Player Profile – Alan Willis

Alan Willis – Basingstoke Chess Club.

Alan Willis shares some of his Chess career details.

What are your early memories of chess?

Social Chess club

At what age did you join a chess club?


What chess teams have you played for over the years?

Hampshire, Berkshire, Basingstoke & Bracknell

How long have you played and have you ever taking a break from the game, and if so, what was the reason for this?

70 years. Break for family commitments

What do you most enjoy about chess?

Results are due to only you.

What do you least enjoy about chess?

Playing against very strong ungraded people.

How many chess books do you have, and do you think you have read most of them?

I own 64, some I have worn out and some I hardly touch.

Do you have a favourite player and if so, what do you most admire about this player?

Anatoly Karpov. He is close to my style of chess, and was committed to his country.

Can you tell me about you most successful tournament you have played in, or biggest achievement in chess?

31st Berks & Bucks I was a prize winner.

Do you have any favourite books?

Chess at the Top 1979-1984 Anatoly Karpov

Do you have a favourite game, and would you mind annotating this?

My life long chess friend, Terrence Bean ( deceased ) beat James Plaskett , at the Exeter Open  21-03-87 Dutch Defence. I have his record of this amazing game.

What advice would you give to anyone starting in chess, or looking to improve?

Find your style of play and study openings and games that lead to it.

Would you like to share details of your life outside of chess, e.g. work, personal life etc?

I am retired but have written a book about kingfishers.

Do you have any interesting chess anecdotes you would like to share?

Someone who lost threw his King across the room and stomped out.

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