Miss P Garland149½
45WJ Eaton138½JA Knottu½
46JFT Charvill136½JG Istedu½
47Mrs S Roperu1Miss A Gammans1370
48EW Engert1320S Mansfieldu1
49JRA Smith1451J Valler1540
50MJ Eaton1380Miss D Garland1291

Hampshire v Kent – Shannon 10th January 1970

The match against Kent was just for the Shannon Championship (although Kent were also playing in the Amboyna) and therefore just played over 20 boards. This was played in Charlton and therefore not sure if this counts as a neutral venue, or an away one? Nevertheless, Kent were a real powerhouse in the SCCU and Hampshire only managed four wins and two draws from their 43 matches and suffered a number of heavy losses.

This was not one of those days though and this time the top boards did Hampshire proud, with 6 points from the top 8 boards. This included John Jones beating Max Fuller graded 216 who played board one for Australia and became an FM in 1980. See the BCN article for more details on his life.


BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultKentKent GradeKent Result
1S Saverymuttu198½M MacDonald-Rossu½
2John H Jones2031M Fuller2160
3DE Lloyd198½MV Lambershire213½
4Gerald H Bennett1941N Oliver1950
5ME Ventham194½RR Smith196½
6Marshall WJ Thompson1841DJ Rogers1960
7P John Patience1901R Johannes1940
8MW Johnson151½S MacDonald-Ross180½
9DW Lewis1740MJ Reddie1941
10J Manderson1730PB Cook01
11HCR Burdockl1851AK Swift1810
12AC Barton1771G Pope1860
13A Samuels1701GP Robinsonu0
14Peter L Marshall167½R Bellinger177½
15BF O’Sullivan1781M Pitt1830
16RM Ellison1710MJ Keeshamu1
17AR Cullinane1731IL Snape1760
18MW Stone1650D Radfordu1
19BAM Piggott1710JG Nicholson1701
20Iain A Stenhouse1590JP Somerville1701

Hampshire v Oxfordshire – Shannon & Amboyna Shield 31st January 1970

One the last day of January Hampshire took on Oxfordshire over 50 boards in Reading. Oxfordshire had proved a difficult opponent in the past, but with Hampshire’s strong and well captained 1970 team would Hampshire come out on top? In the 20 board Shannon Competition Oxfordshire had three players graded over 215, two who would become IM’s and Adrian Hollis who would become the 9th World Correspondence World Champion in 1987 (1982 to 1987). Hampshire scored 50% on these boards, with Saverymuttu defeating Botterill on board one.

Oxfordshire’s average grade for the Shannon match was just over 191, whilst Hampshire’s was 183, but Hampshire proved that on the day this was irrelevant with a crushing 13 to 7 win, with only three losses in the match.

In the remaining 30 boards for the Amboyna Shield it looks as if obtaining 50 boards was a struggle for Oxfordshire as they defaulted nine boards, Hampshire won 21½ – 8½ bringing the Amboyna Shield result to 34½ – 15½ which was Hampshire’s largest victory against Oxfordshire.


BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultOxfordshireOxfordshire GradeOxfordshire Result
1S Saverymuttu1981G Botterill2180
2John H Jones2030AJ Whiteley2161
3DE Lloyd198½A Hollis218½
4DK Bevis1780J Moles2011
5PM Collins1961L Blackstock1900
6P John Patience190½W Linton199½
7HM Ewans193½R Watsonu½
8RWL Moberly192½A Jonesu½
9CR Orchard1881H Norphyu0
10DK Browning1851C Burton1950
11MW Johnson1510PGN Kendall1841
12TI Cowling169½J Stone190½
13HC Burdock1851H Daube1680
14AC Barton177½M Turneru½
15DH Smith180½Dr G Whiteu½
16AJ Stebbings1801MN Crombie1610
17DJ McCue1771R Ermerson1780
18DW Lewis174½D Godfreyu½
19A Samuels1701DT Jones1930
20J Manderson1731A Cummis1650

