Hampshire Chess League

The Hampshire Chess Association was formed in 1890 under the instigation of Joseph Blake of Southampton Chess Club.

In 1895 a Hampshire Trophy (renamed Division One later) League was held with one team from Portsmouth, two from Southampton and one each from Andover and Gosport in a knockout format. Portsmouth were the first winners. In 1912 a Hampshire League (renamed Division Two) was added and Andover were the first winners.​

Using the information from the F.Taylor document from 1944 I have added the information I have on the League. This was also updated with corrections and additional Division Two winners by Terry Hollington in 1962.

Hampshire Chess Leagues

The main information for the Hampshire Leagues has been taken from the F.Taylor document mentioned above. I have copied the information as it is difficult to read and added the information as to the teams entered and winners. If I have copied some of the information incorrectly, please do highlight any errors. The Year by Year summaries have been completed by me based on the material available from the Hampshire Chess Archives. G.Stuart Jan 2022.

If anyone has memories / stories from the Hampshire League please do supply to hampshirechesshistory@gmail.com; so these can be added to the article.

Inter Club Competitions

At the sixth Annual General Meeting of the Association held on October 5th 1895 the first arrangements for team competitions were made, the following instructions being given to the committee:-

  1. To open a subscription list for the purpose of providing a Trophy to be completed annually amongst the clubs of the County.
  2. To prepare a scheme under which that Trophy shall be played for, such scheme to be so framed that the clubs in the smaller teams shall be able to complete on as nearly equal terms as possible with those of the larger teams.
  3. To commence the first Annual Competition for the Trophy not later that February 1896 and complete it by May 1896.

These instructions were duly carried out, and the resulting competition became known as the “Hampshire Trophy Competition”. It remained virtually the same until 1928, when the basis of team competitions in the County were altered.
It is therefore proposed to deal with the development of the competitions up to 1928 first, and it can conveniently be done under the three headings of the original instruction.

1. Provision of Trophy

The subscription service was opened, and left open until the end of 1896. The Trophy was purchased in 1897 and is described in the accounts as:-
“One of the finest Ivory Chessman, No 1 full club size, Staunton Pattern. One County board No 1 to match, Holly and Rosewood squares (2¾). Board edged with Satinwood solid Rosewood frame, Italian Walnut panels French Polished.”
The full subscription list is recorded in the financial accounts.

2. First Competition

This can conveniently be discussed of next, a knockout competition was duly held, and was won by the Portsmouth Chess Club.

3. To propose a scheme for the competition

The original instruction was for some form of handicap competition, and in the first season this was accomplished by insisting on the Southampton chess club entering two teams of equal strength. Handicapping in some form or other remained until 1928.

The league rules are not recorded, accept certain amendments as they were proposed at annual meetings, but reference to these amendments and the written results shows that with the exception of 1903-04 a system of points handicapping was only done by the larger clubs entering two or more teams. In 1903-04 a system of points handicapping was introduced, but no further mention is made of it. The Southampton and Portsmouth clubs are the only ones who have ever been handicapped, in some years both clubs were able to enter as many as four teams.

The normal members of players to a team has been six, although it started at seven, and in one or two years was reduced to five.
A knockout competition was organised for the first two seasons, but it was then decided that for each team to play each other would make for more matches and greater interest, and that method has been adopted ever since. In some cases it has been necessary to play in two divisions, and for the divisions to play a final.

The Junior or Hampshire League Competition

In 1912 a junior competition was inaugurated, mainly to attract new and smaller clubs. Southampton entered two teams, and new entries were received from Eastleigh, Romsey, Hartley University and a second team from Andover. Two competitions were played, and then the war caused a break until the 1919-20 season.

The early rules governing the competition are not available, but from 1920 onwards a system of combined Trophy and League teams was used. When a team entered both competitions the top three players were barred from playing in league matches. When opposing teams both played in both competitions a match of nine boards a side would be played, the top six boards counting in the Trophy competition, whilst the bottom six counted in the League. Had all teams completed in both competitions this system could have worked much more smoothly, but as it was the players who were eligible for both leagues had too many matches.
Nevertheless, the League competition did a very great deal of good in providing match play for many.

