Hampshire County Chess Season 1983 / 84

Hampshire were fielding one of their strongest teams in the 1983 / 84 WECU season with the A team winning all their matches in the Howard Meek Championship, and whilst the B team were not as as successful they still managed three wins, one draw and a loss in the Wayling Cup competition.

Hampshire A came unstuck in the National stages with an extremely tough quarter final against Essex.

Hampshire’s match captain for this season was Peter Marshall.

For the record of Hampshire County matches and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire County Chess Matches page will detail these. The Hampshire County Chess History page summaries the leagues Hampshire have played in and the successes Hampshire have achieved. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.

WECU Jamboree – 17 September 1983 – Taunton

Six counties were represented in the WECU Senior Jamboree which kick-started the season. A very close contest saw Hampshire finish joint second, behind Gloucestershire and tied with Devon and Somerset. Hampshire winners were Gerald Bennett, Stephen Bell, Arthur Brameld, KR Fuller, Philip Rossiter and D Smith. Also noticeable was PG Stevenson drawing against the 12 year old Michael Adams.

BoardHampshireGradeResultOpp TeamPlayerGradeResult
1Gerald H Bennett2091Dorset AM Issacs1990
2Stephen D Bell1Glos AC Beaumont0
3Arthur F Brameld2031Somerset ARW Gregory1620
4PG Stevenson184½Cornwall AMichael Adams172½
5KR Fuller1911Devon AM Rosseinsky0
6Martin J Buckmaster1810Devon AARB Thomas1
7Philip J Rossiter1751Dorset AMJ Roth1500
8Leslie C Allen1600Glos APhilip J Meade1831
9Iain A Stenhouse180½Somerset AA Borkowski157½
10AD Crossin1460Cornwall AA Hebert1
11D Smith1591Dorset APaul Brackner0
From Westward Ho!

There was also a Graded Jamboree which Hampshire did not enter, this was won by Somerset II. Interestingly this also had North Devon and Torbay as well as a number of the County second teams.

From Westward Ho!

The tables were taken from the Westward Ho! Dec 1983 edition No 28.

Arthur Brameld’s win against Somerset’s R Gregory from the Senior Jamboree.

Hampshire – Gloucestershire – 15 October 1983 – Devizes

Hampshire’s first league match of the season was against Gloucestershire with the A and B teams playing over 16 boards each in Devizes (Wiltshire). The match was played at Devizes, which was the same venue as the Somerset and Wiltshire matches.

There is some confusion to location as the results I had received separately from Arthur Bramled had this played at Warminster, but the reports in the Archives state Devizes.

Hampshire’s record against Gloucestershire is very close and from the records I have Gloucestershire are narrowly ahead (28 wins, 8 draws, 27 losses). But this was a strong Hampshire team outgrading Gloucestershire by an average of 13 points in the A team and 14 in the B team. Hampshire won both matches by 10 points to 6.

For the A team the damage was done on the top boards with boards one to three all winning and our first loss not occurring until board 11. Hampshire A team winners were future GM Peter Wells, FM Gerald Bennett, Arthur Brameld (all graded over 200), KR Fuller, Martin Newbury, Martin Buckmaster, PD Miller and TI Cowling.

BoardHampshire AGradeResultGlos AGradeResult
1Peter K Wells2181C Jones1910
2Gerald H Bennett2091Nigel K Hosken1890
3Arthur F Brameld2031S Popham1800
4Simon J Roe197½Philip J Meade183½
5KR Fuller1911Phil Dodwell1730
6Keith DF Gregory187½J Boyce181½
7Martin L Newbury1861C Weeks0
8PG Stevenson184½T Mordue183½
9Chris B Baker184½P Day176½
10Martin J Buckmaster1811G Copeland1710
11Iain A Stenhouse1800I Bourne1
12David W Bell1790RO Powis1701
13Andrew Faller1770M J Hannon1651
14RJ Lock1770IR Pickup1571
15PD Miller1751JC Barron0
16TI Cowling1731J Knight1540

Arthur Brameld played the Portsmouth Gambit against S Popham and although he did not initially obtain the best position, a few tactical shots enabled him to win the game.

The B team were equally impressive, again scoring heavily on the top boards (four points from the top five boards). Our winners were Stuart Dean, P Johnson, Iain Sherman, Bill Purkiss, AD Crossin, J Arney, AK Blades and GJ Balls.

A good start to the season for Hampshire, beating Gloucestershire who had finished 2nd in the Howard Meek Championship (behind Devon) the previous season. Although the Wayling Cup would be extremally difficult to win as Devon and Somerset were always strong, this win would help Hampshire’s effort in this cup.

