Hampshire Individual Chess Championship 2005

The Hampshire Congress incorporating the Hampshire Individual Championship was held at Eastleigh College the weekend of 12th November 2005. The numbers in the Open were the same as 2004, with 20 players fighting to win the title. In the Under 125 tournament there was a drop in numbers from 26 to 23. I will produce a separate article for that tournament (won by Ken Retallack)

Tony Corkett was back to defend the title which he had won for the last two years. This year he had an even more impressive rating of 216, which was 25 points higher than the next graded player (John Wheeler). The tournament included other ex Hampshire champions, Michael Yeo, Dominic Tunks and Jeremy Fraser-Mitchell.

Picture at the top is of Tony Corkett holding the Silver Rook from 2004 (as none taken from 2005).

For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.

Open – Round 1

Three players took a bye in the first round and Fraser McLeod had a full point bye due to the odd number of players. It would be good to report on an upset from the first round, but all the higher rated players won their games.

1Khaled Esmat1550Anthony R Corkett2161
2John F Wheeler1911Rajeev P Raghavanug0
3Thomas R Anderson1520Michael J Yeo1861
4Gavin R Lock1851Richard D Perrin1470
5Graham Stuart1400David A Cordner1731
6Jeremy N Fraser-Mitchell1751Richard H Edney1440
7Leslie C Allen1450Dominic R Tunks1811
8Gillian A Moore1250Michael J Ashdown1691
9Fraser N McLeod1591Controller Bye
10Mark V Abbott152½Bye
11Peter T Roberson187½Bye
12Peter A jnr Williams133½Bye
Round 1 Games

Open – Round 2

The second round already brought two previous champions together, with Tony Corkett and Jeremy Fraser Mitchell facing off. Tony had annotated this game for the original Hampshire Chess Website but there were issues trying to convert the extensive commentary, for this reason I have added a Stockfish annotated game. with some of the original comments. This may be a messy way to show the game, but needs must sometimes.

1Anthony R Corkett2161Jeremy N Fraser-Mitchell1750
2Michael J Yeo1861Fraser N McLeod1590
3Michael J Ashdown169½Gavin R Lock185½
4David A Cordner1731John F Wheeler1910
5Dominic R Tunks1811Peter T Roberson1870
6Mark V Abbott152½Peter A jnr Williams133½
7Rajeev P Raghavanug0Khaled Esmat1551
8Richard D Perrin147½Graham Stuart140½
9Gillian A Moore125½Leslie C Allen145½
10Richard H Edney1440Thomas R Anderson1521
Round 2

All the games from round 2 are below.

Open – Round 3

Another clash of ex champions took place in round three with Tony Corkett facing Dominic Tunks. This was a short but complex game.

Meanwhile Fraser McLeod found a nice temporary Queen sacrifice to help convert his winning position against future champion (2011) Peter Williams.

1Anthony R Corkett2161Dominic R Tunks1810
2David A Cordner173½Michael J Yeo186½
3Jeremy N Fraser-Mitchell1750Gavin R Lock1851
4John F Wheeler191½Michael J Ashdown169½
5Khaled Esmat1551Thomas R Anderson1520
6Fraser N McLeod1591Peter A jnr Williams1330
7Graham Stuart140½Gillian A Moore125½
8Mark V Abbott1520Richard D Perrin1471
9Peter T Roberson1871Leslie C Allen1450
10Rajeev P Raghavanug½Richard H Edney144½
Round 3 Games

All the games from round 3 are below.

The scores at the end of round three were:

Open Round 3 Table
Tony Corkett3
Michael Yeo
Gavin Lock
David Cordner

Open – Round 4

The clash of previous Hampshire Champions continued with Michael Yeo facing Tony Corkett. This was the Saturday evening round and a number of players took a bye. Tony Corkett came out of top against Michael Yeo and the game can be played through below the table. The other two players half a point behind had the evening bye which meant Tony went into round 5 a point ahead of this rivals.

1Michael J Yeo1860Anthony R Corkett2161
2Dominic R Tunks1810Khaled Esmat1551
3Peter A jnr Williams1331Peter T Roberson1870
4Michael J Ashdown169½Mark V Abbott152½
Round 4

All the games from round 4 are below.

Open – Round 5

After beating the other three ex-champions in the previous rounds Tony Corkett now had to face a non ex champion. David Cordner did what the other players had failed to do, and held Tony to a draw, and this was playing with the Black pieces to boot.

