The 2014 Hampshire Chess Championship was held at Eastleigh College between 7th and 9th November 2014. It was split into 3 sections with in total 63 players participating. The Major section saw Matthew Wilson win ahead of a number of Hampshire players.
Picture above of the playing hall from 2013, as no photos were taken in 2014. This gives a good representation of the congress at Eastleigh College.
For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written, the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.
The Hampshire Individual Chess Championship has used numerous formats in the last 90 odd years, from the Knockout format in 1930, qualifying sections e.g. 1932 to the current Swiss tournament held over three days. The format used for the 2014 Championship was a six round Swiss. Non Hampshire players were welcome to enter, but were not eligible for the Hampshire trophies.
Round 1
A few upsets in the first round, with probably Southampton’s David Murchie beating a young Paul Northcott (probably under 11). These days Paul is rated in excess of 2000 and plays board 2 for Hamble A. Coming into the tournament Paul had won the U120 Castle Chess Minor and was probably hoping to clean up in this tournament as well.
Michael Pope was held to a draw by the super solid Tony Roberts, as was John Davis by Stephen Gow (another player who improved since this tournament). These with John Carr holding Stephen Kitley were the other slight upsets in this round.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Derek D Priestley | 122 | 1 | Gabriel Tshabango | 106 | 0 |
Don Creasey | 105 | 0 | James A Barnett | 120 | 1 |
Tony D Roberts | 101 | ½ | Michael R Pope | 121 | ½ |
Cornelius J Cornes | 121 | 1 | Brian V Cochran | 105 | 0 |
Jerry Ingamells | 107 | 0 | Timothy S Allen | 121 | 1 |
John E Davis | 120 | ½ | Stephen Gow | 104 | ½ |
Stephen P Kitley | 118 | ½ | John W Carr | 101 | ½ |
Paul Northcott | 115 | 0 | David T Murchie | 96 | 1 |
James Wallman | 109 | 1 | Wendy Carr | 0 | |
Nick R Egleton | 0 | Tim G Cutter | 117 | 1 | |
David Jerome | 78 | 0 | Colin J Gardiner | 114 | 1 |
Joseph Ingram | ½ | Bye | |||
Alexander Cagnasso | 122 | ½ | Bye |
Round 2
Two players moved onto maximum points, with James Barnett beating David Murchie and James Wallman taking down the higher rated Timothy Allen. Very early days as there were seven players half a point behind
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Tim G Cutter | 117 | ½ | Derek D Priestley | 122 | ½ |
James A Barnett | 120 | 1 | David T Murchie | 96 | 0 |
James Wallman | 109 | 1 | Timothy S Allen | 121 | 0 |
Colin J Gardiner | 114 | ½ | Cornelius J Cornes | 121 | ½ |
Michael R Pope | 121 | 1 | Joseph Ingram | 0 | |
Alexander Cagnasso | 122 | 1 | Tony D Roberts | 101 | 0 |
John W Carr | 101 | ½ | John E Davis | 120 | ½ |
Stephen Gow | 104 | 0 | Stephen P Kitley | 118 | 1 |
Jerry Ingamells | 107 | 1 | David Jerome | 78 | 0 |
Gabriel Tshabango | 106 | 0 | Don Creasey | 105 | 1 |
Brian V Cochran | 105 | 0 | Nick R Egleton | 1 | |
Wendy Carr | 0 | Paul Northcott | 115 | 1 |
Round 3
The two players on maximum points met and James Barnett won the battle of the “James” by defeating James Wallman with Black. This obviously meant he was in sole first place with 3 points and had a half point bye for the fourth round. Alexander Cagnasso, who took a bye in the first round beat Stephen Kitley to be the only player half a point behind, with a further 8 players on two points.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
James Wallman | 109 | 0 | James A Barnett | 120 | 1 |
Cornelius J Cornes | 121 | ½ | Michael R Pope | 121 | ½ |
Derek D Priestley | 122 | ½ | Colin J Gardiner | 114 | ½ |
