Portsmouth Chess League

The Portsmouth Chess League was first held in 1947/48. Portsmouth Chess Club were the first winners of Division One and have had the most success with 18 championships (17 by their A team and 1 by their B) followed by Gosport (14), Cosham and Fareham (13).

Details of the various winners of the Portsmouth Chess Leagues, Cups, Individual Champions are below. I have summarised the relevant Trophies, but as always if anyone has additional details please do advise.

The Fareham Chess Club website has the following information on the first season.

At the instigation of Wilf Pratten, the Portsmouth and District Chess League was formed in the same month, and the following matches were played:

Portsmouth ‘A’ v Portsmouth ‘B’
Fareham v St Johns
Municipal College v Cosham

Portsmouth ‘A’ were the winners with Fareham third.

Fareham Chess Club – Reg Clark

Portsmouth Chess League Trophies

There are currently two divisions in the Portsmouth Chess League, but there have been as many as six in the past. There are two cup competitions, the Cole Cup and Cole Plate.

With regards to the Portsmouth Individual Championship I am not sure when this was first held. The Portsmouth Chess League website has the winners since 1967/68 but I have located a few earlier winners. A number of trophies based on performance are also contested which are named after prominent players in Portsmouth chess history.

Ruth RoseThe Ruth Rose Cup will be awarded annually to the veteran who achieves the highest percentage score of League points during the season. “Veteran” is defined as a player of 60 years of age at the AGM preceding the season concerned. Each entrant must play a minimum of four games, and will be credited with one percentage point additionally for each game played. No player may win the Ruth Rose Cup outright more than once.
John GrantThe John Grant Memorial Cup shall be awarded annually to the player who achieves the highest percentage score in any one Division of the League. A minimum of five games must be played. In the event of a tie, the cup shall be awarded to the player who played most games. If the tie is still not broken, the players shall share the cup
Wilf Pratten &
Reg Clark Trophies
Whilst there are three divisions in the League, the Wilf Pratten and Reg Clark Cups shall be awarded for the best individual performance within a specified division of the League, as follows:

The winners of the Ruth Rose and John Grant Cups will not be eligible for either trophy. The division in which the John Grant trophy was won shall be excluded. The player who achieves the highest percentage score in the higher of the remaining divisions shall be awarded the Wilf Pratten cup.

The player who achieves the highest percentage score in the lower of the remaining Divisions shall be awarded the Reg Clark Cup. In both cases, as with the John Grant Cup, a minimum of five games must be played. In the event of a tie, these cups shall be awarded to the players who played most games. If the tie is still not broken, the players shall share the cup.’

Portsmouth Chess League Winners

Details of the winners of the Portsmouth Chess League various divisions. Current tables and match results from 2015 are on the Portsmouth & District Chess League website. I also have some of the older ones. In time I will add the details I have.