The Hampshire League 1928 – 1940

At the 1928 Annual General Meeting it was decided to discontinue the old competition, and to institute one competition to be known as the “Hampshire Chess League”. This competition to be run in two or more divisions, according to the entries and their strength. The principle of promotion and relegation to be adopted. Clubs entering two or more teams to enter definite first and second teams according to strength.

Rules were draw up, which remain substantially unchanged, and are recorded as in operation in 1940. The main change being that promotion and relegation is not automatic, as with the limited number of clubs and the big strength differences it was found that the method did not work satisfactory. The main point of the present scheme is that it is definitely a club championship.

The clubs in the Competition

Portsmouth, Southampton, Andover and Gosport were the clubs in the first competition. Of these Gosport have since dropped out, but the others have remained in the whole time, and have formed the backbone of the competition. Bournemouth, although always a strong club numerically, have rarely entered, mainly owing to travelling difficulties.
Other fairly regular entrants have been University College, Southampton (earlier known as Hartley College), Winchester and Basingstoke, also since their formation in 1921 and 1925 respectively the Taunton’s School and Old Tauntonian’s (Southampton) clubs have entered every year.

The results of all matches that are recorded are given after the rules.

Hampshire League Rules (1939)

  1. The league is open to all affiliated clubs.​
  2. Teams shall be elected by the Council to a division.
  3. Teams shall consist of five players.
  4. The top four players of a club competing in two divisions shall be nominated at the beginning of the season, and they shall be ineligible to play in the second team. Further, it a second team player be called to play in more than two first team matches during a season he shall thereafter be ineligible to play in the second team
  5. Where a club enters a team in more than one division their matches for the two teams shall be arranged for the same day.
  6. No player shall play for more than one club during any season.
  7. All matches to be played arranged by the secretary, or upon such date mutually agreed by the club secretaries, of which date the league secretary shall be notified.
  8. All matches shall allow for at least three hours play.
  9. Clocks shall be used in all Division I matches, and whenever possible in other Divisions. The rate of play shall be thirty moves in seventy-five minutes and six moves in each succeeding fifteen minutes.
  10. Visiting teams shall have the choice of 1st move in the top board, the moves remaining boards alternating.
  11. The score in all matches shall be sent to the honorary secretary within 24 hours of the match. All games not finished to be marked “A” on the score, and a diagram record of such games, stating the result claimed, and with a fee of 2/6 per game, shall be sent to honorary secretary within 7 days. Where the claim is upheld, this fee is to be returned. Note:  Both clubs to send the score and adjudications, and unless claims for adjudication are properly sent, an opponent’s claim may be given without adjudication.
  12. Any disputes shall be referred to the Council, whose decision  shall be final.

Click on the year to move to the relevant season details.

Hampshire League Division One

1896-1897Southampton A
1897-1898Southampton B
1898-1899Portsmouth & Southampton A
1899-1900Southampton B
1901-1902Southampton A
1902-1903Southampton B
*1903-1904Southampton A
1904-1905Southampton A
1905-1906Southampton A
1907-1908Portsmouth A
1908-1909Southampton A
1909-1910Portsmouth A
1910-1911Portsmouth D
1911-1912Southampton D
1912-1913Harltey College (Soton)
1913-1914Harltey College (Soton)
1914-1915Portsmouth A
*1915-1916University College (Soton)
*1916-1917University College (Soton)
1917-1918*Winchester College
1918-1919University College (Soton)
1919-1920Winchester College
1920-1921Portsmouth A
1921-1922Southampton A
1924-1925Portsmouth A
1925-1926*Southampton A
1926-1927Old Tauntonians (Soton)
1927-1928Old Tauntonians (Soton)
1932-1933Old Tauntonians (Soton)
1937-1938Winchester Gambit
1946-1947Old Tauntonians
1948-1949Old Tauntonians
1949-1950Old Tauntonians
1956-1957Woolston Community Centre
1958-1959Woolston Community Centre
1960-1961Young Pompeians
1961-1962Young Pompeians
1963-1964Young Bournemouth
1964-1965Fareham & Portsmouth
1966-1967Bournemouth Knights
1969-1970Bournemouth Knights
1970-1971Southampton University
1971-1972Southampton University
1972-1973Southampton University & Southampton
1975-1976Southampton University
1985 – 1986University
1986 – 1987University

Until 1928 – 1929 known as Hampshire Trophy
From 1928 – 1929 known as Hampshire League Division 1

