Hampshire Chess Congress Minor 2023

There were three sections held at the Hampshire 2023 Chess Congress. The Minor is the bottom section, with a number of local club players, joined by several players from outside the area, battling for the title. The 1st article on the Open and the 2nd on the Major are both available. Above is Freddie Christou-Moore winner of the Minor with HCA’s Vice President Peter Eales.


HCA Minor

The Hampshire Congress had three sections, an Open which included the Hampshire Individual Championship, the Major and the Minor. This article covers the Minor tournament which was for players rated under 1600. In total there were 33 entrants with most local clubs represented. In addition, it was great to see a number of players from the Isle of Wight make the trip as well as from London and Dorset. The Lysses Hotel is a popular venue, with Castle Chess also holding tournaments at the venue. Many entrants are returning players, which is always a good sign that they enjoy the tournament.

There were some changes this year, with Congress Organiser being replaced with myself and Peter Eales but we were fortunate that the long standing arbiter Kevin Thurlow agreed to one run the congress one more time, before retiring. We hope he will be at the Congress next year, but as a player!

We also took advantage of the ECF LMS system, to allow people to follow the results as the round were played, and this was also used to pass the results to the ECF for rating. This system is free to use for ECF tournaments, leagues and clubs and I highly recommend it. We had a few small hiccups with mis keyed results, but these were quickly rectified.

For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.

Round 1

With 33 entries, the Minor had less entries than 2022 (38) but as per the Major this was not an issue. The three sections were more evenly spread and the Congress was at full capacity.

Minor tournaments are always slightly different to the Open and Major’s with a number of improving juniors joining regular club / social players. This may be less of an issue now than the times with annual ratings when a junior could be two to three hundred points under rated. But looking at a number of the players in the competition 10 months later (it took me a while to get around to this) there are several examples of improving players!

Don’t worry, most of these will be playing in the the Major or Open section this year!

PlayerSept 2023Sept 2024Change
Philip Tarrant-Edwards15121763251
Alikhan Menseitov1453 (Nov)1650197
Itmam Ekram1389 (Nov)1562173
William Purle1499 (Nov)1627128
Edward Burton1527160780
Freddie Christou-Moore1590167080
Rosamund Hale1430150272

There were quite a few first round byes, but there was probably only the one upset, with Graham Payne beating Oliver Ward. The ratings below as at November 2023, but the eligibility position was September 2023. This ensures we don’t have to ask early entrants to move sections just before the Congress, but if you enter in June and your rating is over the rating band in September, we would ask you to move section.

Oliver Williamson15971Rosamund Hale14450
Nicholas Morris1567½Philip Tarrant-Edwards1591½
Michael Eason15841John E Davis14360
David J Archer14280Kenneth Jardine15651
Oliver J Ward15500Graham PW Payne14121
Karen Charles0Nicholas Deacon15291
Edward Burton15271Harshal Kulkarni14010
James Leare13530Paul S Collis15231
Christopher Budden15121James Best13060
Aiden Graham12590William Purle14991
Alikhan Menseitov14911David Purle12560
Itmam Ekram1David Lightfoot14700
Steven R Charles1464½Ekramul Basher½
Freddie Christou-Moore1590½Half Point Bye
Sofia Syed1519½Half Point Bye
Kian King1508½Half Point Bye
Ben Hermanns1439½Half Point Bye
Jacob Carr1432½Half Point Bye
Lucas Summers1164½Half Point Bye
Oscar Jackman17191Full Point Bye

Round 2

William Purle (one of the most improved players in rating since the Congress), Michael Eason, Edward Burton, Nicholas Deacon (whose Brother was playing in the Open) and Paul Collis retained their 100% record. A number of players were just half a point behind in the chasing pack.

William Purle14991Oliver Williamson15970
Graham PW Payne14120Michael Eason15841
Kenneth Jardine1565½Christopher Budden1512½
Nicholas Deacon15291Alikhan Menseitov14910
Oscar Jackman17190Edward Burton15271
Paul S Collis15231Itmam Ekram0
Philip Tarrant-Edwards15910Ben Hermanns14391
Ekramul Basher0Freddie Christou-Moore15901
Sofia Syed15191Nicholas Morris15670
Jacob Carr14321Kian King15080
Lucas Summers11640Steven R Charles14641
James Best13060Oliver J Ward15501
David Lightfoot14701Karen Charles0
Rosamund Hale14451James Leare13530
John E Davis14361Aiden Graham12590
David Purle12561David J Archer14280
Harshal Kulkarni14011Full Point Bye

Round 3

With five players on maximum points, four were paired together, whilst Paul Collis met the up floated Freddie Christou-Moore. This was a tough pairing (again see the most improved players) and Freddie came out on top. The two players with the White pieces came out on top in the other top board matches, which meant two players were on maximum points and four were a half point behind.