SeasonDivision OneDivision TwoDivision ThreeDivision FourDivision FiveDivision Six
2023/2024Fareham AChichester BChichester CNot HeldNot HeldNot Held
2022/2023Fareham AFareham BNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot Held
2021/2022Chichester ACosham BNot HeldNot HeldNot HeldNot Held
2020/2021Not Held – CovidNot Held – CovidNot Held – CovidNot HeldNot Held
2019/2020Chichester AChichester BCosham C
2018/2019Chichester AChichester BEmsworth C
2017/2018Chichester AEmsworth BChichester C
2016/2017Chichester AChichester BChichester C
2015/2016Chichester AChichester BEmsworth C
2014/2015Emsworth AChichester BPortsmouth B
2013/2014Portsmouth AFareham BChichester C
2012/2013Emsworth AFareham BChichester C
2011/2012Fareham AFareham BPortsmouth C
2010/2011Emsworth APortsmouth APortsmouth B
2009/2010Emsworth AChichester BFareham C
2008/2009Chichester ACosham BChichester C
2007/2008Gosport APortsmouth AFareham B
2006/2007Gosport ACosham BChichester C
2005/2006Cosham AFareham AEmsworth B
2004/2005Gosport ACosham BCosham C
2003/2004Gosport APortsmouthFareham
2002/2003Gosport AEmsworth BChichester
2001/2002Gosport AEmsworth BGosport C
2000/2001Gosport AGosport BCosham C
1999/2000Gosport ACosham BVictory
1998/1999Cosham AChichester BEmsworth B
1997/1998Cosham AEmsworth APortsmouth B
1996/1997Gosport APortsmouth ACosham C
1995/1996Cosham AGosport BChichester B
1994/1995Fareham APortsmouth APetersfield A
1993/1994Cosham ACosham BEmsworth BChichester B
1992/1993Gosport AChichesterCosham CCosham D
1991/1992Cosham AEmsworth APortsmouth CEmsworth BEmsworth C
1990/1991Fareham AGosport BLeigh Park ACosham C(Not played)
1989/1990Fareham AIBM BManglers BIBM CCosham D
1988/1989IBM ACosham AEmsworth APortsmouth CCosham C
1987/1988Gosport AFareham APaulsgrove AManglers BPost Office
1986/1987Gosport AIBM AGosport BEmsworth AEmsworth B
1985/1986Cosham APortsmouth BPlesseyPaulsgove APetersfield B
1984/1985Cosham AManglers APortsmouth CIBM CIBM D
1983/1984Cosham AGosport AIBM BPetersfield AIBM C
1982/1983Cosham ACo-op ALeigh Park AManglers BEmsworth AIBM C
1981/1982Portsmouth AFareham AFareham CIBM BPortsmouth EPortsmouth F
1980/1981Cosham ACosham BFareham BPortsmouth DManglers BPortsmouth E
1979/1980Portsmouth APortsmouth BCo-op AGosport BCo-op D
1978/1979Portsmouth ACommunity AIBM BFareham DCo-op B
1977/1978Portsmouth ACosham BPortsmouth CCo-op AIBM C
1976/1977Community APortsmouth BCosham CPlessey
1975/1976Community AIBMFareham BIBM B
1974/1975Portsmouth ACosham BPortsmouth C
1973/1974Community ACoshamCommunity B
1972/1973Leigh ParkPortsmouth BIBM B
1971/1972Fareham ASt John’s AGosport B
1970/1971CommunitySouthern GrmrLeigh Park B
1969/1970Portsmouth AFareham B
1968/1969Portsmouth AFareham B
1967/1968Fareham AGosport B
1966/1967Gosport ASt Johns B
1965/1966Gosport AGosport B
1964/1965Portsmouth AWaterlooville
1963/1964Portsmouth AGosport
1962/1963Portsmouth ACommunitySt John’s
1961/1962Portsmouth BTBC
1960/1961Portsmouth APortsmouth BFareham C
1959/1960Fareham AFareham BTBC
1958/1959Portsmouth APortsmouth BTBC
1957/1958PortsmouthRNPL AFareham C
1956/1957PortsmouthHMS Collingwood AppFareham C
1955/1956FarehamGosport &
Community Centre
1954/1955CoshamPortsmouth Juniors
1953/1954FarehamThorney Island
1949/1950Portsmouth A
1947/1948Portsmouth A

Portsmouth Chess Cup Winners

Details of the Portsmouth Cole Cup and Plate winners.

The Westward Ho! July 1983 edition mentions that Cosham A beat IBM A 3½ – 1½ in the “Mike Cole” Cup which was a new Knock Out team competition. From this it can be confirmed that the 1982/83 season was the first time this was held and that I do not know who won the Cole Plate in the same year, or who won the 1983/84 competitions.