BoardHampshire BGradeResultGlos B PlayerGradeResult
1Stuart Dean1671J Thain1520
2P Johnson1651J Carr1490
3I Sherman1641CH Breach1080
4D Smith159½N Parker148½
5Kevin P Goater156½R Smith148½
6Richard D Perrin1520E Newman1311
7Warwick H Silber152½Alan R Bentley139½
8William Purkiss1501T Allison0
9Len C Walters1490S Maggs1401
10AD Crossin1461E W Joce1380
11J Arney1451O Stzanko1290
12AK Blades1411A Warne0
13GJ Balls1351IC White1270
14RC Clark1350T Stephenson1271
15P George1330C Beveridge1261
16Stephen D LeFevre125½T Newman116½

Hampshire – Cornwall – 12 November 1983 – Exeter

The long journey to Exeter to play Cornwall was the next fixture, although this was just a A team match. As Cornwall normally enter a A and B team it may be that Hampshire defaulted the B team match, although this is just a guess as I do not have any information on this.

Due to the longer distance this is normally the match which Hampshire field their weakest team, this season was no different with the average grade much lower than the other matches, and no players graded over 200. That said it was still a strong team and Hampshire were comfortable winners 10½ to 5½.

KR Fuller, Julian Corfield, PG Stevenson, Chris Baker, Les Allen, Peter Marshall (default), Len Walters, Jon D’Souza-Eva and Stephen Le Fevre were the Hampshire winners, whilst Martin Newbury had the pleasure of playing (and losing to future Super GM Michael Adams).

Worth noting that Hampshire have played 36 matches against Cornwall (ignoring online) and the players that have played the most include a number of the ones from this match.

  • Stephen Le Fevre – 25 games
  • Martin Newbury – 25 games
  • Len Walters – 22 games
  • Peter Marshall – 21 games
BoardHampshire AGradeResultCornwall AGradeResult
1Simon J Roe197½H Coleman184½
2KR Fuller1911RJ Grime1820
3Julian Corfield1911Jeremy FS Menadue1710
4Martin L Newbury1860Michael Adams1721
5PG Stevenson1841David AJ Saqui1710
6Chris B Baker1841EA Horn1690
7David W Bell1790M Taylor1501
8Andrew Faller173½CH StaceyUG½
9PD Miller173½Jeff J Nicholas141½
10TI Cowling1730AD Meakes1431
11Leslie C Allen1601Anton RB Barkhuysen1420
12Peter L Marshall1551Default0
13Len C Walters1491SJ Fanning1370
14Jon D’Souza-Eva1401D Bly1200
15CV Fairall1340RS Grey1191
16Stephen D LeFevre1251J R Harrison1170

Hampshire – Dorset – 28 January 1984 – Southampton

From the match with the longest distance to travel to the one with the shortest! This had the added bonus of being played in Southampton and therefore this really counted as a home fixture, although it was not that far for Dorset to travel.

Surprisingly Hampshire had a weaker team than in their match against Gloucestershire with the A team graded 177 compared to 188 in that match. For example TI Cowling played on board 10 rather than board 16 against Gloucestershire. The B team was slightly stronger but that was over ten boards rather than the normal sixteen due to the defaulted games.

Unlike the previous matches Hampshire were not as dominant on the top boards, with Dorset scoring three points from the top five boards. But lower down the strength in depth started to show and Hampshire were comfortable 10½ – 5½ winners.

Hampshire winners were Martin Buckmaster, Iain Stenhouse, David Bell, RJ Lock, Stuart Dean, P Johnson, and Les Allen (at least four of these were Southampton Chess club players).

BoardHampshire AGradeResultDorset AGradeResult
1Arthur F Brameld203½SJ Shutler198½
2Philip J Rossiter175½M Issacs199½
3Julian Corfield191½P Varley½
4Keith DF Gregory187½R Kinnersley½
5Martin L Newbury1860N Ramsey1751
6PG Stevenson184½HD Needham164½
7Martin J Buckmaster1811Ian Clark1650
8Iain A Stenhouse1801R Valentine1660
9David W Bell1791MJ Roth1500
10RJ Lock1771DK Bevis1640
11TI Cowling173½TE Simms152½
12Stuart Dean1671Dr J Tilney-Bassett1520
13AG Daley166½PC Colmer145½
14P Johnson1651H Holmes1400
15Leslie C Allen1601Alan D Primett1320
16D Smith1590R C Evans1371

The B team were much too strong for the Dorset team, only dropping one and half points from the ten games (Dorset defaulted six boards). This was not unexpected as they out-graded them on average by 33 points.