Michael Eason15841William Purle14990
Edward Burton15271Nicholas Deacon15290
Freddie Christou-Moore15901Paul Saul S Collis15230
Steven R Charles14640Kenneth Jardine15651
Ben Hermanns14391Sofia Syed15190
Christopher Budden15121Jacob Carr14320
Oliver Williamson1597½John Eohn E Davis1436½
Oliver J Ward15500David Purle12561
Alikhan Menseitov14911Oscar Jackman17190
Harshal Kulkarni14011David Lightfoot14700
Itmam Ekram½Rosamund Hale1445½
Kian King15081Graham PWraham PW Payne14120
Ekramul Basher½Philip Tarrant-Edwards1591½
Nicholas Morris15671Lucas Summers11640
David J Archer14280James Leare13531
Karen Charles0James Best13061
Aiden Graham12591Full Point Bye0

Round 4

The Minor only saw three players taking a half point bye, as a number had taken one in the first round, and others decided three games in a day is no problem. The two leaders met and Edward Burton was the winner, going into Sunday with four points from four games. This was a full point ahead of Chris Budden, Michael Eason, Kenneth Jardine, Ben Hermanns, Freddie Christou-Moore and William Purle.

This may seem like a comfortable lead, but although the great start will help in any tie-break, you can still easily be caught with two rounds remaining as your are meeting other players who are playing well.

Edward Burton15271Michael Eason15840
Freddie Christou-Moore1590½Christopher Budden1512½
Kenneth Jardine1565½Ben Hermanns1439½
Nicholas Deacon1529½Harshal Kulkarni1401½
William Purle14991Alikhan Menseitov14910
David Purle1256½Steven R Charles1464½
Jacob Carr14321Oliver Williamson15970
Sofia Syed15190Itmam Ekram1
Rosamund Hale14451Kian King15080
Graham PW Payne14121Nicholas Morris15670
Philip Tarrant-Edwards15910Aiden Graham12591
James Leare13530Oliver J Ward15501
David Lightfoot14700Ekramul Basher00001
Oscar Jackman17191Lucas Summers11640
Karen Charles½David J Archer1428½
Paul S Collis1523½Half Point Bye
John E Davis1436½Half Point Bye
James Best1306½Half Point Bye

Round 5

Edward Burton dropped his first points, with a draw against Christopher Budden. Michael Eason and Freddie Christou-Moore both won their games to remain half a point behind going into the last round. Paul Collis, Itman Ekram and Christopher Budden were all a further half point back on 3½ points.

Christopher Budden1512½Edward Burton1527½
Michael Eason15841Kenneth Jardine15650
Ben Hermanns14390Freddie Christou-Moore15901
Paul S Collis15231William Purle14990
Harshal Kulkarni1401½Rosamund Hale1445½
Itmam Ekram1Jacob Carr14320
John E Davis14361David Purle12560
Oliver J Ward15501Ekramul Basher0
Alikhan Menseitov1491½Graham PW Payne1412½
Steven R Charles14640Oscar Jackman17191
Aiden Graham1259½Oliver Williamson1597½
Kian King15080Nicholas Morris15671
James Best13060Philip Tarrant-Edwards15911
James Leare13531David Lightfoot14700
Lucas Summers11641David J Archer14280
Karen Charles1Half Point Bye0
Nicholas Deacon1529½Half Point Bye½
Sofia Syed15190Default1

Round 6

The two players half a point behind Edward Burton had to win their games to have any chance of winning the championship. Paul Collis was held to a draw by Michael Eason but Freddie Christou-Moore beat Edward Burton in their top board clash. This meant that Freddie won the tournament and the Parsons Cup as best Hampshire player with his 5 points. He managed 4 wins, one draw and his first round bye.

Michael Eason and Edward Burton shared 2nd place with 4½ points. The under 1450 prize was won by Ben Hermanns with 4 points.

Freddie Christou-Moore15901Edward Burton15270
Paul S Collis1523½Michael Eason1584½
Itmam Ekram½Christopher Budden1512½
Kenneth Jardine1565½John E Davis1436½
Rosamund Hale1445½Oliver J Ward1550½
Oscar Jackman17190Nicholas Deacon15291
William Purle14990Ben Hermanns14391
Jacob Carr14321Harshal Kulkarni14010
Nicholas Morris15670Alikhan Menseitov14911
Graham PW Payne1412½David Purle1256½
Oliver Williamson15971Steven R Charles14640
Philip Tarrant-Edwards15911James Leare13530
Ekramul Basher1Kian King15080
Lucas Summers1164½Karen Charles½
David Lightfoot14700James Best13061
David J Archer14281Half Point Bye0
Sofia Syed151901
Aiden Graham125901

Final Table

The final table is below, but additional details are also on the LMS system. The results are also on the ECF rating system.