SeasonCole CupCole Plate
2022/2023Fareham APortsmouth A
2021/2022Fareham AChichester
2020/2021Not heldNot held
2019/2020Not FinishedNot Finished
2018/2019Chichester ACosham A
2017/2018Fareham ACosham A
2016/2017Fareham AGosport
2014/2015Emsworth AGosport
2013/2014Portsmouth AEmsworth A
2011/2012Fareham AEmsworth A
2010/2011CoshamFareham A
2009/2010Fareham AChichester B
2006/2007Cosham AEmsworth
2005/2006GosportCosham B
2002/2003Gosport ACosham A
2001/2002Cosham AEmsworth
2000/2001Portsmouth AEmsworth
1999/2000Cosham AFareham A
1998/1999Fareham AGosport B
1997/1998Gosport AGosport B
1996/1997Gosport AGosport B
1995/1996Gosport ACosham B
1994/1995Fareham AGosport A
1993/1994IBM APortsmouth A
1992/1993Gosport AEmsworth
1991/1992Gosport AIBM B
1990/1991Gosport APetersfield A
1989/1990Gosport AGosport B
1988/1989Gosport AGosport B
1987/1988IBM APortsmouth A
1986/1987Manglers APaulsgrove
1985/1986IBM A
1984/1985Cosham A
1982/1983Cosham A

Portsmouth Individual Trophies

The Portsmouth Individual Chess Championship. Winners from 1967/68 are from the Portsmouth Chess League website, but this was held before this time as can be seen from the post in the Portsmouth News (see Gallery). I have located the winners from 1951/52 to 1958/59 from the Portsmouth Evening News, but 1959 is the last available year at current on the British Newspaper Archives. I will add others as I find them or am advised. In addition, the relevant league trophy winners are below.

SeasonIndividual ChampionRuth RoseJohn GrantWilf PrattenReg Clark
2023/2024Martin BuckleyKeith GregoryRoland BezuidenhoutKevin JohnsonSteve Coe
2022/2023Phil PintoM SpenceR BezuidenhoutM DeaconNo contest
2021/2022W McDougallM Butler
2020/2021No contestNo contestNo contestNo contestNo contest
2019/2020No contestR PuchadesE Blanden
M Spence
C Squires
SJ SmithJ Coburn
G Feltham
2018/2019R LukosiusP PintoA IsaakidisK SullivanD Cook
S Pearson
2017/2018JR WilkinsonC SquiresC SquiresA McDougallP Northcott
2016/2017DW FowlerA Miller/S SmithM KrawczukE FarringtonK Biksi
2015/2016DW FowlerM PlumbK EylesAR CorkettP Wake
2014/2015DR TunksRE TreloarK EylesR LukosiusD Ransley
2013/2014DR TunksK DaviesC GillamC SmithersD Ransley
2012/2013DR TunksKB RichardsonW McDougallM Edwards &
S Muthukrishnan
S Venables
2011/2012DR TunksGE FelthamGE FelthamA Corkett &
KDF Gregory
P Eyles
2010/2011DR TunksW PartridgeP EylesA CorkettM Broom
2009/2010DR TunksB TompkinsP CooperR LukosiusT Chipanga
2008/2009DR TunksJF WheelerT Chipanga
2007/2008DR TunksPJ PatienceC Smithers
2006/2007DR TunksJR WilkinsonR R Carter
2005/2006No contestD ShottonM Buckley &
H Lwambula
2004/2005DR TunksD GibsonS Crockart
2003/2004M KrawczukPA RaymentS Isaac
2002/2003DR TunksP WakeJH Jones
2001/2002JR WilkinsonJH JonesJH Jones
2000/2001DA CordnerRTF WilliamsW Purkiss
1999/2000DR TunksAF CarterPJ McEvoy
1998/1999AF CarterJ JeffersonJ Banbury
1997/1998DA CordnerA EvensJ Mach
1996/1997DR TunksA MayerP Richard
1995/1996S DeanJ RichmondL Rackham
1994/1995AF CarterIR BradleyAF Brameld
1993/1994DR TunksNo contestV Agius
1992/1993DR TunksRM PrinceSD LeFevre
1991/1992KDF GregoryAF LangleyTW Woodroofe
1990/1991KDF GregoryS DeanMG Crocker
1989/1990AF CarterF GuyAD Smith
1988/1989RC NoyceT RogersJ Adams
1987/1988KDF GregoryRC ClarkDR Tunks
1986/1987KDF GregoryCW Laxton
1985/1986KDF GregoryKS O Smith
1984/1985A ReeveRH Storr-Best
1983/1984KDF GregoryJEC Grant
1982/1983KDF GregoryAJ Charlwood
1981/1982SW TanNG LeFevre
1980/1981DJ ScotneyJN Mortlock
1979/1980IA WelchAJ Peters
1978/1979GEJ LambertWilf Pratten &
W Yeeles
1977/1978PE Littlewood
1976/1977AR Cullinane
1975/1976PJ Lee
1974/1975AR Cullinane
1973/1974AP LeFevre
1972/1973JB Calleja
1971/1972MW Johnson
1970/1971AF Carter
1969/1970AF Carter
1968/1969AF Carter
1967/1968M March
1967/1968No Contest
1966/1967MP Cook
1965/1966MP Cook
1964/1965Wilf Pratten
1963/1964MP Cook
1962/1963PM Collins
1961/1962Dr AJ Pointon
1960/1961DR BG Wells
1959/1960GL Comben
1958/1959C Noke
1957/1958D O’Donavan
1956/1957Wilf Pratten
1955/1956Wilf Pratten
1954/1955Wilf Pratten
1953/1954FC Leach
1951/1952RM Goode
1950/1951Wilf Pratten

