Hampshire Chess Congress 2007 – Minor

The 2007 Hampshire Chess Championship was held at Eastleigh College between 2nd to 4th November 2007. There were two section, an Open and the U125 and in total there were 23 players in the Open and 23 in the U125. This article is on the U125.

The picture above shows winner Simon Roberts. I don’t know Simon, but this looks like he is being presented with the Parsons Cup by the Mayor of Eastleigh RM Smith, so my assumption is that this is him?

Eastleigh Mayors
Eastleigh Mayors


For a list of the winners of the Hampshire Individual Championship and links to any articles I have written, the table on the Hampshire Individual Championship is the best place to look. In addition, the table on the Hampshire Tournaments will detail these and any other tournament articles I have completed. Both of these are available from the menu at the top of the site as well.


The Hampshire Individual Chess Championship has used numerous formats in the last 90 odd years, from the Knockout format in 1930, qualifying sections e.g. 1932 to the current Swiss tournament held over three days. The format used for the 2007 Championship was a six round Swiss with an Open and U125 section. Non Hampshire players were welcome to enter, but were not eligible for the Hampshire trophies.

In total 23 players entered the U125 section with a number of Hampshire regular and non Hampshire players participating. Only the games from the Open were recorded, therefore I do not have any to add to the article. I am happy to add any if they are supplied.

The time control was 40 moves in 100 minutes followed by a 20-minute quickplay finish.

Round 1

The top seeds dominated in the first round, this is often the case in the Open, but not always the Minor where you can find quickly improving players. Yaney Germen who has a Turkish flag on ECF was playing for Southampton chess club until 2009 beat a graded player, but Yaney’s last published grade from 2009 was 141 indicated that this was not unexpected.

You will see that most rounds in the Minor in the congress were particularly bloodthirsty. All played games in the 1st round were decisive!

Mark R Stone820Andrew P Farthing1161
John M Wiseman1151John W Carr790
James Wallman790Simon Roberts1061
Kevin Sawers1031Keven A Lamb750
Rob Davies800David Fields1031
Trevor A Dickerson990Yanay GermenUG1
David T Murchie861Robert E Treloar990
Tony D Roberts651Stephen J Billett720
Alexander M Gee641Kenneth Sullivan620
John E DavisUG0Richard LargUG1
Ray K Hunt103½Bye
Brian V Cochran90½Bye
John Kooner79½Bye

Round 2

Four players moved onto maximum points, with Andrew Farthing, John Wiseman, Simon Roberts and Kevin Sawers all winning their second played game. Tony Roberts, who had a bye in this round and Ray Hunt, who had the same in the first round were half a point behind these four players.

Again there were no draws from the played games.

Andrew P Farthing1161David T Murchie860
David Fields1030John M Wiseman1151
Simon Roberts1061Alexander M Gee640
Richard LargUG0Kevin Sawers1031
Yanay GermenUG0Ray K Hunt1031
Brian V Cochran901John Kooner790
John W Carr791Mark R Stone820
Kenneth Sullivan621James Wallman790
Keven A Lamb751John E DavisUG0
Stephen J Billett721Rob Davies800
Trevor A Dickerson991Controller Bye
Tony D Roberts65½Bye
Robert E Treloar99Withdrew

Round 3

The four leaders met, as did the two players who had one and half points. Southampton chess club’s Kevin Sawers beat Andrew Farthing. Andrew is not a local player, but in 2007/08 season he certainly was very active in chess tournaments. By my counting he played in 18 tournaments, but this was his last game in this Hampshire tournament, as he withdrew after this round.

It did not all go Southampton’s chess clubs way though as Simon Roberts who played for Portsmouth chess club beat Southampton’s John Wiseman. John would have come into the tournament as one of the favourites as John was normally graded in excess of 125 most seasons. Ray Hunt beat Tony Roberts in the board three pairing. I played Tony twice in the Southampton league in the 2012/13 season, when Tony was graded higher (113) than at this time. Both my games ended in a draw as he was not an easy player to beat. For this reason, this was a good result by Ray.

This was the first round with actual draws from games played, with three games ending with this result.

Kevin Sawers1031Andrew P Farthing1160
John M Wiseman1150Simon Roberts1061
Ray K Hunt1031Tony D Roberts650
David T Murchie861Brian V Cochran900
Stephen J Billett721David Fields1030
John Kooner790Yanay GermenUG1
Stephen J Billett721David Fields1030
Richard LargUG½John W Carr79½
Keven A Lamb75½Kenneth Sullivan62½
Alexander M Gee64½Trevor A Dickerson99½
Mark R Stone821James Wallman790
John E DavisUG1Controller Bye
Rob Davies80½Bye

Round 4

Simon Roberts and Kevin Sawers were the two players on maximum points and they played in the Saturday evening game. Simon Roberts came out on top, ending the day on four points.