BoardHampshire BGradeResultDorset BGradeResult
1KR Walker1581I Brooks1120
2AD Williams1P Damant1250
3Kevin P Goater1561WA Shutler1240
4Warwick H Silber1521J Dyke0
5Richard D Perrin1521AC Bullock1250
6William Purkiss1501F Hamilton-Taylor1310
7Len C Walters149½W John Kelly125½
8AD Crossin1461M Goodwin1150
9J Arney1450CV Wilkinson1041
10AK Blades1411RAG Marples960

Hampshire – Wiltshire 18 Feb 1984 – Devizes

Wiltshire only entered a team into the Wayling Cup as I cannot find any details on a A team match. I don’t have the Wiltshire grades for this, but this seems to have been a max 175 grade for the teams as Hampshire’s board one was graded 175.

A comfortable 9½ – 5½ win for Hampshire with T Cowling, Dominic Tunks, Peter Marshall, WH Silber, AD Crossin, GJ Balls, P George and Andrew Smith our winners.

BoardHampshire BGradeResultWilts BGradeResult
1PD Miller1750R Haydon1631
2TI Cowling1731J Banks0
3P Johnson165½DR Ward½
4Dominic R Tunks1641R Rendall0
5D Smith1590D Bethall1
6Kevin P Goater156½RJ March½
7Peter L Marshall1551M Morton0
8WH Sibler1521M Jones0
9William Purkiss1500G Cole1
10Richard D Perrin1520R Wardell1
11Len C Walters1490A Champion1
12AD Crossin1461D Pott0
13GJ Balls1351Mrs E Hartford0
14RC Clark135½D Dowson½
15P George1331M Major0
16Andrew D Smith1191G Garbutt0

Hampshire – Somerset – 3 March 1984 – Devizes

Hampshire had mixed fortunes against Somerset, with the A team winning 9½ – 6½, but the B team losing heavily only scoring 4 points to Somerset’s 12.

A very strong A team, which again included the three players graded over 200, who had played against Gloucestershire. With an average grade of 186, these were needed as Somerset also had an impressive team. Hampshire’s winners were Peter Wells, Arthur Brameld, GD Tidmarsh, Chris B Baker, Martin Newbury, David Bell, Andrew Faller and Stuart Dean.

BoardHampshire AGradeResultSomerset AGradeResult
1Peter K Wells2181M Truran1990
2Gerald H Bennett2090D Mackle1821
3Arthur F Brameld2031S Martinez1810
4Simon J Roe197½Timothy Headlong182½
5Keith DF Gregory187½N Rutter175½
6Philip J Rossiter1750P House1
7PG Stevenson1840A Exton1811
8GD Tidmarsh1861P Floyd0
9Chris B Baker1841Gerry N Jepps1750
10Martin L Newbury1861Brian GE Gosling1720
11David W Bell1791RW Gregory1740
12C Moorman176½R Hardy½
13PD Miller1730RJ Gregory1621
14TI Cowling1730James E Fewkes1611
15Andrew Faller1731C Anderton0
16Stuart Dean1671NR Ludgate1590

Arthur Brameld played an impressive positional game against S Martinez where he squeezed his opponent in a Bishop and Pawn ending. Martinez had a double isolated pawn which made it very difficult to defend.

Somerset had a strong A team, but I think they Wayling Cup was a more realistic trophy for them than the Howard Meek and this can be seen from their very strong B team which outgraded the Hampshire team by five points. You would still expect a close result, but this was not the case as Somerset crushed Hampshire 12 – 4.

D Smith was the only Hampshire B team player who won, although Somerset’s David Holmes would later play for Hampshire a couple of times and in the Southampton Chess league for many years (normally sat next to me drifting into time trouble).

BoardHampshire BGradeResultSomerset BGradeResult
1AG Daley1660David J Holmes1631
2P Johnson1650CR Chambers1641
3D Smith1591T Wallis1590
4M BrimbleUG0D Littlejohns1581
5Kevin P Goater1560J Borkwoski1571
6Warwick H Silber1520DC Wood1581
7Peter L Marshall156½F Woodruff159½
8AD Crossin146½T Mowlem156½
9William Purkiss1500P Helbig1551
10Richard D Perrin152½HG Thomas152½
11Len C Walters149½A Hibbit150½
12Jon D’Souza-Eva1400David Egginton1431
13P George1330R BagshawUG1
14RC Clark135½Miss L Fursman134½
15Stephen D LeFevre1250J Connor1241
16AD Smith119½Miss J ChambersUG½

Hampshire – Devon – 17 March 1984 – Ilminster

Devon were the reigning WECU champions (not an unusual position) and you would expect this to be a tough match for both the A and the B team. Hampshire had two of their 200+ graded players in the team and averaged 184 which was 10 points more than Devon (although I don’t have all of their grades). These games do not always come down to the grades though, but Hampshire managed a fine 10 – 6 win.

