Chiltern County Chess Matches 2021 / 22
Hampshire played five Chiltern county matches in the season. Match results are detailed on this post.
County Matches played by Hampshire Chess Association.
Hampshire played five Chiltern county matches in the season. Match results are detailed on this post.
With the pandemic rife there was no West of England County chess competition this season. During this period more and online chess was being played and it was decided that a 2nd season of the online variety would be held.
Hampshire County Chess 1887 & 1889 This article is to document the first two county chess matches played by Hampshire; these friendlies were before the official Hampshire Chess Association was formed. Several resources have been sourced, as cited at the end of the document. The two main sources I would like to mention though are … Read more
The main Trophy in the SCCU County Competitions is the Shannon Trophy, otherwise known as the Championship. According to the SCCU Team Champions list on the SCCU Website Hampshire won the Shannon Trophy just once in 1947/48, but Anthony Fulton in his excellent book “The Southern Counties Chess Union – a retrospective” disputes this as … Read more