Terry Hollington – Obituary

A number of obituaries which were included on the original Hampshire Chess Association website are being added to the website.

Terry Hollington

Pat McEvoy of Victory Chess Club has informed me of the death of Terry Hollington on the 22 October 2002 and has kindly supplied the following:

Of course Terry has not been active in chess for over 15 years, but he was a very active junior organiser in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1980s, Terry and myself put out the strongest county junior chess teams this country has ever seen, winning all the major national championships. On one occasion we took a team of 20 players to a national final in Liverpool. When we got there, we discovered that it was for teams of 10. Never mind, they let us enter 2 teams! Never been known before, but what the heck! Of the 13 teams competing our teams came 1st and 3rd. I shall never forget it.

Terry was also the founder of the Portsmouth Chess Congress, an event that I continue to run in the spirit he would have wished, and which recently celebrated its 25th birthday. This year’s event (February 8-10-2002) will be an ‘Elite’ event on the Grand Prix circuit, a fact that gave Terry some pleasure in his final weeks.

Pat McEvoy

Acknowledgements and sources:

  • Pat McEvoy

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