The details I have state that the result was amended to 10 – 2 as Devon fielded two ineligible players in the match.

Peter Well, Philip Rossiter (one of the best juniors in England at the time), PG Stevenson, Iain Stenhouse, Andrew Faller and TI Cowling were the Hampshire winners whilst future Hampshire Chess Secretary John Wheeler along with A Boyne won for Devon. This meant Hampshire A had won all their matches and were successful in winning the Howard Meek Trophy. With this win they moved onto the National Stages of the County Championship.

BoardHampshire AGradeResultDevon AGradeResult
1Peter K Wells2181Trefor F Thynne1710
2Arthur F Brameld203½GW Wheeler186½
3Simon J Roe1970John F Wheeler1951
4Julian Corfield191½J A Lawrence160½
5Keith DF Gregory187½S Dilleigh181½
6Philip J Rossiter1751Brian WR Hewson1820
7PG Stevenson1841S Flesch0
8Martin L Newbury186½N Crickmore½
9Martin J Buckmaster181½R Evans164½
10Iain A Stenhouse1801T Buckley0
11David W Bell179½ARB Thomas½
12RJ Lock1770A Boyne1601
13Andrew Faller1731Christopher J Archer-Lock0
14PD Miller173½C Rigby172½
15TI Cowling1731M Roberts0
16Stuart Dean167½BW Clapp167½

I asked John Wheeler if he had his game from this match so that an opposition win is included in the article. John mentioned that it was not that interesting a game, but I think it shows White snuffing out Black’s planned Kingside storm which he would be looking to play in the King’s Indian Defence. He thinks Simon Roe was probably a student at Southampton University and as he only played for Hampshire between 1983 and 1985 I would agree with this assumption.

Arthur’s drawn against John’s brother George was a tactical battle, with both players leaving pieces on prise and in the final position Black had two Queens, but White had a perpetual check.

For the B team, Hampshire and Devon could not be separated and tied the match 8 points each. Future Match Captain Dominic Tunks, D Smith, AD Crossin, Brian Otway, P George and A Prince were the Hampshire winners.

BoardHampshire BGradeResultDevon BGradeResult
1P Johnson1650KJ Bloodworth1641
2Dominic R Tunks1641K Binns0
3Leslie C Allen1600Peter E Halmkin1661
4D Smith1591Alan W Brusey1560
5KR Walker1580S Wilks1
6Peter L Marshall155½BJ Penaligon152½
7AD Crossin1461J Hutchins1400
8Len C Walters149½RC Luffman147½
9Richard D Perrin152½Mrs RM Bruce144½
10William Purkiss1500T Kendall1351
11AK Blades1410I Calvert1521
12Brian N Otway1J Parker1390
13RC Clark0JE Allen1
14P George1331A Sapiecha0
15Q Winch½S Scarbro120½
16A Prince1D Hutchinson1250

Hampshire – Essex – 28 April 1984 – National Quarter Final – Guildford

Hampshire fielded a strong team against Essex in the quarter finals of the Nationals. I am not sure if this was the Open or the Minor, but either way Essex were a difficult county to face with a number of their players fairly well known. Their boards two to four were (or would become) Fide Masters.

Hampshire were competitive, but ultimately lost 10 – 6. Hampshire winners were Philip Rossiter, David Bell and Stuart Dean.

BoardHampshire AGradeResultEssex AGradeResult
1Gerald H Bennett2090N Carr1
2Arthur F Brameld203½AJ Stebbings½
3Simon J Roe1970AP Lewis1
4Julian Corfield1910K Bowden1
5Philip J Rossiter1751J Howson0
6PG Stevenson1840S Lowe1
7Chris B Baker1840E Lee1
8Martin L Newbury1860JA Goldberg1
9Martin J Buckmaster181½A Marshall½
10Iain A Stenhouse180½A Simpson½
11David W Bell1791J Cooper0
12R Lock177½G Yates½
13C Moorman176½I Smith½
14TI Cowling173½S Kalinsky½
15PD Miller1750I Hunnable1
16Stuart Dean1671J Page0


Arthur Brameld games from the season are available, along with the John Wheeler one. If you have any games from this season, annotated or not I would be very interested in receiving and adding to the article.