Ray Hunt beat David Murchie, and was in sole 2nd place, half a point behind Simon. Yanay German, who won his game against Stephen Billet moved to three points, which was the same as Kevin Sawers. Six players were just behind on two and a half points.

Simon Roberts1061Kevin Sawers1030
David T Murchie860Ray K Hunt1031
Yanay GermenUG1Stephen J Billett720
Kenneth Sullivan620Richard LargUG1
John W Carr791Alexander M Gee640
Trevor A Dickerson991Tony D Roberts650
Mark R Stone821John Kooner790
Brian V Cochran900Keven A Lamb751
Rob Davies801James Wallman790
John M Wiseman115½Bye
David Fields103½Bye
John E DavisUG½Bye
Andrew P Farthing116Withdrew

Round 5

The board one pairing ended in a draw, which allowed Kevin Sawers, who beat Yanay German to join Ray Hunt half a point behind Simon Roberts in second place. John Carr and John Wiseman were a further half point back beating Keven Lamb and Stephen Billett respectively.

Ray K Hunt103½Simon Roberts106½
Kevin Sawers1031Yanay GermenUG0
Keven A Lamb750John W Carr791
Stephen J Billett720John M Wiseman1151
Mark R Stone820David T Murchie861
Tony D Roberts651Richard LargUG0
Kenneth Sullivan62½Trevor A Dickerson99½
Alexander M Gee641John E DavisUG0
David Fields1031James Wallman790
John Kooner790Rob Davies801
Brian V Cochran901Controller Bye0

Round 6

Simon Roberts drew again, ending in sole first place with four wins and two draws. Ray Hunt and Kevin Sawers also drew their game, and were joined in second place by John Wiseman, who beat Mark Stone.

John W Carr79½Simon Roberts106½
Ray K Hunt103½Kevin Sawers103½
John M Wiseman1151Mark R Stone820
Kenneth Sullivan621Yanay GermenUG0
Trevor A Dickerson991David Fields1030
David T Murchie86½Alexander M Gee64½
Tony D Roberts651Keven A Lamb750
John E DavisUG1Stephen J Billett720
Rob Davies801Brian V Cochran900
James Wallman791John Kooner790
Richard LargUG1Controller Bye0

U125 Final Position Summary

Simon Roberts won the tournament, with the key game probably being his round four win against Kevin Sawers, who had a chance to catch Simon in the last round, but with his game being drawn finished just behind with two other players.

I have written this article based on the details available, which is limited. If you played or have additional comments please do let me know and I will update the article.

The prize winners of the U125 Tournament were:

  • 1st Simon Roberts – 5 points
  • 2nd equal John Wiseman, Kevin Sawers and Ray Hunt – 4½ points
  • The under 100 prize was shared by Trevor Dickerson and John Carr – 4 points.
  • The under 80 prize was won by Ken Sullivan – 4 points

As the basis of this is from the ECF rating site crosstable, which does not take into account byes the rankings do not match the final real positions. But to amend this I would have to recreate the numbers for each player, which I have not done. But the table can be sorted to allow you to do this.

RankNameGradeRd 1Rd 2Rd 3Rd 4Rd 5Rd 6Score
1Simon Roberts10617+8+5+2+3=4=5
2Kevin Sawers10313+19+14+1–7+3=4.5
3Ray K Hunt103bye =7+10+12+1=2=4.5
4John W Carr795–9+19=8+13+1=4
5John M Wiseman1154+16+1–bye =15+9+4.5
6Kenneth Sullivan628–17+13=19+11=7+4
7Yanay Germen11+3–22+15+2–6–3
8Alexander M Gee646+1–11=4–21+12=3
9Mark R Stone8214–4–17+22+12+5–3
10Tony D Roberts6515+bye =3–11–19+13+3.5
11Trevor A Dickerson997–bye +8=10+6=16+4
12David T Murchie8623+14–20+3–9–8=2.5
13Keven A Lamb752–21+6=20+4–10–2.5
14Andrew P Farthing1169+12+2–bye =002.5
15Stephen J Billett7210–18+16+7–5–21–2
16David Fields10318+5–15–bye =17+11–2.5
17James Wallman791–6–9–18+16–22+2
18Rob Davies8016–15–bye =17–22+20+2.5
19Richard Larg21+2–4=6–10–01.5
20Brian V Cochran90bye =22+12–13–bye +18–2.5
21John E Davis19–13–bye +bye =8–15+2.5
22John Kooner79bye =20–7–9–18–17–0.5
23Robert E Treloar9912–000000

Kev Lamb was able to take numerous photos of the Congress which are included below. Additional photos can be found in the 2007 Hampshire Chess Gallery.

HCA Summary

Hampshire’s Chess Association Secretary’s John Wheeler’s report on the 2007 Congress is below. Many thanks to John for sending all his reports for the HCA Archives.

Acknowledgements and Sources

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