Amboyna Shield

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultOxfordshireOxfordshire GradeOxfordshire Result
21JE Creweu1Default0
22Len C Walters1731A Baker1640
23RM Ellison1710GT Jonesu1
24AR Cullinane1731T Ashplant1570
25Peter L Marshall1671G Elkes1680
26EW Chandler168½J Waldron158½
27ME Ventham1941Default0
28RNK Oldingu0R Gravett1581
29Martin L Newbury1641R Watts1740
30MW Stone1650T Williams1541
31AJ Sobey1620G Rockett1471
32J Morris1591Default0
33DE Bower1580S Dolahu1
34BAM Piggott1711Dr H Lawrence1450
35Cdr AJ Peters1651H Booth1500
36TR Campbell1661Default0
37Sq-Ldr L Vine1641R Cherry1330
38Capt GP Brittonu½A Collins141½
39N Graham150½F Wood140½
40JA Bassett1391Rev H Tayloru0
41SL Russell1510H Sloan1561
42J Calleja1361P Craskeu0
43RC Clark159½A Gillmoreu½
44S Sriharanu1Default0
45LF Cotteru½G Dawson137½
46JA Hunt1211DA del Nevou0
47Mrs S Roperu1Default0
48WJ Eaton1381Default0
49KE Engert1321Default0
50MJ Eaton1381Default0

Hampshire v Essex – Amboyna Shield 28th February 1970

Essex played in the North Championship, whilst Hampshire played in the South. Therefore this 50 board match was just for the Amboyna Shield. This was the only league match Hampshire lost and this was by the narrowest of margins 24½ – 25½. In fact the match was level at 24½ – 24½ with Southampton’s Alec Samuels adjourned against KG Scott. Unfortunately for Hampshire this looks to have gone Essex’s way. On researching this post I found out that Alec Samuels was elected as the leader of Southampton City Council in 2007 at the age of 77 and stood down when he was 80 three years later. He was still playing chess in the Southampton League in 2016 at the age of 86.

Amboyna Shield

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultEssexEssex GradeEssex Result
1S Saverymuttu198½D Sherman201½
2John H Jones2031Default0
3Gerald H Bennett194½IA Friedlande189½
4PM Collins1960PW Hempson2051
5DE Lloyd198½Dr KD Salesu½
6ME Ventham1941Default0
7P John Patience1900MW Willsu1
8HM Ewans1930RM Harman2121
9Marshall WJ Thompson1841HI Woolverton1910
10DK Browning1850TJ Pascoe1791
11MW Johnson1510SM Kalinsky1831
12DW Lewis1740RW O’Brien1741
13AC Barton1770AJ Brooks1831
14A Samuels1700KG Scottu1
15J Manderson1731JV Ripp1840
16Len C Walters173½D Eustaceu½
17WJE Yeeles1750R Watts1741
18Peter L Marshall167½JR Priestley183½
19DK Bevis178½P Kitson134½
20BF O’Sullivan1780MC Bramwellu1
22H Vardarjan1721PR Elliott1560
23JE Creweu½S Wilkinson173½
24TI Cowling169½R Heppenstall169½
25RM Ellison171½M Hubbard145½
26Martin L Newbury164½R Griffiths148½
27EW Chandler1680KW Spurgeon1571
28M Bramer1671RH Langham1580
29J Morris1590R Hatch1591
30BAM Piggott171½D Dennis151½
31Cdr AJ Peters1651D Rogerson1440
32GL Pritchard1570DG Cannan1611
33Iain A Stenhouse159½JA Spiegal162½
34Maj HT Walkeru½HW Calvert145½
35M Roberts1601C Ramage1520
36DE Bower158½R Franklin160½
37Capt GP Brittonu0R Julianu1
39N Graham1500AF Scriberu1
40JA Bassett1391DH Imrie1300
41R Johnson157½ERA Goss151½
42RC Hayman1471B Sammes1340
43S Sriharanu0D Browning1531
44J Calleja1361S Bushu0
45SL Russell1511H Hubbard1120
46WJ Eaton1380JJ Orcleyu1
47HE Davies1561J Eleyu0
48P Ozanneu0IA Pattersonu1
49Brian E Galeu1S Bushillu0
50EW Engert1321P Gilleru0

Hampshire v Berkshire – Shannon & Amboyna Shield 7th March 1970

In March Berkshire were the opponents, another team who Hampshire play often now in the Chiltern League. In the SCCU Hampshire had a 75% record with 29 wins, 4 draws and 8 losses.

Hampshire also had the advantage this season with the match being played in Southampton, which normally makes team selection easier. But in fact Hampshire’s team was not noticeably different to their other matches. This points to great organisation by the Hampshire Match Captain HL Parsons to persuade strong players to play in non home matches, which I will look at in more detail later.