Hampshire Player Performance

A number of players had an excellent season with a few highlights being:

  • Stuart Dean – Four wins and a draw normally on the lower boards of the A team and one game on top board for the B team
  • Arthur Brameld – Undefeated with three wins on the top three boards for the A team from his six games
  • Peter Wells for winning all three of his games on board one for the A team
  • KR Fuller for winning all three of his games on the top five boards for the A team
  • Philip Rossiter for three and a half points from five games for the A team and often playing ahead of higher graded teammates
Hants PlayerWin PercentagePoints ScoredGames Played
Stuart Dean90.0%4.55
Arthur F Brameld75.0%4.56
AD Crossin75.0%4.56
TI Cowling57.1%47
Philip J Rossiter70.0%3.55
David W Bell58.3%3.56
D Smith58.3%3.56
PG Stevenson50.0%3.57
KR Fuller100.0%33
Peter K Wells100.0%33
Peter L Marshall75.0%34
Martin J Buckmaster60.0%35
Iain A Stenhouse60.0%35
Chris B Baker62.5%2.54
Andrew Faller62.5%2.54
P Johnson50.0%2.55
Martin L Newbury41.7%2.56
Len C Walters35.7%2.57
GJ Balls100.0%22
Dominic R Tunks100.0%22
AK Blades66.7%23
Leslie C Allen50.0%24
Julian Corfield50.0%24
Kevin P Goater50.0%24
Gerald H Bennett50.0%24
Keith DF Gregory50.0%24
P George50.0%24
William Purkiss40.0%25
Richard D Perrin40.0%25
PD Miller33.3%26
Andrew D Smith75.0%1.52
Warwick H Silber50.0%1.53
Stephen D LeFevre50.0%1.53
Simon J Roe30.0%1.55
I Sherman100.0%11
AD Williams100.0%11
Stephen D Bell100.0%11
A Prince100.0%11
WH Sibler100.0%11
GD Tidmarsh100.0%11
Brian N Otway100.0%11
KR Walker50.0%12
J Arney50.0%12
Jon D’Souza-Eva50.0%12
C Moorman50.0%12
RJ Lock33.3%13
RC Clark25.0%14
R Lock50.0%0.51
Q Winch50.0%0.51
AG Daley25.0%0.52
M Brimble0.0%01
CV Fairall0.0%01


This was a very successful season for Hampshire, winning the Howard Meek Championship and being able to a field a very consistent team over the season. Peter Marshall was a natural organiser, a great Match Captain and held various Hampshire and Southampton officer posts during his chess career (he was HCA President this year). He was also instrumental in bringing the British Chess Championship to Southampton in 1986.

A mixture of experienced and young players were involved, which often leads to success. In 1983 Hampshire won the U18 National Championship and Philip Rossiter, Peter Wells, KR Fuller, Dominic Tunks, KR Walker and AG Daley who were all part of that team played for the Hampshire County teams this season. In addition I noticed that Bill Purkiss, Iain Sherman and Martin Buckmaster as other young players who were also involved.

On the more senior side there were Peter Marshall (first game for county in 1958 (see note below)), Arthur Brameld (1960), AD Crossin (1965), Iain Stenhouse (1966), Len Walters (1959), Martin Newbury (1968), Les Allen (1962) and RC Clark (1962).


There is a period between post second World War and 1958 where I do not have individual match results and a number of players such as Peter Marshall and Len Walters would have likely played in this period.

Match Scorecards

A number of the Match Scorecards are in the HCA Archives which I have scanned as below. These give additional information which I find interesting, such as some of the clubs, adjudicated games and even notes on which players paid via others.

Acknowledgements and Sources

  • Arthur Brameld and John Wheeler for supplying games
  • Lichess for details on Portsmouth Gambit

    2 thoughts on “Hampshire County Chess Season 1983 / 84”

    1. Graham, Hi

      He won't thank me for recalling this but, in the Match against Essex, on board 1, Gerry Bennett was playing Neil Carr on the next board to me and, in the middle of a tense time struggle, Carr made I think would have been his last move before the time control at 40. He then got straight up and walked off, whereupon Gerry seemed to relax and didn't make a move for a few minutes and lost on time. It's up to you whether you publish this .... ???!!
      Also we lost 6 to 10, so maybe it didn't really matter. Do you have the match details ? If not, let me know and I'll send them to you. Arthur Brameld


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