WECU Chess Championship – 1981

1981 WECU Championship

The WECU Chess Championship has been running for many years, but has normally been held in more westerly counties than Hampshire. This is a logical decision, as Hampshire is a long way for Cornwall and Devon players to travel to. However, in April 1981 Winchester was the destination and the cross tables are part of … Read more

Hampshire Individual Chess Championship 1969

1968 1969 HCA Congress Final Table

The 1969 Hampshire Individual Chess Championship (for the 1968 / 69 season) was held at Southampton University the two middle weekends of October 1968. There were five rounds each weekend, and the tournament was dominated by the young Seth Saverymuttu, who only dropped two draws from his ten games. Contents For a list of the … Read more

George William Kilmister – Obituary

GW Kilmister

From the Westward Ho! newsletter from January 1988 the obituary of George William Kilmister MBE was published which I have repeated below. George Kilmister produced the Hampshire Bulletin, Westward Ho! and SCCU Bulletins as well as being an Chess official for Hampshire and Dorset. He played for Hampshire approx. 20 times from 1960 to 1972.