Southampton vs Portsmouth League Matches

2002 HCA Congress Marshall

The Southampton and Portsmouth Leagues held matches between each other from the 1950’s (as did Southampton against Bournemouth). A number of these are detailed in the Hampshire Bulletins, Roger Paige’s Hampshire Chess 1950 – 1970 book and the Portsmouth Evening News. The ones I have will not be the only ones played and I will … Read more

Chandler’s Ford Chess Club – Gallery

Fareham 2023 Friendly

Chandler’s Ford Chess Club was created in the 2015/2016 Chess season, when Eastleigh Railway chess club moved venues. In addition this was really an amalgamation of the original Eastleigh Unity, Eastleigh British Rail and Stoke Social chess clubs. Eastleigh Unity prior to this was Stoneham Park via Cricketers Arms (which was when I joined). Safe … Read more

Southampton vs Portsmouth Chess Match 1966 / 1967

Portsmouth v Southampton 1965 1966

In the past there used to be an annual Southampton vs Portsmouth Chess League match. This was one of the many regular matches which have been held at various times in Hampshire. Southampton vs Bournemouth, Hampshire vs Wiltshire are a couple of other examples. I have located a number of the HCA Bulletins from the … Read more