No.NameRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Freddie Christou-Moore½ (w )1 (b21)1 (w5)½ (w6)1 (b8)1 (w3)5
2Michael Eason1 (w10)1 (b17)1 (w19)0 (b3)1 (w11)½ (b5)
3Edward Burton1 (w18)1 (b22)1 (w4)1 (w2)½ (b6)0 (b1)
4Nicholas Deacon1 (b26)1 (w13)0 (b3)½ (w18)½ (w )1 (b22)4
5Paul S Collis1 (b27)1 (w7)0 (b1)½ (w )1 (w19)½ (w2)4
6Christopher Budden1 (w24)½ (b11)1 (w14)½ (b1)½ (w3)½ (b7)4
7Itmam Ekram1 (w33)0 (b5)½ (w9)1 (b31)1 (w14)½ (w6)4
8Ben Hermanns½ (w )1 (b16)1 (w31)½ (b11)0 (w1)1 (b19)4
9Rosamund Hale0 (b15)1 (w27)½ (b7)1 (w32)½ (b18)½ (w12)
10John E Davis0 (b2)1 (w25)½ (b15)½ (w )1 (w20)½ (b11)
11Kenneth Jardine1 (b30)½ (w6)1 (b28)½ (w8)0 (b2)½ (w10)
12Oliver J Ward0 (w17)1 (b24)0 (w20)1 (b27)1 (w21)½ (b9)
13Alikhan Menseitov1 (w20)0 (b4)1 (w22)0 (b19)½ (w17)1 (b23)
14Jacob Carr½ (w )1 (w32)0 (b6)1 (w15)0 (b7)1 (w18)
15Oliver Williamson1 (w9)0 (b19)½ (w10)0 (b14)½ (b25)1 (w28)3
16Philip Tarrant-Edwards½ (b23)0 (w8)½ (b21)0 (w25)1 (b24)1 (w27)3
17Graham PW Payne1 (b12)0 (w2)0 (b32)1 (w23)½ (b13)½ (w20)3
18Harshal Kulkarni0 (b3)1 (w )1 (w33)½ (b4)½ (w9)0 (b14)3
19William Purle1 (b25)1 (w15)0 (b2)1 (w13)0 (b5)0 (w8)3
20David Purle0 (b13)1 (w30)1 (b12)½ (w28)0 (b10)½ (b17)3
21Ekramul Basher½ (b28)0 (w1)½ (w16)1 (b33)0 (b12)1 (w32)3
22Oscar Jackman1 (w )0 (w3)0 (b13)1 (w29)1 (b28)0 (w4)3
23Nicholas Morris½ (w16)0 (b31)1 (w29)0 (b17)1 (b32)0 (w13)
24James Best0 (b6)0 (w12)1 (b26)½ (w )0 (w16)1 (b33)
25Aiden Graham0 (w19)0 (b10)1 (w )1 (b16)½ (w15)0 (w )
26Karen Charles0 (w4)0 (b33)0 (w24)½ (w30)1 (w )½ (b29)2
27James Leare0 (w5)0 (b9)1 (b30)0 (w12)1 (w33)0 (b16)2
28Steven R Charles½ (w21)1 (b29)0 (w11)½ (b20)0 (w22)0 (b15)2
29Lucas Summers½ (w )0 (w28)0 (b23)0 (b22)1 (w30)½ (w26)2
30David J Archer0 (w11)0 (b20)0 (w27)½ (b26)0 (b29)1 (w )
31Sofia Syed½ (w )1 (w23)0 (b8)0 (w7)0 (w )0 (w )
32Kian King½ (w )0 (b14)1 (w17)0 (b9)0 (w23)0 (b21)
33David Lightfoot0 (b7)1 (w26)0 (b18)0 (w21)0 (b27)0 (w24)1


The Minor was a successful competition with many hard fought games. Edward Burton was unlucky that after his great start he fell just short at the end, but hats off to Freddie Christou-Moore for winning both Sunday games to take the title.

Rosamund Hale scored 3½ points to share the Gillian Moore Cup with Helen Archer-Lock for the highest scoring Hampshire lady in the Congress.

I always think the Minor is the hardest tournament to call, as to who will win. Normally talented juniors do very well and soon move up the ranks, this can be seen from the 2016 Minor where a certain Shreyas Royal won. But it is also where the local club members play year in and year out, and every now and again one will have a great tournament to win.

I would not expect to see players such as the top 3 in this year competition play in many minors going forward, but we hope to see them entering the Hampshire Major or Open to pit their wits against stronger players.

All photographs are in the Hampshire Gallery, but I have included a few from the Minor. There was a mix up with the winner of the Parsons Cup which is why this was presented to Edward Burton and not Freddie Christou-Moore. To apologise I did buy the University Team a round when they were at Chandler’s Ford for the Southampton Chess League match the following week.

HCA Vice President Report

The Hampshire Vice President produced a press release on the congress, which is below.

Acknowledgements and sources:
  • Peter Eales for HCA Press Release
  • Peter Eales and Martin Simons for photographs

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