Hampshire County Matches 1892 / 93

Hampshire Wiltshire May 1893 - London Evening Standard - Monday 29 May 1893

The Hampshire County team played three matches in 1892/93 all against the same counties as the previous year. They managed a 50% record with a win (Surrey), loss (Sussex) and a draw (Wiltshire) in three very close matches. Gone were the double round boards from the Wiltshire fixture and on the whole it seems less … Read more

Hampshire County Matches 1890 / 91

Sussex Match Isle of Wight Observer - Saturday 24 January 1891

Hampshire did not play and County Matches in 1890 but looking over the season as we now play (Sept 1890 to August 1891) they played and won two matches against Sussex. These were completed following the formation of the Hampshire Chess Association in 1890, For the record of Hampshire County matches and links to any … Read more