Hampshire League Division Two

1913-1914Southampton ii
1914-1920No competition
1920-1921Southampton ii
1924-1925Tauntonians School (Soton)
1925-1926Vectis (Ryde I.O.W)
1926-1927Old Tauntonians (Soton)
1928-1929Portsmouth ii
1929-1930Tauntonians School (Soton)
1931-1932Andover ii
1934-1935Portsmouth ii
1935-1936Portsmouth ii
1936-1937Winchester Gambit
1937-1938Bournemouth ii
1938-1939Old Tauntonians (Soton)
1946-1947Portsmouth C
1950-1951Andover & Portsmouth
1959-1960Old Tauntonians (Soton)
1962-1963Young Sotonians
1973-1974Vectis (I.O.W)
1979-1980Not Known
1980-1981AMF Legg
1982-1983No Contest
1983-1984Basingstoke B
1984 – 1985Portsmouth
1985 – 1986
1986 – 1987Salisbury

Until 1928 – 1929 this competition was known as the Hampshire League

Hampshire Chess League Year by Year

1895/96 Hampshire Trophy

The first ever Hampshire Trophy was completed as a Knockout tournament, with five teams entering. Southampton Chess Clubs entered two teams, whilst Portsmouth, Gosport and Andover entered one team. As this was a knockout tournament with five rounds it seems that the winner of the Southampton B Andover went straight to the final, `whilst the winner of the Portsmouth – Southampton A played Andover in the second round. With Portsmouth winning all three games they were worthy winners of the first competition. Saying that it is worth noting that as per the recorded information, with Southampton entering two teams these had to be of equal strength, which would have been a disadvantage against another large club. Southampton and Portsmo0uth would have been the two strongest teams in Hampshire (not sure how strong Bournemouth who did not enter would have been?)

Round 1Portsmouth beat Southampton A
Southampton B beat Andover
Round 2Portsmouth beat Gosport
FinalPortsmouth beat Southampton B
Hampshire Trophy 1895-96

The Southern Echo detailed the final which was between Portsmouth and Southampton B which was a comprehensive win for Portsmouth. Some additional information on the players in relation to their strength with their average board position when they played for Hampshire. From this information it does seem that this was an impressive win for Portsmouth, as even with Southampton having to split their teams by strength the B team had a strong team.

  • T Crassweller – board 3
  • E Clayton – board 11
  • G Deal – board 8
  • A Wheatstone – board 13
  • W Tipper – board 17
  • FJH Elwell – board 2
  • A Asher – board 7
  • GR Sloper – board 9
  • Dr Dodd – board 11 (1 game)
  • AM Brown – Not applicable
1896 Portsmouth v Southampton B Final Match Southern Echo - Monday 27 April 1896
1896 Portsmouth v Southampton B Final Match Southern Echo – Monday 27 April 1896

1896/97 Hampshire Trophy

Again a Knockout tournament was held with the same clubs and teams. This time Southampton A were successful, beating Portsmouth A the final.

Round 1Andover beat Gosport
Round 2Portsmouth beat Andover
Southampton A beat Southampton B
FinalSouthampton A beat Portsmouth
Hampshire Trophy 1896-97

1897/98 Hampshire Trophy

A change to a league system was introduced, which as per the recorded details allowed for more matches for clubs and this continued for the history of the competition. Individual match scores have been recorded for some of the games, and where not recorded it is stated who won. The league was very close, with all teams apart from Gosport winning at least two matches and the eventually winners Southampton B losing one game against Portsmouth.

Hampshire Trophy 1897-98
Hampshire Trophy 1897-98

1898/99 Hampshire Trophy

No match scores included, but who won each match was detailed. Southampton and Portsmouth continued their domination and with Southampton A and Portsmouth scoring three points they played two more matches which were both tied as well. Therefore for the first and last time it was agreed that the Trophy would be shared (hence the half included in the number of times won). Also worth noting that Basingstoke entered for the first time and Gosport did not compete this season (returning in the 1910 / 1911 season).

Hants Trophy 1898 99
Hampshire Trophy 1898 99

1899/00 Hampshire Trophy

A larger league this time, with Southampton entering three teams and Portsmouth two. Obviously these had to be of equal strength, but this did not stop both clubs coming out on top. It was Southampton B and Portsmouth A who scored four points from the six games. Basingstoke broke the Southampton and Portsmouth domination, finishing third.