A very similar result to the Oxfordshire match, saw Hampshire win the Shannon 13 to 7 and the Amboyna Shield 33½ – 16½ for a comfortable win.


BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultBerksBerks GradeBerks Result
1S Saverymuttu198½JM Craddock198½
2John H Jones2031CM Blackburne1930
3ME Ventham1940J Walshu1
4Marshall WJ Thompson184½B Turner175½
5P John Patience190½L Tadiello177½
6DK Browning1851PS Woolford1880
7Len C Walters1730KO Ballard1841
8HCR Burdock1851SA Townsend1690
9PH Collins180½J Townsendu½
10DH Smith180½TJ Bean174½
11AJ Stebbings1801JP Parkeru0
12J Manderson173½E Du Puget181½
13AR Cullinane1731JP Spenceru0
14MW Johnson1511DI Stevenson169a
15AC Barton177½NA Randall152½
16Peter L Marshall1671FL Parker1570
17A Samuels1701CR Berry1610
18DK Bevis1781AH Brampton1570
19JE Creweu½NM Stewart154½
20WJE Yeeles1750TG Pollard1581

Amboyna Shield

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultBerksBerks GradeBerks Result
21HL Parsons157½H Duck131½
22TI Cowling1691JW Rankin1570
23R Zoller1701JA Weeks1530
24RM Ellison1711K Wyld1580
25Martin L Newbury1641H Brykiert1570
26Cdr AJ Peters1651WH Norris1530
27EW Chandler1681SR Benedictus1590
28BAM Piggott1710PB Sarsonu1
29AJ Sobey1621MJ Breslin1400
30MW Stone165½C Long148½
31J Morris159½PR Taylor160½
32DE Bower1581D Tuckeru0
33JA Bassett139½MG Tarrant144½
34Capt GP Brittonu1M Baldwinu0
35J Calleja1360M Vandera1361
36GL Pritchard1571VJ Ballard1270
37Sq-Ldr L Vine164½AS Willisu½
38F Johnson1571MJ Cobbu0
39SL Russell1511M Moultu0
40N Graham150½HG Taylor138½
41RC Hayman147½R Glinnu½
42A Miller141½M Pike139½
43S Sriharanu½M Barkeru½
44HE Davies1561CKS Wilmot1400
45Brian E Galeu1A Watkinu0
46WJ Eaton1381HP Rymeru0
47SP Herman1381JJ Looker1230
48EW Engert1320CJ Reynolds1281
49E Poloszczuk1360DJ Finchu1
50S Barberu0J Hasselt1141

Final Tables

This was the end of the regular season and as per the SCCU Bulletins (May 1970) Hampshire won the South Championship, the Amboyna Shield and the Montague-Jones. I have not mentioned the Montague-Jones and additional details on the various leagues / trophies can be found in the SCCU Archives.

Hampshire won the South Championship with a 100% record, Cambridgeshire won the North Championship, dropping a draw to Bedfordshire and these teams would meet in the final to determine the SCCU Champion for 1969/70.

1969 1970 SCCU Inter Counties Results

In the Amboyna Shield Hampshire finished with six wins and the one loss to Essex. Essex also had six wins (one by default) and one loss, losing to Kent. Kent had five wins, one loss and a draw. How the final positions are determined must have taken into account other criteria though, as the final table has Hampshire 1st, Kent 2nd and Essex 3rd.

1969 1970 Southern Counties Chess Amboyna

Hampshire v Lancashire- National Quarter Final 25th April 1970

Although this was the end of the season, Hampshire had qualified for the quarter final of the National Championship and still had to play the SCCU Championship final against Cambridgeshire.

Hampshire travelled to Birmingham to play Lancashire in the National Quarter Finals, but Lancashire with an average grade pushing 200 over 24 boards proved too strong for a slightly weakened Hampshire team and to be fair crushed them. In a strange turn of fate Hampshire’s opponents in the SCCU Championship Cambridgeshire beat Lancashire in the National Final.

