Hampshire Chess Championship 2015 – Major

The 2015 Hampshire Chess Championship was held at Eastleigh College between 6th and 8th November 2015. It was split into 3 sections with in total 58 players participating. The Major tournament saw Matthew Wilson retain his title. He would go on to win the championship again in 2019.

Picture above of Raj Pentakota who won the Peter Marshall Cup for best performance by a Hampshire player in the Major section.


For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written, the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.


The Hampshire Major was for players graded under 160, and with 23 players starting this was the largest section of the three in the Congress. There were a number of strong local players including Gareth Jones, Raj Pentakota and Les Allen, but current champion Matthew Wilson was probably favourite going into the competition.

Round 1

Matthew Wilson first round was against Southampton’s Dave Agostinelli, who can be a dangerous player. But Dave made an unlikely blunder losing a piece at which stage the game was really over.

Southampton Chess club’s Paul Hurn accepted the Morra Gambit pawn, but as can happen Black made one mistake and White soon has a great attack. Black did get back into the game, but could not quite turn around his position and White converted the game.

David R Agostinelli1360Matthew R Wilson1591
Gareth Aneurin Jones1590Ian G Matthew1381
John B Symons1410Leslie C Allen1591
Alex Conway148½Mark R Stone128½
Richard E Desmedt1521Paul AT Hurn1360
Christopher Smith1271Robin Williams1420
Kevin Sawers1271Phil T Foley1420
Gillian A Moore1391John R Sellen1270
Rajasekhar PentakotaUG1Controller Bye
Gavin FongUG½Bye
Frazer Graham117½Bye
John Belinger142½Bye
Alexander Cagnasso137½Bye
Paul Northcott135½Bye
Joseph Allin130½Bye

Round 2

Just two players moved onto maximum points with Matthew Wilson beating Kevin Sawers and the unrated Raj Pentakota doing the same to Christopher Smith. Christopher can consider himself a bit unlucky as he blundered in a very drawish position.

Meanwhile Matthew Wilson played a closed Sicilian. Kevin made a mistake in not playing Bd4+ on move 14 as this would allow him to play f5 on move 15. Due to this Matthew was able to play f5 and Black was soon struggling.

Finally the finish to the Alex Conway – Fraser Graham game. The improving Fraser showed he was a threat to the top seeds, despite only being graded 117.

Matthew R Wilson1591Kevin Sawers1270
Ian G Matthew138½Richard E Desmedt152½
Rajasekhar PentakotaUG1Christopher Smith1270
Leslie C Allen159½Gillian A Moore139½
Frazer Graham1171Alex Conway1480
Mark R Stone128½John Belinger142½
Paul Northcott1350Alexander Cagnasso1371
Gavin FongUG1Joseph Allin1300
Phil T Foley1421Paul AT Hurn1360
John R Sellen1271John B Symons1410
Gareth Aneurin Jones159½Bye
Robin Williams142½Bye
David R Agostinelli136½Bye

Round 3

With just the two players on maximum points they clashed in round 3. The game looks to have been level for all the moves Arthur Brameld could decipher, but Matthew prevailed and took home the point. The position below is the last one available at move 46 and the computer has this as 0.0. Although White has the two Bishops, Blacks Knight is very good.

Richard Desmedt played another Morra Gambit, and this was an exciting tussle, with good play on both sides. This time he came out on the losing side, with Frazer Graham defending well, and taking his chances when Richard blundered, in what was likely time trouble.

Matthew R Wilson1591Rajasekhar PentakotaUG0
John Belinger142½Ian G Matthew138½
Alexander Cagnasso137½Leslie C Allen159½
Gillian A Moore1390Gavin FongUG1
Richard E Desmedt1520Frazer Graham1171
Christopher Smith1270Phil T Foley1421
Kevin Sawers127½John R Sellen127½
Joseph Allin130½Gareth Aneurin Jones159½
Alex Conway1481David R Agostinelli1360
Robin Williams1421Paul Northcott1350
Paul AT Hurn136½John B Symons141½
Mark R Stone128½Bye

Round 4

Matthew Wilson was the only player on maximum points, with Gavin Fong and Frazer Graham only half a point behind. Gavin Fong was the player who had the upfloat, whilst Frazer Graham had a downfloat to face Alexander Cagnasso.

The board one game was drawn after 50 moves (unless others were not recorded) and the final position seemed to have a small advantage for Matthew, being a pawn up. This is not an easy position to convert, so a draw was not unexpected.

Frazer Graham took advantage of a unwise pawn push by Black, who then decided to sacrifice a piece. Although Black did have a temporary piece sacrifice he could have played, which would have made the position equal (but not drawn). Once Black had missed this, his position soon collapsed.

This win meant Frazer Graham joined Matthew Wilson in the lead, with Phil Foley and Raj Pentakota also winning these two players joined Gavin Fong half a point behind the two leaders.

Gavin FongUG½Matthew R Wilson159½
Frazer Graham1171Alexander Cagnasso1370
Phil T Foley1421Richard E Desmedt1520
Ian G Matthew1380Rajasekhar PentakotaUG1
Gareth Aneurin Jones1591Christopher Smith1270
Mark R Stone1281Robin Williams1420
David R Agostinelli1360Paul Northcott1351
John Belinger1421Controller Bye
Joseph Allin130½Bye
John R Sellen127½Bye
Leslie C Allen159½Bye
Alex Conway148½Bye
Gillian A Moore139½Bye
Kevin Sawers127½Bye
John B Symons141½Bye
Paul AT Hurn136½Bye

Round 5

The two leaders clashed on Sunday morning with Matthew coming out on top, although both players could have won the game at different stages. The ending reached, was a very difficult one and understandably both players went wrong. This could all have been stopped if Frazer had played 32… Qd4 when White was either losing a Rook or being mated.