In the play off Southampton B beat Portsmouth A for the third time in the season, although this was by the smallest of margins and were Hampshire Trophy champions.

Hants Trophy 1899 00
Hampshire Trophy 1899 1900

1900/01 Hampshire Trophy

With Petersfield entering this season there were eight teams and this was split into two divisions (I and II rather than 1 and 2). No match table or individual results were available for the divisions. Southampton C won the division I and Basingstoke division II. Basingstoke defeated Southampton C 5 – 2 in the final for their first title. What can also be determined is that the matches were still being played over seven boards.

Division IPetersfield, Portsmouth A, Southampton A and Southampton C
Division IIAndover, Basingstoke, Portsmouth B and Southampton B
Play-offBetween division winners:-
FinalBasingstoke 5 – Southampton C 2
Hampshire Trophy 1900 1901

1901/02 Hampshire Trophy

Very little information from this season, but surprisingly it seems that the previous years champion Basingstoke did not participate as the records just state that the teams were from the Andover, Portsmouth clubs. Andover and Southampton were the division winners and Southampton A defeated Andover 4 – 3 in the final. A close miss for Andover who would need to wait another twenty years before winning the Hampshire Trophy.

Andover, Southampton and Portsmouth completed.
The two section winners were Andover and Southampton A.
Between division winners:-
FinalSouthampton A 4 Andover 3
Hampshire Trophy 1901 1902

1902/03 Hampshire Trophy

The same clubs completed again, with Southampton fielding three teams, Portsmouth two and Andover one. Southampton B and Portsmouth A won the divisions and Southampton B won the final (no score available).

Southampton A, B and C teams, Portsmouth A and B teams and Andover took part. Played in two sections.
FinalSouthampton B beat Portsmouth A
Hampshire Trophy 1902 1903

1903/04 Hampshire Trophy

Even less detail for this season, with just Southampton A scribbled on the page and a note from Terry Hollington that it was actually Southampton B who won. I presume this was either from the Trophy or AGM minutes, so I may find out more later? What happened to the actually trophy is still to be determined as these are not in the current possession of Hampshire.

Won by Southampton B according to Terry Hollington 1962.
FinalSouthampton B
Hampshire Trophy 1903 1904

1904/05 Hampshire Trophy

The first mention of a NW and SE Division is detailed and more clubs competed, with the NW Division consisting of Andover, Southampton B and C and Winchester. The SE division included Petersfield, Portsmouth A and B and Southampton A. In the SE division Southampton A and Portsmouth B both finished on 5 points and Southampton A won the play-off. Meanwhile Southampton C won the NW division.  In an all Southampton final the A team beat the C team. This growth in the league is a sign that serious chess is growing and that the number of clubs in the Hampshire County are increasing, or certainly being more organised with chess for their members.

Hants Trophy 1904 05
Hampshire Trophy 1904 1905

1905-06 Hampshire Trophy

​Southampton B won the NW division and Portsmouth won the SE division. Portsmouth A beat Southampton B by the smallest margin in the final which was played over 6 boards this season.

Hants Trophy 1905 06
Hampshire Trophy 1905 06

​1906/07 Hampshire Trophy

After finishing bottom of the NW division the previous season Basingstoke turned things around, first winning the NW division (winning all games) and then beating the SE division winner Portsmouth C in the final. This season the matches were over five boards rather than the normal six or seven.

Hampshire Trophy 1906 07
Hampshire Trophy 1906 07

​1907/08 Hampshire Trophy

Southampton B were the NW division and Portsmouth A the SE division. Portsmouth managed to win their first trophy since sharing the championship with Southampton A in the 1899 / 1900 season.

Hampshire Trophy 1907 08
Hampshire Trophy 1907 08

​1908 – 1909 Hampshire Trophy

Southampton were dominant with the A team winning the NW and the B team the SE division. The A team narrowly won in the final.​

Hampshire Trophy 1908 09
Hampshire Trophy 1908 09

1909/10 Hampshire Trophy

There was a new club this season Hartley College. This was a college which would eventually be renamed Southampton University, who still play in the Southampton Chess League. The college was started with a local eccentric – Henry Robinson Hartley. It was a great start by Hartley as the won the NW division winning all their matches. Meanwhile in the SE division Portsmouth A won narrowly ahead of Portsmouth C. In the final Portsmouth A proved too strong for Hartley winning 4 – 1.

