Southampton vs Portsmouth League Matches

2002 HCA Congress Marshall

The Southampton and Portsmouth Leagues held matches between each other from the 1950’s (as did Southampton against Bournemouth). A number of these are detailed in the Hampshire Bulletins, Roger Paige’s Hampshire Chess 1950 – 1970 book and the Portsmouth Evening News. The ones I have will not be the only ones played and I will … Read more

Hampshire Individual Chess Championship 1969

1968 1969 HCA Congress Final Table

The 1969 Hampshire Individual Chess Championship (for the 1968 / 69 season) was held at Southampton University the two middle weekends of October 1968. There were five rounds each weekend, and the tournament was dominated by the young Seth Saverymuttu, who only dropped two draws from his ten games. Contents For a list of the … Read more

Hampshire Individual Chess Championship 1970

1969 1970 HCA Congress Final Table

The 1970 Hampshire Individual Chess Championship (for the 1969 / 70 season) was held over two weekends in October 1969 at Southampton University. 24 players battled over 10 rounds, with Seth Saverymuttu achieving an excellent eight and half points, to finish half a point ahead of Marshall Thompson. The order I am posting these articles … Read more

Southampton vs Bournemouth League Matches

HCA 2004 Congress Allen Presentation

Southampton and Bournemouth have always had a close relationship in chess, and for a long time there was an annual chess match. This continued into at least the 1980’s but has more recently been replaced with a Bournemouth v Poole match. Photo above of the late Les Allen who played for Southampton in some of … Read more