Portsmouth League vs Southampton League

The Southampton and Portsmouth Leagues held matches between each other from the 1950’s. A number of these are detailed in the Hampshire Bulletins, Roger Paige’s Hampshire Chess 1950 – 1970 book and the Portsmouth Evening News. The ones I have will not be the only ones played and I will update any additional ones I locate. It could be the SCL or PDCL records have information on these, but more than likely it will the the Portsmouth Evening News newspaper which will be of most use.

YearDateLocationTeamSCL ScorePDCL ScoreOpponent
1951/52Southampton Lg10.59.5Portsmouth Lg
1952/53Southampton Lg159Portsmouth Lg
1953/54Southampton Lg1316Portsmouth Lg
1954/5527/11/1954FarehamSouthampton Lg17.512.5Portsmouth Lg
1955/56Southampton Lg20.59.5Portsmouth Lg
1956/57Southampton Lg1510Portsmouth Lg
1957/58Southampton Lg218Portsmouth Lg
1958/59Southampton LgwlPortsmouth Lg
1959/60Southampton Lg11.58.5Portsmouth Lg
1960/61Nov-1960Southampton Lg7.512.5Portsmouth Lg
1960/61Mar-1961SouthamptonSouthampton Jun19.510.5Portsmouth Jun
1961/62SouthamptonSouthampton Lg1020Portsmouth Lg
1961/62SouthamptonSouthampton Jun1119Portsmouth Jun
1962/63SouthseaSouthampton Lg2228Portsmouth Lg
1963/6429/11/1963SouthamptonSouthampton Lg20.515.5Portsmouth Lg
1963/64SouthamptonSouthampton Jun2614Portsmouth Jun
1964/651964SouthamptonSouthampton Lg Jun21.512.5Portsmouth Lg Jun
1965/6606/11/1965SouthamptonSouthampton Lg Jun1723Portsmouth Lg Jun
1966/67Southampton Lg Sen14.515.5Portsmouth Lg Sen
1966/67Southampton Lg Jun15.524.5Portsmouth Lg Jun
1968-69SouthamptonSouthampton Lg2624Portsmouth Lg

Various newspaper cuttings from the Portsmouth News from the 1950’s detailing some Individual Portsmouth Individual Champions and Division winners. Click on picture to open in more detail.

Acknowledgements and Sources

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