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultLancsLancs GradeLancs Result
1S Saverymuttu1980.5J Horner0.5
2John H Jones2030.5CG Hilton2100.5
3Gerald H Bennett1941PR Markland2080
4DE Lloyd1980CF Woodcock2051
5ME Ventham1941M Firth2050
6P John Patience1900PC Hoad2211
7WH Pratten1870GN Henderson2011
8AR Cullinane1730.5D Lees1980.5
9J Manderson1730J Wolstenholme1971
10BF O’Sullivan1780MJ Conroy1981
11A Samuels1701E Little1920
12MW Johnson1510AJ Dilworth2021
13Peter L Marshall1670P Almond1961
14AC Barton1770P Joyce1911
15Len C Walters1730DC Ellison1931
16TI Cowling1690H Lamb1891
17DW Lewis1740J Ripley1951
18JE Creweu0J Tennant-Smith1961
19RM Ellison1710.5D Malcolm1910.5
20Cdr AJ Peters1651TJ Beach1920
21DE Bower1580.5BA Jones0.5
22MS Stone1650RW Howley1891
23BAM Piggott1710JH Pollitt1851
24Sq-Ldr L Vine1640DP Lynch1

Hampshire v Cambridgeshire – Shannon Final 5th September 1970

The final between the South and North divisions for the Championship would normally take place earlier in the year, but this was delayed as Cambridgeshire rely heavily on their University players. Therefore it took place in September, after Cambridgeshire had already won the BCF National Championship.

Looking at the teams, both were understrength with Cambridgeshire missing Raymond Keene (237), Bill Harston (225), HW Williams (210) and NJ Patterson (209) who all played in some of their national matches. Hampshire averaged under 170 BCF though, which was much lower than any of their previous matches. Looking at the board order and grades I probably have the incorrect grades, as these would have been published in September, when this match took place.

The match was extremely close and with Cambridgeshire defaulting one board this may have been crucial, as despite being heavily outgraded Hampshire won by 10½ – 9½ to take the SCCU Shannon Championship.

A huge achievement for Hampshire and after going undefeated in the South Division and often having to play in London a well deserved victory. Hampshire winners were Gerald Bennett, Michael Ventham, Martin Newbury, Len Walters, DE Bower, SW Sayer (won by default) and AE McGowan. These last two were names unknown to me and I think this match were the only times I have found when they played for Hampshire.

BoardHantsHants GradeHants ResultCambsCambs GradeCambs Result
1S Saverymuttu1980RG Eales2041
2Gerald H Bennett1941JN Sugden1970
3DE Lloyd1980NJ Holloway1381
4ME Ventham1941J Kirk o’Gradyu0
5HCR Burdock1851BM Rothbert2060
6AR Cullinane1730RMR O’kelly1941
7MW Johnson151½R Webb188½
8Martin L Newbury1641JF Rudge1760
9AC Barton177½RW Morgan194½
10DW Lewis1740AJ Oddieu1
11TI Cowling1690JN Sheldrake1771
12Cdr AJ Peters165½Dr PD Ralph174½
13Len C Walters1731HT Jonesu0
14DE Bower1581J Scanlan1820
15AM Ingram1310CF Moore1611
16SL Russell1510C Blissu1
17JN Harvey152½B Goldsmithu½
18JA Bassett139½C Whiteu½
19SW Sayer1551Default0
20AE McGowan1521A Woou0

Information Sources

information for these blogs have been obtained from various sources, the Hampshire Chess Archives, Britbase, SCCU Bulletins and Anthony Fulton book “The Southern Counties Chess Union – a retrospective”. This book provides a potted history of Hampshire Chess as well as other Southern Counties. I highly recommend this book, specifically if you like me the Archivist for one of the Counties who have played in the SCCU.

The Southern Counties Chess Union – a retrospective

1969/1970 SCCU County Champions

Hampshire were 1969/1970 SCCU County Champions, as well as winning the Amboyna Shield and Montague-Jones Trophies. A massive achievement for the County. As recorded in the Hampshire Bulletin this congratulated the Match Captain H.L.Parsons.

Hampshire Bulletin 1970

HL Parsons – Hampshire Match Captain

The Hampshire Match Captain was Harold Leslie Parsons who played for Hampshire between 1923 and 1972 and held various posts for Hampshire including auditor and delegate to the SCCU (from at least 1947). He took over as Match Captain in 1962 (Note 1) from Leslie Vine, although he had served as vice-captain since 1959 and fulfilled this role until 1974 when he stepped down.

He only played the one game this season and I presume this was a substitution (Hampshire had no defaults) as it looks as at this stage he concentrated solely on running the team. As well as his duties for Hampshire he was also the Southampton Chess League President from before the Second World War until his death. He played for the Southampton Chess Club (where they still have their Lightning Cup named after him). He was awarded a Life Honorary President of the Hampshire Chess Association at the AGM on 22nd May 1974.

