Hampshire Chess Championship 2018 Major & Minor

The 2018 Hampshire Congress had three sections, the Open including the Hampshire Individual Championship was covered in the previous post. The other two sections were the Major (under 160 ECF) and the Minor (under 125)

Details on the round by round and final scores for both tournaments are detailed below.

The tournament was played at the Lysses House Hotel in Fareham over six rounds, one on Friday, three on Saturday and two on Sunday. Half point byes were allowed for players in the first five rounds.

If you played in either of these and have any games or comments you would like me to add please contact me.

From the Hampshire Chess Association website there was a review of the tournament by Broadstairs Chess Club’s Robert Page who was joint winner of the Major.

For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.

Hampshire Chess Congress – Major

Nineteen players entered the Major section. As the results from the ECF grading site do not include byes their table will not be 100% accurate and the nature of these tournaments is that players will withdraw determining 100% accuracy is difficult. However, I have tried to piece together each round using John Wheeler’s report on the tournaments as well.

Major – Round 1

Nick Burton1581John R Sellen1310
David R Agostinelli1291Lukasz Marek Piecha1560
Brendan O'Gorman154½Kevin Sawers127½
John Belinger1241Simon Venables1480
Melissa Hamilton122½Joseph A Coburn143½
Robert G Page1411Amanda Jones1230
Christopher Smith1390Pankaj Tomar1
John R Webb1Ian G Matthew0
Jeremy Hudson132½Bye
Charles Charalambous98½Bye
William Ellinger115Bye

A couple of upsets with David Agostinelli beating Lukasz Marek Piecha and John Belinger doing the same against Simon Venables. A couple of the higher graded players were also held to draws. Nick Burton who used to play for the Eastleigh BR (now part of Chandlers Ford) before moving North made and excellent return winning his game as top seed.

Major – Round 2

David R Agostinelli1290Nick Burton1581
Pankaj Tomar0Robert G Page1411
Joseph A Coburn143½John Belinger124½
Jeremy Hudson1321John R Webb0
Lukasz Marek Piecha1560Melissa Hamilton1221
Charles Charalambous981Brendan O'Gorman1540
Kevin Sawers1270Amanda Jones1231
Simon Venables1481Ian G Matthew1360
John R Sellen131½Christopher Smith½
William Ellinger115

Nick Burton and Robert Page were the only players to remain on 100% defeating David Agostinelli and Simon Venables respectively. Four players were just behind on one and a half points, Brendan O’Gorman, John Belinger, Melissa Hamilton and Jeremy Hudson. Melissa impressively beat the 156 graded Lukasz Marek Piecha. Although this looks to have been a blunder from a pawn up by the higher graded player when he left his Rook on f5 on prise.

Major – Round 3

Nick Burton158½Jeremy Hudson143½
Robert G Page141½Brendan O'Gorman154½
John Belinger1241Melissa Hamilton1220
John R Webb½David R Agostinelli129½
Pankaj Tomar1Joseph A Coburn1430
Amanda Jones1230Simon Venables1481
Christopher Smith1390Kevin Sawers1271
John R Sellen131½Charles Charalambous98½
Ian G Matthew1361Lukasz Marek Piecha1560
William Ellinger115

The top two boards were drawn, and John Belinger beat Melissa Hamilton. These three players remained half a point ahead of five players going into the Saturday evening games. After losing his first three games the second highest graded player Lukasz Marek Piecha decided enough was enough and withdrew.

Major – Round 4

Joseph A Coburn143½Kevin Sawers127½
Amanda Jones1230Pankaj Tomar1
Jeremy Hudson1320Simon Venables1481
Melissa Hamilton122½Charles Charalambous98½
John R Sellen131½Bye
Christopher Smith139½Bye
Ian G Matthew136½Bye
Nick Burton158½Bye
Robert G Page141½Bye
Brendan O'Gorman154½Bye
John Belinger124½Bye
John R Webb½Bye
David R Agostinelli129½Bye
William Ellinger115
Lukasz Marek Piecha1560Withdrawn

Just four games were played as nine players decided to take a Saturday evening bye. Pankaj Tomar and Simon Venables were the main benefits of playing in the evening as they won their games. The other two games were drawn. Going into round five Robert Page, Nick Burton, John Belinger remained in the lead with three points.

Major – Round 5

John Belinger124½Nick Burton158½
Robert G Page1411Jeremy Hudson1320
Brendan O'Gorman1541Joseph A Coburn1430
Simon Venables1480David R Agostinelli1291
Kevin Sawers1271Melissa Hamilton1220
Pankaj Tomar½John R Webb½
Ian G Matthew1361John R Sellen1310
Charles Charalambous98½Christopher Smith139½
Amanda Jones123½William Ellinger115½

Robert Page beat Jeremy Hudson, whilst the other two leaders Nick Burton and John Belinger drew. This meant Robert was in the sole lead before the last round. Brendan O’Gorman beat Joe Coburn and Dave Agostinelli won against Simon Venables which meant two joined Nick and John half a point behind.