John E Davis | 120 | ½ | Tim G Cutter | 117 | ½ |
Stephen P Kitley | 118 | 0 | Alexander Cagnasso | 122 | 1 |
Don Creasey | 105 | 0 | Nick R Egleton | 1 | |
Paul Northcott | 115 | ½ | John W Carr | 101 | ½ |
Brian V Cochran | 105 | 1 | Gabriel Tshabango | 106 | 0 |
David T Murchie | 96 | 1 | Stephen Gow | 104 | 0 |
Joseph Ingram | 1 | Tony D Roberts | 101 | 0 | |
Wendy Carr | 1 | Controlller Bye | |||
Jerry Ingamells | 107 | ½ | Bye | ||
Timothy S Allen | 121 | ½ | Bye | ||
David Jerome | 78 | Withdrawn |
Round 4
Five players took a half point bye for the Saturday evening. Andreq Cagnasso drew level with James Barnett by coming out on top against David Priestly. Colin Gardiner and Michael Pope also won to finish round four on three points. The other winners were Paul Northcott, Stephen Gow and Don Creasy.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Alexander Cagnasso | 122 | 1 | Derek D Priestley | 122 | 0 |
Colin J Gardiner | 114 | 1 | David T Murchie | 96 | 0 |
Tim G Cutter | 117 | ½ | Cornelius J Cornes | 121 | ½ |
Michael R Pope | 121 | 1 | James Wallman | 109 | 0 |
John W Carr | 101 | ½ | Timothy S Allen | 121 | ½ |
Jerry Ingamells | 107 | 0 | Paul Northcott | 115 | 1 |
Stephen Gow | 104 | 1 | Gabriel Tshabango | 106 | 0 |
Brian V Cochran | 105 | 0 | Joseph Ingram | 1 | |
Don Creasey | 105 | 1 | Wendy Carr | 0 | |
Nick R Egleton | ½ | Bye | |||
John E Davis | 120 | ½ | Bye | ||
Stephen P Kitley | 118 | ½ | Bye | ||
James A Barnett | 120 | ½ | Bye | ||
Tony D Roberts | 101 | ½ | Bye |
Round 5
The top board was between the two players on three and half points, whilst Michael Pope took a bye in the morning and therefore Paul Northcott had the upfloat to play Colin Gardiner. James Barnett won the board one game, whilst Colin Gardiner beat Paul. This meant these two winners would be paired for the final round.
The other winners in this round were Cornelius Cornes, James Wallman, Tim Cutter, David Muchie, Tony Roberts and Gabriel Tshabango.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
James A Barnett | 120 | 1 | Alexander Cagnasso | 122 | 0 |
Paul Northcott | 115 | 0 | Colin J Gardiner | 114 | 1 |
Nick R Egleton | 0 | Cornelius J Cornes | 121 | 1 | |
James Wallman | 109 | 1 | John E Davis | 120 | 0 |
Tim G Cutter | 117 | 1 | Joseph Ingram | 0 | |
Stephen Gow | 104 | 0 | Jerry Ingamells | 107 | 1 |
Derek D Priestley | 122 | ½ | John W Carr | 101 | ½ |
Timothy S Allen | 121 | 0 | Don Creasey | 105 | 1 |
David T Murchie | 96 | 1 | Stephen P Kitley | 118 | 0 |
Tony D Roberts | 101 | 1 | Brian V Cochran | 105 | 0 |
Gabriel Tshabango | 106 | 1 | Wendy Carr | 0 | |
Michael R Pope | 121 | ½ | Bye |
Round 6
James Barnett managed to secure a draw with Black against Colin Gardiner which meant he won the Minor section of the Hampshire Congress. Colin Gardiner was joined in 2nd place by Michael Pope who bet Tim Cutter. David Murchie lost to Jerry Ingamells, but could be consoled by winning the Under-100 grading prize.
Player | Grade | Result | Player | Grade | Result |
Colin J Gardiner | 114 | ½ | James A Barnett | 120 | ½ |
Cornelius J Cornes | 121 | ½ | Alexander Cagnasso | 122 | ½ |
Don Creasey | 105 | 0 | James Wallman | 109 | 1 |
Michael R Pope | 121 | 1 | Tim G Cutter | 117 | 0 |
Nick R Egleton | 0 | Derek D Priestley | 122 | 1 | |
Jerry Ingamells | 107 | 1 | David T Murchie | 96 | 0 |
Timothy S Allen | 121 | 0 | Stephen Gow | 104 | 1 |
John E Davis | 120 | ½ | Stephen P Kitley | 118 | ½ |
John W Carr | 101 | ½ | Joseph Ingram | ½ | |
Gabriel Tshabango | 106 | 1 | Tony D Roberts | 101 | 0 |
Brian V Cochran | 105 | 1 | Wendy Carr | 0 | |
Paul Northcott | 115 | 0 | Withdrawn |
No games from the Minor section.
