Hampshire Chess Championship 2017 – Minor

Alongside the 2017 Hampshire Individual Championship, the Major and Minor Congresses were held. The Minor had the largest number of entries with 28 players participating.

The joint winners were Chris Priest (Hamble), John Belinger (New Milton), Ivor Kelly (Camberley) and Steven Kitley (Winchester). David Jerome (Emsworth) won the under 100 grading prize.

I have detailed the rounds and the final crosstable, unlike the Open and the Major I do not have any games from the Minor, but if you played in the Minor, I would be happy to add.

For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.

Round 1

Twelve players took a bye, leaving sixteen players to in the first round. The majority of games went with grading, but the ungraded Martin Childs beat Amanda Jones and John Kooner held John Belinger to a draw.

1Christopher PA Priest1241Paul Eyles1010
2Martin Childsu1Amanda Jones1210
3Andy Colthup890Ivor H Kelly1191
4John Belinger119½John Kooner91½
5Clive J Le Baigue1181Don Creasey860
6David T Murchie830Timothy S Allen1121
7Stephen P Kitley1051Don Creasey860
8James Wallman1051David Jerome800
9Ray K Hunt123½Bye
10James A Barnett120½Bye
11Manoj Chandar118½Bye
12David M Cole115½Bye
13Geoffrey A Foxon114½Bye
14Michael R Pope113½Bye
15David J Archer109½Bye
16Maha Chandar96½Bye
17Keven A Lamb95½Bye
18Brian V Cochran94½Bye
19Mansa Chandar70½Bye
20Matthew TP Pughu½Bye

Round 2

Ivor Kelly and Clive Le Baigue were the only players to move onto maximum points although there were ten players just half a point behind.

1Timothy S Allen112½Christopher PA Priest124½
2Ivor H Kelly1191Keven A Lamb950
3Clive J Le Baigue1181James Wallman1050
4Maha Chandar960John Belinger1191
5John Kooner910David M Cole1151
6Ray K Hunt123½Stephen P Kitley105½
7Geoffrey A Foxon1141Matthew TP Pughu0
8James A Barnett1201David J Archer1090
9Mansa Chandar700Michael R Pope1131
10Manoj Chandar1181Brian V Cochran940
11Amanda Jones1211David T Murchie830
12Paul Eyles1011David Lambton760
13Don Creasey861Andy Colthup890
14David Jerome801Controller Bye
15Martin Childsu½Bye

Round 3

The two leaders Ivor Kelly and Clive Le Baigue drew their game, which allowed the following players to join them by winning their third round games:

  • Christopher Priest
  • Stephen Kitley
  • John Belinger
  • David Cole
  • Michael Pope
1Ivor H Kelly119½Clive J Le Baigue118½
2Geoffrey A Foxon1140Christopher PA Priest1241
3John Belinger1191Timothy S Allen1120
4David M Cole1151Martin Childsu0
5Michael R Pope1131James A Barnett1200
6Stephen P Kitley1051Manoj Chandar1180
7Keven A Lamb950Amanda Jones1211
8Paul Eyles1010Ray K Hunt1231
9David Jerome800James Wallman1051
10David J Archer1091Don Creasey860
11Brian V Cochran94½John Kooner91½
12Andy Colthup891Mansa Chandar700
13Matthew TP Pughu1Maha Chandar960
14David T Murchie830David Lambton761

Round 4

Another five players took a bye for the Saturday evening round, but Ivor Kelly and Clive Le Baigue moved back into joint first place by winning their games.

1Ivor H Kelly1191David M Cole1150
2Michael R Pope1130Clive J Le Baigue1181
3James Wallman1051Matthew TP Pughu0
4Amanda Jones121½Ray K Hunt123½
5James A Barnett120½Geoffrey A Foxon114½
6Manoj Chandar118½David J Archer109½
7Martin Childsu0Paul Eyles1011
8Keven A Lamb950John Kooner911
9Don Creasey860Brian V Cochran941
10Andy Colthup890Maha Chandar961
11Mansa Chandar701David T Murchie830
12David Jerome801Controller Bye
13Christopher PA Priest124½Bye
14Stephen P Kitley105½Bye
15John Belinger119½Bye
16Timothy S Allen112½Bye
17David Lambton76½Bye

Round 5

Chris Priest beat one of the joint leaders Clive Le Baigue, whilst Ivor Kelly took a Sunday morning bye. These two players were in joint top place going into round six. John Belinger and Clive Le Baigue were just half a point behind and another six players another half point behind them.