Major – Round 6

Robert G Page141½Nick Burton158½
Brendan O'Gorman1541John Belinger1240
David R Agostinelli129½Jeremy Hudson132½
Kevin Sawers127½Simon Venables148½
Ian G Matthew1361Joseph A Coburn1430
Charles Charalambous98½William Ellinger115½
Melissa Hamilton122½Christopher Smith139½
John R Webb0Withdrawn
Pankaj Tomar0Withdrawn
Amanda Jones0Withdrawn
John R Sellen0Withdrawn

The leader Robert Page drew with Nick Burton and Brendan O’Gorman beat John Belinger to finish in joint first place with four and a half points from five games. Nick Burton and Dave Agostinelli shared third place on four points. Dave Agostinelli also won the under 140 grading prize.

Hampshire Congress 2018 Major Final Table

The 2018 Hampshire Chess Congress Major final positions.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Robert G Page14114+12+2=bye =11+3=
2Brendan O'Gorman1544=13+1=bye =9+7+
3Nick Burton15817+5+11=bye =7=1=4
4Kevin Sawers1272=14–16+9=10+6=
5David R Agostinelli12919+3–15+bye =6+11=4
6Simon Venables1487–8+14+11=5–4=3
7John Belinger1246+9=10+bye =3=2–
8Ian G Matthew13615–6–19+bye =17+9+
9Joseph A Coburn14310=7=12+4=2–8–
10Melissa Hamilton1229=19+7–13=4–16=
11Jeremy Hudson132bye =15+3=6=1–5=3
12Pankaj Tomar16+1–9–14+15=
13Charles Charalambous98bye =2–17=10=16=18=
14Amanda Jones1231–4+6–12–18=
15John R Webb8+11–5–bye =12=2
16Christopher Smith13912–17=4–bye =13=10=2
17John R Sellen1313–16=13=bye =8–
18William Ellinger11514=13=1
19Lukasz Marek Piecha1565–10–8–0

Hampshire Chess Congress – Minor

The Hampshire Minor section had twenty-five players entering. A good mix of Hampshire players and players from outside the County was seen in the tournament. The ECF Grading Crosstable does not include the byes but has additional information on the players and the tournament.

Minor – Round 1

Ben Harte1241Paul Eyles1060
David Lambton1211Alan R Fraser980
David J Archer1050Geoffrey A Foxon1211
James Wallman970Keith C Spooner1181
David Nelson1171Sam J Murphy950
Brian V Cochran940Ryan Cheung1161
Richard J Meredith1141Soham Kumar0
David T Murchie790Daniel Shek1141
Phil B Pinto1091Don Creasey770
David Jerome770Paul S Collis1061
Tim G Cutter112½Bye
Michael R Pope122½Bye
Matthew Deacon85½Bye
Nicholas Deacon½Bye
Johan Mathew102

The higher graded player won every game, which is pretty unusual. Four players took a Friday evening bye.

Minor – Round 2

Ryan Cheung1161Ben Harte1240
Paul S Collis1060David Lambton1211
Geoffrey A Foxon1211Richard J Meredith1140
Keith C Spooner118½Phil B Pinto109½
Matthew Deacon850Tim G Cutter1121
Nicholas Deacon0David T Murchie791
Michael R Pope1221Daniel Shek1140
Paul Eyles1061Brian V Cochran940
Alan R Fraser981David Jerome770
David J Archer1050Soham Kumar1
Don Creasey77½James Wallman97½
David Nelson117½Bye
Sam J Murphy95½Bye
Johan Mathew102

Ryan Cheung, David Lambton and Geoffrey A Foxon all won their second-round games and moved into round three on 100% A number of players were just half a point behind.

Minor – Round 3

David Lambton1211Geoffrey A Foxon1210
Tim G Cutter1120Ryan Cheung1161
Phil B Pinto1091Michael R Pope1220
Keith C Spooner118½David Nelson117½
Ben Harte1241Alan R Fraser980
Richard J Meredith114½Paul Eyles106½
Daniel Shek1141Soham Kumar0
David T Murchie791Paul S Collis1060
James Wallman970Matthew Deacon851
Sam J Murphy951Nicholas Deacon0
Johan Mathew1021Don Creasey770
David J Archer105½Brian V Cochran94½
David Jerome770

Ryan Cheung and David Lambton kept their 100% records beating Tim Cutter and Geoffrey Foxon respectively. Phil Pinto beat Michael Pope to be the only player on two and a half points.

John Dunleavy Prize

In this round the John Dunleavy Prize Best Game Prize was won by to 9-year-old Matthew Deacon (black) against James Wallman. An excellent tactical finish.