Hampshire Trophy 1909 10
Hampshire Trophy 1909 10

1910/11 Hampshire Trophy

Both Southampton and Portsmouth clubs entered four teams this season and in total there were twelve teams in the two divisions. This indicates that chess activity was increasing in this pre war period and the two largest clubs had a growing number of members who wished to play in the league. This season also saw a new club in the SE division, RMA. It does not say in the records what R.M.A stands for, but and educated guess would be Royal Marines Association? I will update if I find any additional information on this? They are only mentioned from this season to the 1913 – 1914 season. Southampton A and Portsmouth D were the division winners this season and Portsmouth D came out on top in the Final.

Hampshire Trophy 1910 11
Hampshire Trophy 1910 11

​1911/12 Hampshire Trophy

A further increase in numbers to 14 with Basingstoke and Petersfield entering teams again. Unlike the previous season the smaller clubs were challenging this season with Andover and Basingstoke in second and third in the NW division and Gosport winning the SE division. Gosport just fell short in the final losing to the NW division winner Southampton D 2 – 3 (proving that the splitting of teams into equal strength was still in place).

Hampshire Trophy 1911 12
Hampshire Trophy 1911 12

​1912/13 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

The Hampshire Trophy continued with 14 teams split across the two divisions. But this season saw the first Hampshire League, as a junior league to the Hampshire Trophy. How this was created is detailed above but the league had seven teams including new clubs to the competitions Romsey and Eastleigh. In the Hampshire Trophy Hartley College won the NW division and Portsmouth D the SE division. Their first match in the final was a draw but Hartley College managed a 3 – 2 win in the replay, thus winning their first Hampshire Trophy.

In the new Hampshire League Andover finished in first and Eastleigh were second.

Hampshire League 1912 / 1913
Hampshire League 1912 / 1913

​1913/14 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

Twelve teams competed in the Hampshire Trophy across the normal SE and NW divisions and six in the Hampshire League. Southampton and Portsmouth both dropped one team from the Hampshire Trophy which would have allowed them to field stronger teams. Despite this Hartley College narrowly edged ahead of Southampton A in the NW division. In the SE division Portsmouth A and B tied with four points and as the B team progressed to the final either they won a play-off or progressed on tie-break. In the final Hartley College handsomely won 4 – 1 to win their second title. In the Hampshire League Southampton II won, a point ahead of Hartley College.

Hampshire Leagues 1913 14
Hampshire Leagues 1913 14

1914/15 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

Ten teams entered this season in the Hampshire Trophy, with six in the NW division and four in the SE. The first world war would obviously affected clubs and as well as the drop in teams the Hampshire League did not re-commence until the 1920 – 1921 season. Southampton B and Portsmouth A were the winners of the NW and SE divisions respectively. The final was a draw and in the replay Portsmouth A won 3.5 – 1.5. Also of note was Hartley College being renamed University College.

Hampshire Leagues 1914 15
Hampshire Leagues 1914 15

1915/16 Hampshire Trophy

All the archives have this season is the winner of the Hampshire Trophy which was University College, as noted by Terry Hollington in 1962.

​1916/17 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

More detail this season, with four teams in both the NW and SE divisions. Southampton A and Winchester tied in the NW division. In the play off Southampton won 3.5 – 1.5, although there was a comment that the summary incorrectly stated that it was Winchester who won. University College beat all three Portsmouth teams to win the SE division. One change is that University College (Hartley) used to play in the NW division, but for this season they were in the SE division. In the final it was University College who beat Southampton A 3.5 – 1.5.

Hampshire Trophy 1916 17
Hampshire Trophy 1916 17

1917/18 Hampshire Trophy

For the next three seasons there are only details on the winners. Winchester College were the winners of the Hampshire Trophy this season.

​1918/19 Hampshire Trophy

University College were the winners of the Hampshire Trophy this season.

​1919/20 Hampshire Trophy

Winchester College were the winners of the Hampshire Trophy this season.

Eastleigh were the winners of the Hampshire League this season.