This was not a quick draw by Tony to maintain his lead, but a 70 move game which was completely drawn in the final position.

I decided to look at Les Allen’s game from this round. Les was a stalwart of the Hampshire Chess scene and is sorely missed after his early passing. He was not having a great tournament with two losses, one draw and a half point bye. But playing his beloved Trompowsky he soon tied his opponent up in knots and won in under 30 moves.

1Anthony R Corkett216½David A Cordner173½
2Michael J Yeo1861Michael J Ashdown1690
3Gavin R Lock1851Khaled Esmat1550
4Peter T Roberson1871Fraser N McLeod1590
5Richard D Perrin1470Dominic R Tunks1811
6Thomas R Anderson152½John F Wheeler191½
7Mark V Abbott152½Graham Stuart140½
8Gillian A Moore1250Jeremy N Fraser-Mitchell1751
9Richard H Edney1440Peter A jnr Williams1331
10Leslie C Allen1451Rajeev P Raghavanug0
Round 5 Games

All the games from round 5 are below.

Going into the last round Tony Corkett led by half a point from Gavin Lock who had beaten Khaled Esmat in this round. Three players were a further half point behind, but the tie-break would not be in their favour from any result in the Lock vs Corkett game.

Open – Round 6

In the final round Gavin Lock had to beat Tony Corkett to win the tournament, whereas if Tony avoided defeat he would take home the Silver Rook again. The game ended in a quick 9 move draw which meant Tony was Hampshire Champion again. Gavin was joined in 2nd place by Michael Yeo who beat Dominic Tunks. The final position in this game saw some very advanced pawns!

This was Tony’s 7th Hampshire Championship title although it would be another nine years until he managed to win his 8th title, although he did not play in many in this period.

1Gavin R Lock185½Anthony R Corkett216½
2Dominic R Tunks1810Michael J Yeo1861
3David A Cordner173½Peter T Roberson187½
4Michael J Ashdown169½Leslie C Allen145½
5Khaled Esmat1550John F Wheeler1911
6Thomas R Anderson1520Mark V Abbott1521
7Graham Stuart140½Richard H Edney144½
8Peter A jnr Williams133½Gillian A Moore125½
9Rajeev P Raghavanug½Richard D Perrin147½
Round 6 Games

All the games from round 6 are below.

Open Final Position Summary

The prize winners of the Open Tournament were:

  • 1st Tony Corkett (5) Silver Rook and Hampshire Individual Championship
  • 2nd Michael Yeo and Gavin Lock (4½)
  • 3rd David Cordner & Peter Roberson
  • U160 Khaled Esmat (Len Walters Trophy) & Mark Abbott 3
  • U140 Peter Williams (Peter Marshall Cup)

As the basis of this is from the ECF grading site, which does not take into account byes the rankings do not match the final real positions. But to amend this I would have to recreate the numbers for each player, which I have not done. But the table can be sorted to allow you to do this.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Anthony R Corkett2168+11+6+2+4=3=5
2Michael J Yeo18616+18+4=1–7+6+
3Gavin R Lock18512+7=11+bye =8+1=
4David A Cordner17313+9+2=bye =1=5=4
5Peter T Roberson187bye =6–15+14+18+4=4
6Dominic R Tunks18115+5+1–8–12+2–3
7Michael J Ashdown16917+3=9=10=2–15=3
8Khaled Esmat1551–19+16+6+3–9–3
9John F Wheeler19119+4–7=bye =16=8+
10Mark V Abbott152bye =14=12–7=13=16+3
11Jeremy N Fraser-Mitchell17520+1–3–bye =17+Wdrw
12Richard D Perrin1473–13=10+bye =6–19=
13Graham Stuart1404–12=17=bye =10=20=
14Peter A jnr Williams133bye =10=18–5–20+17=
15Leslie C Allen1456–17=5–bye =19+7=
16Thomas R Anderson1522–20+8–bye =9=10–2
17Gillian A Moore1257–15=13=bye =11–14=2
18Fraser N McLeod159bye +2–14+bye =5–Wdrw
19Rajeev P Raghavan9–8–20=bye =15–12=
20Richard H Edney14411–16–19=bye =14–13=


All the games from the Open Congress are available for download or to be played through online.


No photographs from the 2005 Hampshire Chess Congress.

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