1Clive J Le Baigue1180Christopher PA Priest1241
2David M Cole115½Stephen P Kitley105½
3James Wallman105½John Belinger119½
4Ray K Hunt123½Michael R Pope113½
5Geoffrey A Foxon1141Amanda Jones1210
6Brian V Cochran940James A Barnett1201
7Paul Eyles1011Manoj Chandar0
8David J Archer109½Martin Childsu½
9Timothy S Allen112½John Kooner91½
10Matthew TP Pughu0Mansa Chandar701
11David Lambton76½Maha Chandar96½
12Andy Colthup890David Jerome801
13Keven A Lamb951Don Creasey860
14Ivor H Kelly119½Bye
15David T Murchie830Withdraw

Round 6

Chris Priest and Ivor Kelly drew their last round game to finish on four and a half points. Stephen Kitley and John Belinger joined them by beating Clive Le Baigue and Michael Pope which meant these all finished joint first.

Chris Priest won the Parsons Cup as highest finishing Hampshire player (I presume Ivor Kelly was not eligible?)

1Christopher PA Priest124½Ivor H Kelly119½
2Stephen P Kitley1051James Wallman1050
3John Belinger1191Clive J Le Baigue1180
4David M Cole1151Michael R Pope1130
5James A Barnett1201Paul Eyles1010
6Geoffrey A Foxon114½Ray K Hunt123½
7Amanda Jones121½Mansa Chandar70½
8John Kooner910David J Archer1091
9David Jerome801Keven A Lamb950
10Martin Childsu1Andy Colthup890
11Manoj Chandar1180David Lambton761
12Maha Chandar961Brian V Cochran940
13Don Creasey860Matthew TP Pughu1
14Timothy S Allen1120Withdraw

Final Table

As the basis of this is from the ECF rating site crosstable, which does not take into account byes the rankings do not match the final real positions. But to amend this I would have to recreate the numbers for each player, which I have not done. But the table can be sorted to allow you to do this.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Ivor H Kelly11926+27+5=7+bye =2=4.5
2Christopher Priest12410+20=12+bye =5+1=4.5
3Stephen Kitley10522+11=23+bye =7=6+4.5
4John Belinger11915=18+20+bye =6=5+4.5
5Clive Le Baigue11825+6+1=14+2–4–3.5
6James Wallman10519+5–22+21+4=3–3.5
7David Cole115bye =15+16+1–3=14+4
8James Barnett120bye =13+14–12=24+10+4
9Amanda Jones12116–28+27+11=12–17=3
10Paul Eyles1012–19+11–16+23+8–3
11Ray Hunt123bye =3=10+9=14=12=3.5
12Geoffrey Foxon114bye =21+2–8=9+11=3.5
13David Archer109bye =8–25+23=16=15+3.5
14Michael Pope113bye =17+8+5–11=7–3
15John Kooner914=7–24=27+20=13–2.5
16Martin Childs9+bye =7–10–13=26+3
17Mansa Chandar70bye =14–26–28+21+9=3
18Maha Chandar96bye =4–21–26+19=24+3
19David Lambton766–10–28+bye =18=23+3
20Timothy Allen11228+2=4–bye =15=2.5
21Matthew Pughbye =12–18+6–17–25+2.5
22David Jerome803–bye +6–bye =26+27+3.5
23Manoj Chandar118bye =24+3–13=10–19–2
24Brian Cochran94bye =23–15=25+8–18–2
25Don Creasey865–26+13–24–27–21–1
26Andy Colthup891–25–17+18–22–16–1
27Keven Lamb95bye =1–9–15–25+22–1.5
28David Murchie8320–9–19–17–

HCA Secretary Report

The Hampshire Chess Secretary produced a report on the congress, which is below.

Acknowledgements and sources:
  • John Wheeler for HCA Secretary Report
  • Keven Lamb for photographs

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