1919 1920
1919 1920

1920/21 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

As far as I can tell this was the first season Bournemouth entered the Trophy tournament, which meant 6 clubs were represented and 10 teams in the two divisions. Southampton C and Portsmouth A won the NW and SE divisions respectively. Portsmouth A beat Southampton C 4 – 2 in the final. The Hampshire League returned with 5 teams and Southampton B won all their four matches to win the league comfortably.

Hampshire League 1920 21
Hampshire League 1920 21

​1921/22 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

A drop to eight teams with six of those from Southampton and Portsmouth battled this season. In the NW division Southampton A and Winchester tied and Southampton progressed although there are no details if this was from a play-off or tie-break. Portsmouth B won the SE division, but lost in the final by the smallest margin to Southampton B. Eight teams challenged in the league and Andover won with 6.5 points ahead of Winchester.

Hampshire Leagues 1921 22
Hampshire Leagues 1921 22

1922/23 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

Limited details from the archives, just stating that Andover won both the Trophy and the League. This was the first (and only from records available) that they won the Trophy, but they also won the League the previous season.

​1923/24 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

Again limited details, but Bournemouth won the Trophy and Winchester won the League.

​1924/25 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

This season rather than a SE and NW division these are named (changed) to Section 1 and 2. Southampton B and Winchester tied in Section 1 and Winchester beat Southampton B in the play-off. Meanwhile Portsmouth won Section 2. The final was rather one-sided with Portsmouth winning 5.5 – 0.5. It does not state if it was Portsmouth A or B in the records. In the Hampshire League there were 13 teams from 11 clubs. Section I was won by Tauntonians School and Portsmouth A won Section 2. Tauntonians School beat Portsmouth A 3.5 – 2.5 in the final.

Hampshire Leagues 1924 25
Hampshire Leagues 1924 25

1925/26 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

Minimal information, with Southampton A beating Portsmouth B 3.5 – 2.5 in the Hampshire Trophy Final, although Terry Hollington stated that it was actually Portsmouth B who won the match. In the Hampshire League the I.O.W team Vectis beat Andover 4 – 2.

Update Nov 2024: This has been resolved, the original match had an adjudicated game where Southampton needed this to be drawn and Portsmouth won. In the end it was a draw and Southampton did win the match.

Hampshire League Portsmouth Evening News - 27 Sept 1926
Hampshire League Portsmouth Evening News – 27 Sept 1926

​1926/27 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

Old Tauntonians won both the Hampshire Trophy and Hampshire League.

​1927/28 Hampshire Trophy & Hampshire League

Old Tauntonians won the Hampshire Trophy whilst Andover won the Hampshire League.

​1928/29 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Old Portsmouth won the Hampshire League Division One whilst Portsmouth won Division Two. This seems to be the point when the name of the trophies changed.

​1929/30 Hampshire League Division One and Two

More information this season, with the change from the Trophy and League to a Division 1 and 2 with 5 teams on both playing a double round tournament. In division 1 Portsmouth and Southampton finished tied on 5.5 points from their eight matches. A play-off between the teams saw Portsmouth beat Southampton 3.5 – 2.5. Worth noting that this is the first mention of Salisbury club competing. In division 2 Tauntonians School finished a point ahead of Andover ii.

Hants Leagues 1929 30
Hants Leagues 1929 30

1930/31 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Division 1 had five teams who played a double round tournament, Southampton finished half a point ahead of Old Tauntonians. Meanwhile in division 2 not all the scores were detailed, but it was recorded that Broughton were the winners. Broughton is a village in Hampshire, 10 miles north of Romsey and they played on and off from 1924 to 1937.

Hampshire Leagues 1930 1931
Hampshire Leagues 1930 1931

​1931/32 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Division 1 and 2 both had five teams with a double round tournament. Not all scores or match results were recorded but Portsmouth won division 1 whilst Andover ii won division 2.

Hampshire Leagues 1931 1932
Hampshire Leagues 1931 1932

​1932/33 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Division 1 just had the four teams battling out a double round tournament, whilst Division 2 had 6. It is worth remembering that some overlap of players in each division was allowed. Old Tauntonians lost one match to Southampton but won their other five games and therefore finished half a point ahead of Southampton, who as well as their lost to Old Tauntonians also dropped half a point against Portsmouth. Basingstoke came out of top in the six team division 2, although they did lose two matches against Southampton ii and Andover ii.