Harold passed away in November 1984 as reported in the Southern Evening Echo.

HL Parsons obituary Southern Evening Echo – Nov 1984

Player Performance

It is interesting to see the mixture of players who played for Hampshire in the season. There were players who played before the Second World War such as HL Parsons (from 1923), SL Russell (1930), Capt GP Britton (1930), Wilf Pratten (1934) and Sq-Ld-Vine (1936). On the other side there were the young players S Saverymuttu and Gerald Bennett. Saverymuttu was only in Hampshire for a few years, but was a great addition from 1967 to 1970. Gerald Bennett was playing on boards 8 to 19 the previous season was now playing on the top 3 boards and would have only been 20 at this time.

Hampshire used 99 players in the season with 3 players playing in every game and 7 playing in 9. Performance results for all players is given below, weighted towards Games Played. Additional details on specific players is included below the table.

Hampshire 1969 / 1970 Player Peformance

Player Snapshot Analysis

The format used it to pick a few of the players who had the best results, show who they played against with grades and provide a small amount of background information on the players. This will be limited information, but I am happy to add additional supplied information.

Michael Ventham

The one player whose performance is a bit misleading, as included three wins by default. But even excluding these he scored 4½ points from 7 games (64.5%). Playing on the top 5 boards his results including beating a number of strong players. Unfortunately for Hampshire when we moved to the WECU Michael, who lived in London stopped playing for Hampshire, which would have been a real blow.

This also may be the reason for his wins by default, as being a London player and the majority of the games being played in London he may not have wanted a player who had travelled to not play,

Cdr AJ Peters

A stalwart of Hampshire Chess Commander AJ Peters (3 June 1914 – 17 September 1995) played for Hampshire up to 1975, although he was active in Scottish Chess in the 1950’s. He also played for for Oxford in the Varsity Matches in 1936 and and 1937. See Britbase for additional details on him.

in the 1936 Varsity Match he played on board 7 and won, whilst Graham Powell Britton who also played this season for Hampshire played on board 2 (although the lost).

Graded 165 the Commander had an excellent season, with the highlight seeming to be the win against TJ Beach graded 192 in the BCF Quarter Finals. Although mainly playing in the 2nd team he also played in the Championship Final against Cambridgeshire on board 12 drawing against his higher graded opponent.

John H Jones

John was a Gosport player and was the only Hampshire player graded over 200 this season. John shared board one with S. Saverymuttu who was another Gosport player (John played twice on board 1 and seven times on board 2). Ignoring the win by default John won 4 games, lost 3 and drew 1. As you can see below John had some extremely tough opponents, with 4 graded 210+. His stand out win was against Max Fuller (216) but I think he had a fantastic season to score more than 50% against the calibre of his opponents. Personally I have a winning record against John with a win and a draw, but these were when he had mainly stopped playing in 1996/97 and he was graded 40+ points lower, but still results I am pleased with.

Peter Marshall

Anyone who has played in the Southampton League from the 1950’s to the mid 2000’s would know Peter Marshall. He held numerous official roles within Southampton and Hampshire including being the Hampshire President and WECU Match Captain. He was instrumental in bringing the British Chess Championship to Southampton in 1986

Peter was ever present in the Hampshire County team, playing more than 200 games and in the 1950’s he played on board 1 as well as numerous times on the top 5 boards. He was still winning games in his last season in 2007. In the WECU he often travelled with his close Southampton Chess Club friend Len Walters (another Varsity player), often stopping for a liquid lunch. I think as they both got older the driving from Len got a bit dangerous! Len also played this season, scoring 50% (ignoring this win by default). Both Len and Peter have trophies named after them in the Southampton Individual Championship.

Peter only missed the one game in the season, which was the final against Cambridgeshire but he won 4 games, drew 3 and lost 2 in the season. There is a picture of Peter on the Hampshire Chess Chronology page.

Martin Newbury

Going undefeated in his 8 games Martin Newbury’s 4 wins and 3 draws were hugely beneficial to Hampshire’s season. He also won his game in the final against Cambridgeshire.

Marshall Thompson

Often playing on the top board for Hampshire during the 30+ years he played for Hampshire 9 times Hampshire Individual Champion played from board 4 to 9 this season. This was a great benefit for Hampshire and he scored heavily, winning five games and had a draw and a loss in the other two.

