Southsea Chess Congress 1976

There were numerous chess tournaments held in Southsea from the 1970’s. These were a great opportunity for local players to gain experience. Using the Hampshire Archives I have scanned the tournaments and also added these to Excel tables as some of the scans are not clear. If you played in any of these tournaments and … Read more

Southsea Chess Congress 1975

Southsea 1975 Championship

I have obtained some games from the players who participated in the Southsea Congress. Unfortunately not from the actual tournaments, but a selection are included at the bottom of the article. In addition, downloads of the tournaments crosstables which I have added into Excel are available.​ The actual scans of the Hampshire Archives original documents, … Read more

Hampshire Chess Junior Championship 1975 – 1976

The Hampshire Junior Championships for 1975 / 1976 had seven tournaments in total. Links As to which order these tournaments stood after the main under 18th in regards to grading I am uncertain, But on the presumption that Major would be higher than Minor I would assume this was the higher rated tournament? ​Detailed below … Read more