Hampshire Leagues 1932 1933
Hampshire Leagues 1932 1933

​1933/34 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Division 1 was also a four team competition this season, whilst division 2 had five teams. Portsmouth lost one game against Southampton, but won all their other games in the double round league. Basingstoke again won division 2, winning six of their eight matches. The following season they would play is Division 1.

Hampshire Leagues 1932 1934
Hampshire Leagues 1932 1934

​1934/35 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Division two champions for the last two seasons did play in division one this year, but Basingstoke found this tough going, only scoring one point from their eight games. Portsmouth won the division by two points from Southampton. It proved a successful season for Portsmouth as their second team lost just one match from the ten played in Division 2, winning the league by two and a half points from Broughton and Southampton II.

Hampshire Leagues 1934 1935
Hampshire Leagues 1934 1935

1935/36 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Five teams in division 1 played a double round tournament, with Portsmouth just losing the one match against Southampton and winning all the others. They finished two points ahead of Old Tauntonians. In division 2 four teams finished in a tie for 1st with 4 points from their 6 matches, as the league was a single round one with seven teams. No details on play-off or tie-break, but it was noted as Portsmouth ii who won the title ahead of Bournemouth Suberton and Broughton. Southampton ii finished bottom in division 2, which was a very rare occurrence.

Hampshire Leagues 1935 1936
Hampshire Leagues 1935 1936

​1936/37 Hampshire League Division One and Two

Division 1 continued as the double rounder and once again Portsmouth dominated and won the title for the third time in a row. They only lost the one match against seconds placed Andover. Division 2 had eight teams participating and Winchester Gambit won all seven of their matches to win the title.

Hampshire Leagues 1936 1937
Hampshire Leagues 1936 1937

​1937/38 Hampshire League Division One and Two

There looks to have been promotion and relegation as Winchester Gambit were now playing in division one and Old Tauntonians in division 2. Winchester Gambit added the division 1 title to their division 2 title from the previous season, although they lost two of their eight matches. But due to winning the other six matches, they finished one point ahead of Bournemouth. Division 2 was split into a Southern and Northern division both being double round tournaments with five teams. Bournemouth ii and University College were tied on six points from the eight matches in the Southern division. No details on a play-off but Bournemouth ii were recorded as the winners. They went on to play the winners of the Northern division, Andover ii in the final where they beat them 3.5 to 1.5

Hampshire Leagues 1937 1938
Hampshire Leagues 1937 1938

​1938/39 Hampshire League Division One and Two

The last records from the F.Taylor notes (although the Hampshire League continued into the mid 1980’s) show Bournemouth winning the division 1 title with an impressive 7.5 points from their eight games ahead of Portsmouth. But Terry Hollingworth has noted that he thinks it was actually Portsmouth who won the title and hopefully I can confirm this if the trophy ever materialises or the AGM minutes has information. In the Southern division 2 Old Tauntonians won 7 matches and lost won to win the division, whilst Alton won four and drew two matches in the smaller Northern division. In the final Old Tauntonians beat Alton although no score was recorded.

Hampshire Leagues 1938 1939
Hampshire Leagues 1938 1939

1956/77 Hampshire League Division One

Woolston Community Centre won the Hampshire Chess League for 1957. Details were reported in the Hampshire Telegraph:

Fareham and Portsmouth Community Centres did well to take second and third places respectively in the Hampshire Chess League for 1956/1957, and Portsmouth Community Centre’s performance was all the more remarkable for being their first attempt in this competition. Bournemouth did not complete their programme, and the final placings were:

Hampshire Telegraph 27th Sept 1957
Hampshire League 1956 57 Div 1
Hampshire League 1956 57 Div 1

1975/76 Hampshire League Division One and Two

The HCA Archives had the details for this year.

Hampshire League 1975 76
Hampshire League 1975 76

1976/77 Hampshire League Division One and Two

From the Chess Notes articles (number 39) I have obtained the tables from the 1976 / 1977 season. Five teams in division 1 played a double round tournament, with Southampton winning seven of their matches to win the league ahead of Portsmouth. Wight A were just one point below Portsmouth with a 50% record. University started the season, but withdrew after what looks like just playing the one match against Southampton.

Hampshire League 1976 77 Div 1
Hampshire League 1976 77 Div 1

​In division 2 the same double round tournament was played, where Polytechnic finished two points ahead of Cosham. Andover were listed as playing, but looks like they withdrew as well.