Minor Final Position Summary
As per the HCA Secretary John Wheeler’s report the Minor Section produced a close-fought contest, but James Barnett managed to hold on to a small lead to the end of the tournament. Colin Gardiner and Michael Pope shared 2nd place, and the Under-100 grading prize went to David Murchie.
As the basis of this is from the ECF rating site crosstable, which does not take into account byes the rankings do not match the final real positions. But to amend this I would have to recreate the numbers for each player, which I have not done. But the table can be sorted to allow you to do this.
Rank | Name | Grade | Rd 1 | Rd 2 | Rd 3 | Rd 4 | Rd 5 | Rd 6 | Score |
1 | Colin J Gardiner | 114 | 24+ | 3= | 7= | 9+ | 13+ | 2= | 4.5 |
2 | James A Barnett | 120 | 11+ | 9+ | 4+ | bye = | 8+ | 1= | 5 |
3 | Cornelius J Cornes | 121 | 19+ | 1= | 5= | 6= | 16+ | 8= | 4 |
4 | James Wallman | 109 | 23+ | 21+ | 2– | 5– | 18+ | 11+ | 4 |
5 | Michael R Pope | 121 | 22= | 14+ | 3= | 4+ | bye = | 6+ | 4.5 |
6 | Tim G Cutter | 117 | 16+ | 7= | 18= | 3= | 14+ | 5– | 3.5 |
7 | Derek D Priestley | 122 | 20+ | 6= | 1= | 8– | 10= | 16+ | 3.5 |
8 | Alexander Cagnasso | 122 | bye = | 22+ | 17+ | 7+ | 2– | 3= | 4 |
9 | David T Murchie | 96 | 13+ | 2– | 15+ | 1– | 17+ | 12– | 3 |
10 | John W Carr | 101 | 17= | 18= | 13= | 21= | 7= | 14= | 3 |
11 | Don Creasey | 105 | 2– | 20+ | 16– | 23+ | 21+ | 4– | 3 |
12 | Jerry Ingamells | 107 | 21– | 24+ | bye = | 13– | 15+ | 9+ | 3.5 |
13 | Paul Northcott | 115 | 9– | 23+ | 10= | 12+ | 1– | 0 | 2.5 |
14 | Joseph Ingram | bye = | 5– | 22+ | 19+ | 6– | 10= | 3 | |
15 | Stephen Gow | 104 | 18= | 17– | 9– | 20+ | 12– | 21+ | 2.5 |
16 | Nick R Egleton | 6– | 19+ | 11+ | bye = | 3– | 7– | 2.5 | |
17 | Stephen P Kitley | 118 | 10= | 15+ | 8– | bye = | 9– | 18= | 2.5 |
18 | John E Davis | 120 | 15= | 10= | 6= | bye = | 4– | 17= | 2.5 |
19 | Brian V Cochran | 105 | 3– | 16– | 20+ | 14– | 22– | 23+ | 2 |
20 | Gabriel Tshabango | 106 | 7– | 11– | 19– | 15– | 23+ | 22+ | 2 |
21 | Timothy S Allen | 121 | 12+ | 4– | bye = | 10= | 11– | 15– | 2 |
22 | Tony D Roberts | 101 | 5= | 8– | 14– | bye = | 19+ | 20– | 2 |
23 | Wendy Carr | 4– | 13– | bye + | 11– | 20– | 19– | 1 | |
24 | David Jerome | 78 | 1– | 12– | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
HCA Summary
Hampshire’s Chess Association Secretary’s John Wheeler’s report on the 2014 Congress is below. Many thanks to John for sending all his reports for the HCA Archives, as although I had some of these, not being active in the HCA (or any Chess at this time I did not have this one).
Acknowledgements and Sources
- Hampshire Chess Archives
- English Chess Rating System
- John Wheeler for HCA Report