JA Bassett

5 wins and 3 losses playing on the lower boards for Hampshire was JA Bassett. Only playing 16 times for Hampshire between 1966 and 1974 with 50% of them in this season he is not a player I am familiar with.

HCR Burdock

With the highest scoring percentage of any player who played more than 3 games, HCR Burdock only dropped the 1 draw from 6 games. Having a player graded 185 playing as low as board 13 this season was one of the reasons for Hampshire’s success. In fact he played 1 more game for Hampshire the following season, which he lost and then did not play again. He is not a player I know of, so it may be that he moved away, or that WECU chess was not for him?

Update Jan 2023: John Saunders of Britbase has supplied additional details on HCR Burdock. John played him 1971 and discovered the sad fact that he died in 1973 aged only 26. Full details: Harry Charles Robert Burdock, born 27 February 1947, North Bucks; died 28 April 1973, Portsmouth.

His win against BM Rothbert who out-graded him by 29 points in the Championship Final in probably his highlight of his excellent season.

Gerald H Bennett

As mentioned at the start of the article Gerald Bennett was playing on much lower boards in the previous season, but in 69/70 he played boards 2,3 and 4 and went undefeated in his 6 games. With his opponents graded from 184 to 208 a fantastic result. Gerald eventually became a FIDE Master and was also Hampshire Chess President in 1994 and won the Southampton Individual Championship twice in 1973 and 1983. Back to his County Chess history he played over 70 games for Hampshire scoring 65.5%

Other Noticeable Results

as the above the following players also scored well this season.

  • S Saverymuttu W2 D6 L1 loss mainly on board one.
  • AR Cullinane W5 D1 L3
  • DE Bower W4 3D 2L
  • Alec Samuels W5, D1, L3 (another Varsity player)
  • HD Varadarajan W3

The Beginning of the end for Hampshire in the SCCU

I alluded in post two about Hampshire’s win acting as a catalyst for changes in the SCCU, especially the concerns for some Counties had in relation to travelling. Safe to say Hampshire had to travel to London for numerous matches, but they also had some home matches played normally in Southampton, or Eastleigh.

The Hampshire Bulletin which was edited by Hampshire player GW Kilmister (who also produced (but not edited) the SCCU Bulletins) was quite forthcoming in showing the displeasure of other Counties having to travel out of the Metropolitan area and changes were made. I will leave it up to the reader as if these were fair changes, but I think the amendment made after the official document stating:

“that is hoped that most Counties will agree to play in London so that the development struggle for supremacy in the final rounds can be more easily followed in the coincident matches, with greatly heightened interest”

Hampshire Chess Bulletin 1970 GW Kilmister

says it all!

Hampshire Chess Bulletin 1970 GW Kilmister

Hampshire played two more seasons in the SCCU but the changes obviously had an impact as in 1970/71 they finished bottom in the Shannon Championship (six teams entered) and fourth of ten teams in the Amboyna Shield.

In 1971/72 Hampshire did not qualify for the Championship (as there was a preliminary) and finished last in the Amboyna Shield as they did not play the minimum of 5 matches.

In 1972/73 Hampshire joined the WECU and won 4 matches and lost 7½ – 8½ to Gloucestershire. These matches were played over 16 boards, but this was expanded to two teams later which allowed more players to play County chess. In the WECU there was probably more travelling than in the SCCU, but at least it was a more even playing field (although Cornwall always have to travel the most due to be the most westwardly county).


The excel document I created to complete the tables / analysis can be downloaded below. The spreadsheet includes more information on the matches, as well as a pivot chart you can use to determine additional stats on the players.


Winning the Shannon Championship, Amboyna Shield and Montague-Jones was a fantastic achievement for Hampshire, but it did seem in the end that it led to major changes in the SCCU, certainly for Hampshire and probably for other “Minor” counties as well. It was certainly instrumental in Hampshire leaving the SCCU.


  1. July 7th 1962 Hampshire Chess AGM

Acknowledgements and sources:

  • Britbase for grading lists and Varsity information
  • The Southern Counties Chess Union – a retrospective – Anthony Fulton
  • SCCU News Bulletins for results and tables
  • Southern Evening Echo

    2 thoughts on “Hampshire 1969/70 SCCU County Champions”

    1. Pleased to find details of Cdr A J Peters, he taught maths and he ran the school chess club at the Southern Grammar school in Portsmouth that I attended.


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