Hampshire League 1976 77 Div 2
Hampshire League 1976 77 Div 2

As detailed in Chess Notes it was not clear until the AGM that Cosham had not won Division 2, due to what was presumed to be results lost in the post! It also seems that it was difficult to play all the matches, with a number of defaults by the end of the season.

​Scanning through Chess Notes for this period there were some individual results, which I will not duplicate at this stage, but I will detail the players who were playing for each team where they have been mentioned. If you are familiar with the local Southampton and Portsmouth Leagues you will notice that some of these players are still playing currently.

Hampshire Lg Div 1 Teams 76 77
Hampshire Lg Div 1 Teams 76 77
Hampshire Lg Div 2 Teams 76 77
Hampshire Lg Div 2 Teams 76 77

1977/78 Hampshire League Division One and Two

From the Chess Notes articles (number 80) the details of the 1977 / 1978 Hampshire League have been extracted. Both divisions had six teams and they played each other twice. In what looks to be a theme at this time it proved difficult for some teams to complete all their fixtures and Division One had a number of defaulted matches. Division two was not affected by this, but with Portsmouth and Southampton Leagues as well as County matches as we find currently it can be a struggle for players to commit to all matches.

In Division One Southampton proved too strong and won all their ten matches. Portsmouth and I.O.W. A battled for second place with Portsmouth narrowly achieving this position.

​Meanwhile in Division Two another very close season saw Cosham finish as per the previous year in second place. They scored the same amount of points as Andover, but lost out on tie break. The division between the top and second tier leagues seems to have been quite big, as Polytechnic who were promoted last season lost all seven matches they played and looking ahead Andover had the same fate in the 1978 – 1979 season with six losses from the same amount of completed matches.​

​There were only a handful of results in the Chess Notes articles, but I noticed Peter Wells played for Portsmouth this season. I know there is currently some activity of the Isle of Wight but at this time they seemed an active participant in the Hampshire League which I am presuming would have been played on a Saturday?

Hampshire League 1977 78 Div 1
Hampshire League 1977 78 Div 1
Hampshire League 1977 78 Div 2
Hampshire League 1977 78 Div 2

1978/79 Hampshire League Division One and Two

From the Chess Notes articles (number 113) the details of the 1978 / 1979 Division One Hampshire League have been extracted. This is an incomplete table but as per Chess Notes Southampton could not be caught:

“Southampton Chess Club has retained the championship title of the Hampshire League as, although they have one more match to play in Division I, they cannot be overtaken by their two nearest rivals, Portsmouth & I.O.W. Chess Notes 113 11th June 1979.”

​It also stated that for game points:

Note :
For this competition, games won or lost by default are not included in the total Games points.

​As per the previous year, Portsmouth were second and Isle of Wight A were third. The promoted Andover struggled losing the six matches they played. Not sure if the missing matches were played but it looks as if the fulfilment of all matches proved difficult.

​The Division One table was taken from the last Portsmouth Notes I have and unfortunately Division Two is not included, but the AGM minutes states that Cosham A were the winners. From some of the results from the Portsmouth News the teams in Division Two included the aforementioned Cosham as well as Polytechnic, Isle of Wight B and Fareham.

Hampshire League 1978 79 Div 1
Hampshire League 1978 79 Div 1

​Hampshire Chess League Summary

Other Years – Summary

Terry Hollington had noted a number of Division 2 winners which are detailed in the list of winners table. But as I find out more winners either from the Archives or the trophies I will update accordingly. The Hampshire League was certainly still in place in 1983 – 1984 season as I have the AGM minutes which mentions University were the winners of Division 1 and Basingstoke B division 2.

With the trophies no longer in the possession of Hampshire hopefully we will be able to track these down, although this may prove a fruitless task due to the time which has passed. But this may be the best source to confirm the winners and to also clarify some of the discrepancies which Terry mentions. Maybe it would also be something which Hampshire could start again?​

​I am very grateful to F.Taylor recording the details from 1895 in 1944, as without this, this would all have been lost to time and recording the winners from over 125 years ago has been enjoyable. Please do contact me if you have any comments / amendments.


The current spreadsheet, which has a few more results still be uploaded and the typed rules from the F.Taylor document.

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