Minor – Round 4

Ryan Cheung1161David Lambton1210
Daniel Shek1141Phil B Pinto1090
David Nelson1171David T Murchie790
Matthew Deacon850Richard J Meredith1141
Paul Eyles106½Tim G Cutter112½
Michael R Pope1221Sam J Murphy950
Alan R Fraser980Johan Mathew1021
Don Creasey770David J Archer1051
Soham Kumar0James Wallman1
Keith C Spooner118½Bye
Brian V Cochran94½Bye
Paul S Collis106½Bye
Geoffrey A Foxon121½Bye
Ben Harte124½Bye
Nicholas Deacon0
David Jerome770

Five players took the Saturday evening bye. But the two leaders met, and Southampton University’s Ryan Cheung came out on top to move into the lead with the impressive maximum points from four games. Phil Pinto lost to fast improving junior Dan Shek. David Nelson also won and with Dan and the losing David Lambton were all in second place a full point behind Ryan.

Minor – Round 5

Ryan Cheung1161David Nelson1170
Richard J Meredith1141Daniel Shek1140
Phil B Pinto1091Ben Harte1240
Geoffrey A Foxon1211Keith C Spooner1180
David T Murchie791Paul Eyles1060
Johan Mathew102½Michael R Pope122½
Paul S Collis106½Matthew Deacon½
David J Archer1051Sam J Murphy950
Brian V Cochran940Soham Kumar1
Alan R Fraser981Nicholas Deacon0
James Wallman971David Jerome770
Don Creasey77½Bye
David Lambton1210
Tim G Cutter1120Withdrawn

Ryan Cheung continued his winning ways, this time beating David Nelson. Chandler’s Ford Dick Meridith beat Dan Shak, Phil Pinto defeated top seed Ben Harte and Geoffrey Foxon did the same against Keith Spooner. David Lambton took a Sunday morning bye, and these five players were one and a half points behind Ryan in joint second place.

These results meant Ryan had won the tournament with a round to spare.

Minor – Round 6

Geoffrey A Foxon1210Ryan Cheung1161
Phil B Pinto109½Richard J Meredith114½
Daniel Shek114½David Lambton121½
Michael R Pope122½David T Murchie79½
David Nelson1171Johan Mathew1020
Ben Harte1241James Wallman970
David J Archer105½Keith C Spooner118½
Paul Eyles1061Matthew Deacon850
Paul S Collis1061Alan R Fraser980
Brian V Cochran941Sam J Murphy950
Don Creasey770Nicholas Deacon1
Soham Kumar0Withdrawn
David Jerome770

Ryan did not rest on his laurels and won his final game against Geoffrey Foxon. The real battle was for second place and Dick Meridith and Phil Pinto drew their game to end on four points. They were joined by Dave Nelson who beat Johan Mathew.

The under 100 grading prize was won by David Murchie with his impressive 3 and a half points.

Hampshire Congress 2018 Minor Final Table

The 2018 Hampshire Chess Congress Minor final positions.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Ryan Cheung11621+11+19+5+7+8+6
2Phil B Pinto10924+13=10+4–11+3=4
3Richard J Meredith11417+8–9=20+4+2=4
4Daniel Shek1146+10–17+2+3–5=
5David Lambton12118+16+8+1–04=
6David T Murchie794–23+16+7–9+10=
7David Nelson11722+bye =13=6+1–14+4
8Geoffrey A Foxon12112+3+5–bye =13+1–
9Paul Eyles10611–21+3=19=6–20+3
10Michael R Pope122bye =4+2–22+14=6=
11Ben Harte1249+1–18+bye =2–15+
12David J Archer1058–17–21=24+22+13=3
13Keith C Spooner11815+2=7=bye =8–12=3
14Johan Mathew10224+18+10=7–
15James Wallman9713–24=20–17+25+11–
16Paul S Collis10625+5–6–bye =20=18+3
17Soham Kumar3–12+4–15–21+2
18Alan R Fraser985–25+11–14–23+16–2
19Tim G Cutter112bye =20+1–9=2
20Matthew Deacon85bye =19–15+3–16=9–2
21Brian V Cochran941–9–12=bye =17–22+2
22Sam J Murphy957–bye =23+10–12–21–
23Nicholas Deaconbye =6–22–18–24+
24Don Creasey772–15=14–12–bye =23–1
25David Jerome7716–18–15–0


The games from the Major were entered by Arthur Brameld and can be played through and downloaded here. I don’t have any games from the minor tournament.

HCA 2018 Congress Report

John Wheeler produced the Hampshire Congress Report (which also included the Major and Minor). This is reproduced below:

Acknowledgements and sources:
  • John Wheeler for HCA Congress Report
  • Arthur Brameld for games.

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