Raj Pentakota decided to sacrifice a pawn in a Queen and double Rook ending, the advantage being he had a very dangerous advanced pawn. Phil Foley tried to blockade the pawn, but he would have been better off pushing one of his own passed pawns. By blockading he allowed a tactical sequence which would have seen White’s pawn promote and he had to resign.

Matthew R Wilson1591Frazer Graham1170
Rajasekhar PentakotaUG1Phil T Foley1420
Leslie C Allen159½Gavin FongUG½
Ian G Matthew138½Mark R Stone128½
John R Sellen1270Alex Conway1481
Gillian A Moore139½Gareth Aneurin Jones159½
Robin Williams1421Kevin Sawers1270
Paul AT Hurn1361John Belinger1420
Christopher Smith1270David R Agostinelli1361

Round 6

Matthew Wilson was on 4½ points, with Raj Pentakota half a point behind. Gavin Fong and Frazer Graham were on 3½. These were the only players in contention for the top prize, and Matthew would have had the best tie-break if there was a tie.

With this in mind it was not a surprise that his game ended in a 9 move draw against Alex Conway. Gavin Fong and Raj Pentakoka also had a short draw (13 moves). As mentioned the Hampshire Trophies can come into play and Matthew was not a Hampshire player, therefore this drawn meant Raj was the winner of the Peter Marshall trophy as Frazer Graham lost to Southampton’s Les Allen.

This must have been a disappointing finish to Frazer’s tournament, as with a few minor changes he could have been challenging for the top place. But Frazer had a great tournament, coming in with the lowest rating, and he could have easily played in the minor, if he did not want the challenge of the Major section.

John Bellinger played a very nice game against Dave Agostinelli’s Nimzowitsch’s Defence. This can be a difficult opening to play although some local players manage this task (David Pye and Dave Holmes). I think subsequently Dave has played g6 against e4 rather than b6 and with much better success.

Alex Conway148½Matthew R Wilson159½
Gavin FongUG½Rajasekhar PentakotaUG½
Frazer Graham1170Leslie C Allen1591
Phil T Foley1421Gillian A Moore1390
Robin Williams142½Ian G Matthew138½
Gareth Aneurin Jones1591Mark R Stone1280
Kevin Sawers127½Paul AT Hurn136½
John Belinger1421David R Agostinelli1360
Christopher 1271Controller Bye


All the games from the Major games can be downloaded here.

Major Final Position Summary

Matthew Wilson finished half a point ahead of Raj Pentakota (who won the Peter Marshall Cup). Phil Foley, Gavin Fong and Les Allen finished in joint third. Raj was unrated in this tournament, but can now been found playing in the Open’s as rating is normally around 2000.

Frazer Graham won the U140 grading prize with his 3½ points. Frazer is another player whose last rating was over 1950.

If you played in the tournament and have any personal memories to share, or annotated games, please do let me know.

The information has been obtained from the ECF rating site crosstable, which does not take into account byes therefore the rankings do not match the final real positions. But to amend this I would have to recreate the numbers for each player, which I have not done. But the table can be sorted to allow you to do this.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Matthew R Wilson15921+13+4+3=7+8=5
2Phil T Foley14213–15+19+16+4–12+4
3Gavin Fongbye =23+12+1=5=4=4
4Rajasekhar Pentakotabye +19+1–6+2+3=4.5
5Leslie C Allen15922+12=17=bye =3=7+4
6Ian G Matthew1389+16=14=4–10=11=3
7Frazer Graham117bye =8+16+17+1–5–3.5
8Alex Conway14810=7–21+bye =18+1=3.5
9Gareth Aneurin Jones1596–bye =23=19+12=10+3.5
10Mark R Stone1288=14=bye =11+6=9–3
11Robin Williams14219–bye =20+10–13+6=3
12Gillian A Moore13918+5=3–bye =9=2–2.5
13Kevin Sawers1272+1–18=bye =11–15=2.5
14John Belinger142bye =10=6=bye +15–21+3.5
15Paul AT Hurn13616–2–22=bye =14+13=2.5
16Richard E Desmedt15215+6=7–2–001.5
17Alexander Cagnasso137bye =20+5=7–002
18John R Sellen12712–22+13=bye =8–02
19Christopher Smith12711+4–2–9–21–bye +2
20Paul Northcott135bye =17–11–21+001.5
21David R Agostinelli1361–bye =8–20–19+14–1.5
22John B Symons1415–18–15=bye =001
23Joseph Allin130bye =3–9=bye =001.5

HCA Summary

Hampshire’s Chess Association Secretary’s John Wheeler’s report on the 2015 Congress is below. Many thanks to John for sending all his reports for the HCA Archives, as although I had some of these, not being active in the HCA (or any Chess at this time I did not have this one).

Acknowledgements and Sources

  • Hampshire Chess Archives
  • British Chess Rating System
  • John Wheeler
  • Kev Lamb for photos
  • Arthur Brameld for games

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